Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des oeuvres idéologiques et pratiques du Comité Central du Parti du Travail de Corée et de ses Dirigeants par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

Partei der Arbeit Koreas - kommunistische Partei des Juche-Typs

Artikel des Schweizerischen Vorbereitungskomitees für die Feier der 70. Jahrestage der Gründung der Partei der Arbeit Koreas und der Befreiung Koreas

Der diesjährige 10. Oktober ist in der Geschichte der koreanischen Revolution ein ganz besonders historischer Festtag. An diesem Tag wird der 70. Jahrestag der Gründung der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK) gefeiert.
Die PdAK wurde am 10. Oktober Juche 34 (1945) im gerade erst befreiten Vaterland vom Präsidenten Kim Il Sung gegründet.
Sie entstand aus den Reihen der von ihm bereits in den Jahren des antijapanischen nationalen Befreiungskampfes gegründeten revolutionären Vorläuferorganisationen - dem Verband zur Zerschlagung des Imperialismus (VZI), dem Genossenverein "Konsol" und der Liga für die Wiedergeburt des Vaterlandes (LWV). Sie waren die ersten Parteiorganisationen des Juche-Typs, in denen die Kommunisten der neuen Generation zusammengeschlossen waren.
Aus diesen auf der Juche-Ideologie und der Songun-Idee basierenden Parteiorganisationen bildete Präsident Kim Il Sung zuerst das Zentrale Organisationskomitee der Kommunistischen Partei Nordkoreas.
Die Parteigründung und der Parteiaufbau vollzogen sich in mehreren Etappen. Im August Juche 35 (1946) wurde durch die Vereinigung mit der Neuen Demokratischen Partei Koreas die Partei der Arbeit Nordkoreas gegründet. Im November des gleichen Jahres erfolgte die Gründung der Partei der Arbeit Südkoreas.
An einer gemeinsamen Plenartagung der Zentralkomitees der Parteien der Arbeit Nord- und Südkoreas wurde am 30. Juni Juche 38 (1949) die einheitliche Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK) gegründet. Die PdAK ist eine revolutionäre Massenpartei und die Vorhutpartei der werktätigen Volksmassen.
Die PdAK wurde nach dem Prinzip, zuallererst die Grundorganisationen zu bilden, sie zu erweitern und zu festigen und dann eine Parteizentrale zu schaffen, gegründet. Sie ist eine Massenpartei, der nicht nur eine bestimmte Klasse, sondern die fortschrittlichen Elemente aus den verschiedensten Klassen und Schichten, darunter Arbeiter, Bauern und werktätige Intellektuelle, angehören. Daher besteht das Emblem der PdAK aus Hammer, Sichel und Pinsel. Der Hammer symbolisiert die Arbeiter, die Sichel die Bauern und der Pinsel die Intellektuellen. Durch den Aufbau und die Zusammensetzung der Partei unterscheidet sich die PdAK von kommunistischen Parteien anderer Länder.
Unter der Führung der Partei wurden in den Jahren Juche 34-37 (1945-1948) die demokratischen Reformen und der Aufbau des Staates und der regulären Armee durchgeführt. Die Gründung einer demokratischen Volksrepublik war das oberste Ziel und die Priorität der Partei.
Die Umformung der Koreanischen Revolutionären Volksarmee (KRVA) zur Koreanischen Volksarmee (KVA) als reguläre Streitmacht des unabhängigen Korea wurde im Februar Juche 37 (1948) vollzogen, und am 9. September erfolgte die Gründung der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) als freier, demokratischer und unabhängiger Staat des ganzen koreanischen Volkes.
Die PdAK leitete unter der Führung des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung den Vaterländischen Befreiungskrieg (1950-1953) gegen die USA-Aggressoren und führte ihn zum glanzvollen Sieg.
In den folgenden Jahrzehnten wurde die DVRK unter der Führung der grossen Genossen Kim Il Sung und Kim Jong Il erfolgreich zu einem modernen und mächtigen sozialistischen Staat eigener Prägung mit hochentwickelter Industrie und Landwirtschaft aufgebaut.
Die von den Genossen Kim Il Sung und Kim Jong Il geführte PdAK schuf im sozialistischen Korea das Paradies des Volkes, in dem die Gesundheitsfürsorge, die Erziehung und das Wohnen kostenlos und die Steuern abgeschafft sind.
In den 1950er- und 1960er-Jahren führte die PdAK einen harten Kampf gegen mehrere fraktionistische parteifeindliche Cliquen in ihren Reihen und gegen die parteifeindlichen Revisionisten. Damit wurde die Einheit der Partei gerettet und gefestigt.
Die Partei begründete und leitete auch die unabhängige Aussenpolitik der DVRK. Getreu der Juche-Ideologie widerstand die DVRK den Druckversuchen einer Grossmacht und lehnte es ab, dem von dieser Grossmacht geführten Rat für gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe (RGW) beizutreten. Jede Unterordnung unter ein fremdes "Führungszentrum" wird abgelehnt. Im August Juche 64 (1975) trat die DVRK der Bewegung der blockfreien Staaten bei, in der sie seither eine aktive Rolle spielt.
Dank dieser konsequenten Anwendung des Juche-Prinzips konnte die DVRK ihre Unabhängigkeit erhalten und den Stürmen, Umbrüchen und Gefahren der Weltpolitik siegreich widerstehen.
Die PdAK war die erste kommunistische Regierungspartei, die den modernen Revisionismus in der internationalen kommunistischen und Arbeiterbewegung, der zum Untergang und Kollaps der sozialistischen Staaten Europas und der Sowjetunion führte, entlarvte.
Seit diesem Zusammenbruch der Jahre 1989/90 spielt die PdAK die führende Rolle beim Wiederaufbau und der Stärkung der internationalen kommunistischen und Arbeiterbewegung.
Mit der vom Genossen Kim Il Sung begründeten und vom Genossen Kim Jong Il zur Staatspolitik erhobenen Songun (Armee-zuerst)-Politik schuf die PdAK die neue Theorie des Sozialismus im 21. Jahrhundert - nämlich die Theorie der führenden Rolle der militärischen Angelegenheiten und der revolutionären Volksstreitkräfte, die die traditionelle sozialistische Theorie der führenden Rolle der Arbeiterklasse ersetzt. Das zeigt, dass die KVA als die disziplinierteste und revolutionärste Kraft, die dem Volk dient, beim Aufbau des Sozialismus unter der Führung der PdAK die zentrale Rolle spielt.
Während ihrer 70-jährigen Geschichte hat die PdAK zwar ihren Gründer und dessen Fortsetzer und Nachfolger, die grossen Genossen Kim Il Sung und Kim Jong Il, verloren, doch bleibt sie trotzdem ewig die Partei Kim Il Sungs und Kim Jong Ils. Im Ersten Sekretär Kim Jong Un hat die Partei ihren neuen obersten Führer, der das unsterbliche revolutionäre Werk der beiden grossen Führer loyal fortsetzt. Er proklamierte den Kimilsungismus-Kimjongilismus zur Ideologie der Partei.
Unter der Führung des Genossen Kim Jong Un wurde eine fraktionistische parteifeindliche Clique der modernen Art aufgedeckt und zerschlagen und damit die Einheit der Partei verteidigt und gefestigt.
Der Erste Sekretär Kim Jong Un führt heute die PdAK erfolgreich und energisch beim Aufbau einer starken und blühenden sozialistischen Macht an.
Die PdAK hat die DVRK zu einem mächtigen und unabhängigen sozialistischen Staat koreanischen Stils aufgebaut und im Kampf für die nationale Wiedervereinigung grosse historische Siege errungen.
Die von den Genossen Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il und Kim Jong Un geführte PdAK ist der Generalstab der sozialistischen Revolution in Korea. Sie ist eine kommunistische Partei des Juche-Typs. Sie gestaltete die DVRK zur unbesiegbaren Bastion und Zitadelle des Weltsozialismus. Dank ihrer Songun-Politik ist sie in der Lage, alle Schwierigkeiten zu meistern und zu überwinden und den Sozialismus koreanischen Stils zu verteidigen.
Mit der PdAK mit dem Genossen Kim Jong Un an der Spitze hat Korea eine glanzvolle und rosige Zukunft!

19. 9. 1945: KIM IL SUNGs triumphale Rückkehr ins befreite Heimatland

Artikel des Schweizerischen Vorbereitungskomitees für die Feier der 70. Jahrestage der Gründung der Partei der Arbeit Koreas und der Befreiung Koreas

Kurz nachdem die von ihm gegründete und befehligte Koreanische Revolutionäre Volksarmee (KRVA) die Nordhälfte Koreas befreit hatte, kehrte Präsident Kim Il Sung in die Heimat zurück.
Er hatte sich zuletzt im Ausbildungsstützpunkt im Primorje-Gebiet im Fernen Osten der Sowjetunion aufgehalten, um die Truppen der KRVA neu zu sammeln und auf die Endoffensive gegen die japanischen Imperialisten vorzubereiten.
Präsident Kim Il Sung fuhr mit dem Schiff von Wladiwostok nach Wonsan, wo er am 19. September Juche 34 (1945) - vor genau 70 Jahren - eintraf.
In seinen Erinnerungen (Memoiren) Mit dem Jahrhundert (Fortsetzungsband 8) schilderte Präsident Kim Il Sung seine Rückkehr ins Vaterland folgendermassen:

Am 19. September 1945 landeten wir im Hafen Wonsan.
Die Angehörigen des Hauptquartiers der sowjetischen Truppen in Wonsan bereiteten uns dort einen Empfang.
Am 20. September 1945 verliess ich Wonsan mit der Bahn nach Pyongyang, begleitet von Genossen, die in Gebieten an der Westmeerküste zu wirken hatten.
Am 22. September vormittags trafen wir in Pyongyang ein.
Auch der junge KIM JONG IL kehrte zusammen mit Partisaninnen in die Heimat zurück.
Vom zweiten Tag an, als wir in Pyongyang eintrafen, nahm ich zusammen mit Kampfgefährten die Arbeit zur Verwirklichung der drei Aufgaben für den Aufbau der Partei, des Staates und der Armee auf. Gerade in dieser Zeit, nach der Befreiung am 15. August, war ich am stärksten breschäftigt.

Nachdem er am 10. Oktober die Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK) gegründet hatte, sprach Präsident Kim Il Sung an der historischen Massenkundgebung in Pyongyang am 14. Oktober zum ersten Mal zu seinen Landsleuten in der befreiten Heimat. Das koreanische Volk feierte ausgelassen seine triumphale Rückkehr ins befreite Heimatland und jubelte begeistert "Es lebe der Heerführer Kim Il Sung!" und "Es lebe die Unabhängigkeit Koreas!".
Kurz darauf besuchte Präsident Kim Il Sung nach 20-jähriger Abwesenheit wieder sein Geburtshaus in Mangyongdae, wo er ein bewegtes und freudiges Wiedersehen mit seinen Grosseltern, seinem Onkel und seiner Tante feierte.

KIM JONG SUK kämpfte für die Wiedervereinigung Koreas

Zum 66. Todestag der Mutter Kim Jong Suk (22. September)

Am kommenden 22. September gedenkt das koreanische Volk ehrfurchtsvoll des 66. Todestages der Mutter Kim Jong Suk. Sie war die grosse antijapanische Kriegsheldin und eine unbeugsame Revolutionärin.
Genossin Kim Jong Suk war die treueste Kampfgefährtin und die Ehefrau des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung. Sie kämpfte in den Reihen der von ihm gegründeten und befehligten Koreanischen Revolutionären Volksarmee (KRVA) - der heutigen Koreanischen Volksarmee (KVA) - heldenhaft gegen die japanischen Imperialisten und rettete ihm in mehreren grossen Schlachten des bewaffneten antijapanischen Befreiungskampfes unter selbstlosem Einsatz des eigenen Lebens das Leben.
Nach der Befreiung (15. August 1945) half Genossin Kim Jong Suk dem Präsidenten Kim Il Sung aktiv beim Aufbau von Partei, Staat und Armee und erzog ihren Sohn Kim Jong Il zum Nachfolger des Präsidenten und Fortsetzer der revolutionären Sache des Juche.
Sie kämpfte an der Seite des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung unermüdlich für dessen höchstes Ziel, die Wiedervereinigung Koreas. Der Führer Kim Jong Il sagte am 22. September Juche 70 (1981), dem 32. Todestag der Genossin Kim Jong Suk:

Es gibt nur wenige Menschen, die die Wiedervereinigung Koreas dermassen ernsthaft wünschten wie meine Mutter. .... Ihre erste Priorität war die Wiedervereinigung Koreas. Dafür verzichtete sie auf ihr persönliches Glück.

Kim Jong Suk traf mit vielen Landsleuten aus Südkorea zusammen, darunter mit Ryo Un Hyong, einem prominenten Kämpfer für die nationale Wiedervereinigung und Präsidenten der Koreanischen Volkspartei (des Südens), der 1946 in den Norden übersiedelt war, und ermutigte sie in deren patriotischen Tätigkeit.
Während der Gemeinsamen Konferenz der Vertreter der politischen Parteien und gesellschaftlichen Organisationen Nord- und Südkoreas, die im April Juche 37 (1948) in Pyongyang unter dem Vorsitz des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung und auf dessen Initiative stattfand, wirkte Kim Jong Suk aktiv für deren Erfolg.
Sie empfing während der Konferenz viele weibliche Delegierte aus dem Süden und gab ihnen wichtige Ratschläge für ihren Kampf für die nationale Wiedervereinigung und für den Abzug der USA-Imperialisten.
Kim Jong Suk unterstützte den Präsidenten Kim Il Sung erfolgreich dabei, auch einen bisher fanatischen Antikommunisten aus dem Süden wie den konservativen nationalistischen Politiker Kim Ku für die Zusammenarbeit mit den Kommunisten im gemeinsamen Kampf für die nationale Wiedervereinigung zu gewinnen. Sie erklärte dazu einer Delegierten aus Südkorea, die über Kim Kus Teilnahme an der gemeinsamen Konferenz erstaunt war, Folgendes:

Oh? Warum sind Sie darüber so erstaunt? Es ist die Idee des Generals, dass alle, die die nationale Wiedervereinigung wünschen, sich zusammenschliessen sollen. Wenn Kim Ku die Wiedervereinigung will, kann er ebenfalls nach Pyongyang kommen.

Kim Jong Suk half auch Ko Jin Hui, einer von der Insel Jeju in Südkorea stammenden Funktionärin des Volkskomitees der Stadt Pyongyang, dabei, ihre von Verfolgung bedrohten Kinder aus dem Süden nach Pyongyang holen zu lassen. Präsident Kim Il Sung hörte sich den Bericht der Genossin Kim Jong Suk an und sorgte dann dafür, dass Ko Jin Huis Kinder in den freien und unabhängigen Norden übersiedeln konnten.
Die liebevolle Fürsorge der Genossin Kim Jong Suk für ihre Landsleute aus dem Süden zeigte, dass sie der ehrenvollen Bezeichnung "Mutter Koreas", die das Volk ihr gab, vollauf gerecht wurde.
Die Mutter Kim Jong Suk starb zwar im Jahr nach der historischen gemeinsamen Konferenz im jugendlichen Alter von nur knapp 32 Jahren, doch ihr unermüdlicher und leidenschaftlicher Kampf für die Wiedervereinigung Koreas bleibt unvergessen und ist unsterblich.

KIM JONG UN empfing kubanische Staatsdelegation

Der oberste Führer Kim Jong Un, Erster Sekretär der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK), Erster Vorsitzender der Nationalen Verteidigungskommission der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) und Oberkommandierender der Koreanischen Volksarmee (KVA), empfing am 7. September die in der DVRK zu Besuch weilende kubanische Staatsdelegation unter der Leitung von Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, erster Vizepräsident des Staatsrats und des Ministerrats Kubas.
Marschall Kim Jong Un hiess die kubanische Delegation zu ihrem Besuch anlässlich des 55. Jahrestages der Herstellung diplomatischer Beziehungen DVRK-Kuba herzlich willkommen und liess Grüsse an die Genossen Fidel Castro Ruz und Raul Castro Ruz übermitteln.
Er sagte, dass die Genossen Fidel und Raul Castro Ruz, die engen Waffenbrüder des koreanischen Volkes, die Staatsdelegation gerade einen Monat vor dem 70. Jahrestag der Gründung der PdAK nach Korea entsandt hätten, was für die Armee und das Volk Koreas eine grosse Ermutigung sei.
Der Besuch der kubanischen Staatsdelegation markiere einen Höhepunkt der traditionellen koreanisch-kubanischen Freundschaft und trage diese in die nächste Generation weiter, betonte Marschall Kim Jong Un.
Er äusserte die Ueberzeugung, dass sich dank der Anstrengungen beider Seiten die Freundschaft und Solidarität noch dynamischer entwickelt.
Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez überbrachte Marschall Kim Jong Un warme Grüsse von Fidel und Raul Castro Ruz.
Der kubanische Gast hielt fest, dass sich die vom Präsidenten Kim Il Sung und vom Führer Kim Jong Il sowie von Fidel und Raul Castro Ruz begründeten und initiierten Freundschaftsbeziehungen unter der besonderen Anleitung von Marschall Kim Jong Un und Genossen Raul Castro Ruz stetig weiterentwickeln werden.
Er pries die unter der Führung von Marschall Kim Jong Un errungenen Erfolge des koreanischen Volkes beim Aufbau einer starken sozialistischen Nation.
Kuba und die DVRK seien zwar geografisch weit voneinander entfernt, doch durch die gemeinsame Ideologie und die Freundschaft eng miteinander verbunden. Beide Länder stünden an vorderster Front der Verteidigung der Unabhängigkeit gegen den Imperialismus.
Der kubanische Gast überreichte Marschall Kim Jong Un ein Geschenk.
Bei der Begegnung war Kim Yang Gon, Mitglied des Politbüros und Sekretär des Zentralkomitees der PdAK, anwesend.
Marschall Kim Jong Un wohnte am gleichen Tag zusammen mit Ri Sol Ju mit der kubanischen Staatsdelegation einem Konzert der Moranbong-Band und des Verdienten Staatschors bei.
Während seines Pyongyang-Besuchs traf Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez auch mit Kim Yong Nam, Vorsitzender des Präsidiums der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK, dem Vizevorsitzenden Yang Hyong Sop, Ministerpräsident Pak Pong Ju, Aussenminister Ri Su Yong und weiteren Offiziellen zusammen.

Korea war ein wichtiger Teil der internationalen antifaschistischen Allianz!

Artikel des Schweizerischen Vorbereitungskomitees für die Feier der 70. Jahrestage der Gründung der Partei der Arbeit Koreas und der Befreiung Koreas

Kürzlich wurde der 70. Jahrestag der Kapitulation Japans im Zweiten Weltkrieg (15. August) und des Sieges der Völker Asiens im antijapanischen Widerstandskrieg gefeiert.
Dabei standen der Sieg des chinesischen Volkes über das imperialistische Japan und die Rolle der Sowjetunion im weltweiten Kampf gegen die faschistischen Achsenmächte - Deutschland, Italien und Japan - im Mittelpunkt der Würdigungen.
Doch sollte nicht vergessen werden, dass auch Korea ein wichtiger Teil der weltweiten antifaschistischen Allianz war.
Die vom grossen Generalissimus Kim Il Sung gegründete und befehligte Koreanische Revolutionäre Volksarmee (KRVA) war eine entscheidende Streitmacht des Kampfes gegen das imperialistische Japan im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Sie bildete im Jahre 1942 gemeinsam mit der Vereinten Antijapanischen Armee (VAA) Nordostchinas und der sowjetischen Armee die Internationale Vereinte Armee (IVA) - unter Beibehaltung der Unabhängigkeit jeder der drei Armeen. So kam eine Militärallianz Koreas, Chinas und der Sowjetunion gegen den japanischen Imperialismus zustande.
Die Befreiung Koreas am 15. August 1945 war ein wichtiger Meilenstein nicht nur des Sieges der Völker Asiens über Japan, sondern auch jenes aller freiheitsliebenden Völker der Welt über den Faschismus. Somit war Korea ein Bestandteil der alliierten Mächte gegen die faschistischen Achsenmächte.
Die KRVA spielte im Verbund der IVA eine entscheidende Rolle im Sieg über den Hitlerfaschismus und den japanischen Militarismus.
Die Formierung der IVA ermutigte auch antifaschistische Partisanen in Europa zur Kooperation. Präsident Kim Il Sung schrieb darüber in seinen Erinnerungen (Memoiren) Mit dem Jahrhundert (Fortsetzungsband 8) Folgendes:

Die Entstehung der IVA und deren Entwicklung im sowjetischen Fernen Osten wurde zu einem Musterbeispiel auch für den Zusammenschluss der tschechoslowakischen und polnischen Kräfte des Widerstandskampfs in Europa.

Korea gebührt deshalb der Dank aller Völker für den Sieg über den raubgierigen und blutrünstigen Faschismus vor 70 Jahren und für den Sieg der Freiheit und des Friedens.

Korea ist seit 70 Jahren geteilt

In diesem Jahr werden nicht nur die frohen 70. Jahrestage der Befreiung Koreas und der Gründung der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK) gefeiert, sondern es wird auch des traurigen 70. Jahrestages der Teilung Koreas gedacht.
Die Teilung Koreas erfolgte am 8. September 1945. An diesem Tag besetzten USA-Truppen die südliche Hälfte Koreas. Sie kamen unter der falschen Maske als "Befreier", waren aber in Wirklichkeit brutale koloniale Eroberer und Besatzer, die lediglich die japanischen Imperialisten ablösten. Die Besetzung durch die USA-Imperialisten schloss sich nahtlos an die 40-jährige Kolonialherrschaft des japanischen Imperialismus (1905-1945) an. Während die Nordhälfte Koreas seit 70 Jahren frei und unabhängig ist, ist die Südhälfte seit 110 Jahren ununterbrochen fremder Herrschaft unterworfen und der nationalen Souveränität beraubt.
Die Besetzung Südkoreas durch die USA-Imperialisten dauert bis heute fort. Deshalb bleibt die koreanische Nation weiterhin geteilt.
Korea ist das Land, das schon am längsten geteilt ist.
Andere einst geteilte Länder - Vietnam, Jemen und Deutschland - sind schon längst wieder vereinigt, wenn auch jeweils unter einem einzigen Gesellschaftssystem. Und in China sind Hongkong und Macao wieder ins Mutterland zurückgekehrt - unter Beibehaltung ihres kapitalistischen Systems, währenddem das Festland Chinas weiterhin den Sozialismus praktiziert.
Warum denn ist Korea noch immer geteilt? Die USA-Imperialisten und ihr südkoreanisches Marionettenregime verhindern die nationale Wiedervereinigung. Die einzige Art der "Vereinigung", die sie wünschen und anstreben, ist die "Vereinigung unter dem liberaldemokratischen System" (d.h. kapitalistischen System) des Südens und würde dem "deutschen Vereinigungsmodell" entsprechen.
Das kriminelle und konterrevolutionäre Ziel der Imperialisten und Reaktionäre ist die Zerschlagung der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) und der Sturz ihres vom Volk selber gewählten und verteidigten sozialistischen Systems. Doch eine solche Art der "Wiedervereinigung" ist unakzeptabel und kommt nicht in Frage.
Das koreanische Volk kämpft seit 70 Jahren unter der Führung des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung, des Vorsitzenden Kim Jong Il und des Ersten Vorsitzenden Kim Jong Un unermüdlich für eine freie, faire und demokratische Wiedervereinigung Koreas unter der gleichberechtigten Beibehaltung der Gesellschaftssysteme in beiden Landeshälften, jedoch unter einer einheitlichen übergeordneten Zentralregierung und mit freier Wohnortwahl.
Für dieses erhabene und edle Ziel proklamierte Präsident Kim Il Sung die Drei Chartas der nationalen Wiedervereinigung - die Drei Prinzipien der nationalen Wiedervereinigung (1972), das Programm für die Gründung der Demokratischen Föderativen Republik Koryo (1980) und das 10-Punkte-Programm zum grossen Zusammenschluss der ganzen Nation für die Wiedervereinigung des Vaterlandes (1993).
Diese drei historischen Wiedervereinigungs-Initiativen des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung streben die unabhängige und friedliche Wiedervereinigung Koreas in einem föderativen Staat mit "zwei Systemen in einem Land" an.
Die Drei Chartas der nationalen Wiedervereinigung dienten dem Vorsitzenden Kim Jong Il als Grundlage für die gemeinsame Nord-Süd-Erklärung vom 15. Juni 2000 und die Erklärung vom 4. Oktober 2007, die an den beiden von ihm initiierten innerkoreanischen Gipfeltreffen unterzeichnet wurden.
Doch die konservativen proamerikanischen Verräterregimes Ri Myong Baks und Pak Kun Hyes in Südkorea erklärten die beiden innerkoreanischen Erklärungen für null und nichtig und suchten erneut die Konfrontation gegegn die Landsleute im Norden.
Die USA-Imperialisten akzeptieren nur eine "Vereinigung", die ihnen ihre neokolonialistische Besatzungsherrschaft über die ganze koreanische Halbinsel sichern würde.
Damit finden sich alle Koreaner im Norden, im Süden und im Ausland jedoch niemals ab. Sie kämpfen heute unter der weisen Führung des Ersten Vorsitzenden Kim Jong Un weiter unermüdlich für die unabhängige Wiedervereinigung der Nation unter dem Banner der gemeinsamen Nord-Süd-Erklärung vom 15. Juni 2000 und der patriotischen Idee Durch unsere Nation selber.
Die Voraussetzung für die unabhängige Wiedervereinigung Koreas ist der Abzug der USA-Truppen aus Südkorea.
Die schmerzliche Teilung Koreas und die Besetzung seiner südlichen Hälfte durch die verhassten USA-Imperialisten werden nicht ewig andauern. Die Wiedervereinigungs-Aera des 15. Juni ist unumkehrbar.
Wenn die Yankee-Okkupanten vertrieben sind, wird ein vereinigtes, unabhängiges, friedliebendes und blockfreies Korea die Bühne der Weltpolitik betreten und den Frieden auf der koreanischen Halbinsel garantieren.
Der oberste Führer Kim Jong Un wird dem koreanischen Volk ein vereinigtes und gedeihendes Vaterland schenken. Das ist gewiss!


Report at the Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
September 8, 1988
Our people’s struggle to reunify the country is a sacred struggle to link the national ties of blood, which have been cut off by the imperialists, and to achieve the coordinated development and prosperity of our nation.
There is no internal necessity for Koreans, who have lived as a homogeneous nation for thousands of years, to be bisected in our times. Our nation was divided and has not been reunified entirely because of imperialist intervention and obstructive moves. The struggle for national reunification is not an effort to settle any contradiction between classes within our nation or antagonism between systems; it is the cause of the whole nation for accomplishing its liberation and realizing the independence of the Koreans.
In view of the basic character of the reunification question, our Party and the Government of the Republic put forward the three principles of independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity. The three principles of national reunification are a most reasonable reunification programme; they accord with the Korean people’s desire for independence and their fundamental interests as well as with the trend of the times and the aspirations of people throughout the world.
The realistic method of settling the question of national reunification on the basis of the three principles is to establish a Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo.
The DFRK is the most rational form of a unified state capable of achieving national unity by regarding the common desire and interests of the nation as basic and transcending ideas and systems. National reunification is for the good of the entire Korean nation, not for any specific class or section of the population. Therefore the interests of any particular class or section should be subordinated to the common interests of the nation. In order to reunify the country when different ideas and systems exist in the north and south of Korea, it is necessary to form a unified state by federating the two autonomous governments, leaving the two systems as they are on the principle of coexistence, one refraining from conquering the other or one side refraining from overwhelming the other. Establishing the DFRK is the only correct way of settling the issue of reunification independently and peacefully by the united effort of the whole nation in accordance with the common desire and will of the nation.
In the future, too, we shall make every effort to reunify the country by establishing the DFRK on the three principles of independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity.
In order to achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country, we ‘must fight against the US imperialists’ policy of subjugating south Korea as their colony and against their scheme to create “two Koreas”.
The US imperialist policy towards Korea is an important part of its Asian-Pacific strategy. Seizing south Korea, a zone of strategic importance, the United States is attempting to put this aggressive strategy into effect by forming an axis of the US, Japan and south Korea. Talk about national reunification apart from the struggle against the US imperialists’ scheme to make “two Koreas” and dominate south Korea forever is only deceitful, empty talk.
The south Korean people, in the grip of untold hardships and misfortunes under the US imperialists’ colonial domination and their stooges’ fascist rule, have been fighting resolutely for national sovereignty and democratic freedom. The Popular Uprising in April9 1960, the Kwangju Popular Uprising10 in 1980 and the June Popular Resistance last year were heroic struggles that demonstrated the strong spirit of independence and mettle of the Korean nation, never yielding to any brutal enemy. These were historic events that took the liberation struggle of the south Korean people onto a higher plane. Trained and awakened in the flames of struggle, the south Korean people are directing the spearhead of attack gradually to the US imperialists. Freeing themselves from the worship and fear of the United States, they have raised high the banner of anti-US independence, have overcome spontaneity and dispersiveness of struggle and are developing a more organized mass struggle. This marks an important turning point in the history of their liberation struggle. Today the south Korean people are combining the struggle against fascism and for democracy and the struggle for national reunification closely with the anti-US struggle for independence, thereby advancing along the right path of national liberation.
The youth and students are playing a hardcore and leading role in the south Korean people’s struggle for independence, democracy and national reunification, and their courageous struggle is developing still further with the passage of time, attracting attention from people at home and abroad and receiving encouragement from them.
Under the patronage of the US imperialists the south Korean authorities are now craftily trying to deceive the people in the guise of democracy. However, they are revealing nakedly their true colours as fascists by resorting to a bloody repression of the just struggle of the young people and students. At a time when the entire nation is fighting to hand down a reunified country to posterity, they are brutally suppressing the innocent students and other young people who have risen up under the banner of reunification. They must be cursed and condemned as a gang of traitors to the nation by all Koreans.
The south Korean people must foil the enemy in his suppression and stratagem and fight firmly united as one, thus discharging their honourable duty in ending the colonial rule of the US imperialists in south Korea and accelerating national reunification.
Removing the danger of war and easing tension in our country is a most important matter and an indispensable condition at the moment for the peaceful reunification of the country.
Having deployed a large number of aggressor troops and nuclear weapons in south Korea, the United States is ceaselessly perpetrating provocative acts of aggression against our Republic. Because of this, in our country military confrontation is continuing and the danger of war increasing. Unless the danger of war is removed and tension eased in our country, an atmosphere of trust cannot be created between the north and the south and the question of national reunification cannot be settled in a peaceful way.
If a guarantee for peace on the Korean peninsula is to be provided, it is necessary to conclude a peace agreement between us and the United States, adopt a nonaggression declaration between the north and the south, compel the US troops and nuclear weapons to move out of south Korea and effect a phased and drastic reduction of the armed forces of north and south.
Peace negotiations between Korea and the United States, which we have already proposed, still remain unrealized, entirely because the United States maintains its stand for permanent domination of south Korea. The United States is afraid that it will no longer have any grounds for occupying south Korea if a peace agreement is concluded and a nonaggression declaration is adopted. The United States must approach the Korea-US negotiations with a sincere attitude to settle the Korean question substantially in keeping with the trend of the times.
A nation that rules and oppresses another nation cannot keep itself free. The misguided policy of the government of the United States in occupying south Korea and obstructing the reunification of the Korean nation is a great shame to its own people. The US imperialists’ aggressive policy for world supremacy not only imposes a heavy burden upon its people, but also is a source of dire disaster. Honest-minded people of the United States and far-sighted, reasonable politicians must naturally contemplate the grave consequences of the imperialists’ aggressive policy and fight against their aggressive Korea policy and the strategy for world supremacy.
In order to reunify the country independently and peacefully, dialogues and negotiations between the north and the south must be developed.
A north-south dialogue can be successful only when both sides have a sound stand and attitude towards the talks. These talks must be held on the basis of the three principles of independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity—the reunification programme common to the nation.
The north-south dialogue must always talk of reunification. Reunification stands for the independence of the nation and a love for the country and nation, whereas division stands for dependence on foreign forces and treachery to the country and nation. It is impermissible to use the venue of talks as a means to finalize and legalize division by following the foreign forces against the will of the entire nation aspiring to reunification.
The dialogue between north and south must, first of all, find a solution to the fundamental questions related to reunification. Avoiding discussion of the political and military questions for creating basic preconditions for reunification and giving prominence to matters of secondary importance must be denounced as a scheme to obstruct reunification and keep the country divided by deceiving public opinion at home and abroad and using delaying tactics.
The north-south dialogue must be a wide-ranging dialogue that represents the desires and will of all the people in a democratic manner. The dialogue for reunification must not be monopolized by the authorities or by any particular party or group. The dialogue must be participated in widely by not only the authorities of the north and the south, but also different parties, social organizations, people from all walks of life and overseas compatriots. They should actively promote different forms of bilateral and multilateral contacts and negotiations.
As far as top-level talks between north and south are concerned, this is a matter we have already proposed and our attitude towards it is clear. The top-level talks must discuss and decide, first of all, adopting a nonaggression declaration between north and south by which neither side is restrained or guaranteed by anyone else as well as founding a federal government of the unified state, leaving the two systems in north and south as they are, or establishing a committee for peaceful reunification and the like for setting up such a government. We welcome any who come to Pyongyang to meet us out of a sincere desire to realize national reunification by solving these problems, but if they wish to argue about keeping the country divided into “two Koreas” forever, without the authority and ability to discuss and decide these fundamental problems independently, they need not come to meet us. The point in question is to ripen conditions for the holding of north-south top-level talks and producing desired results. To this end, the south Korean authorities must abandon their dependence on outside forces and join the entire nation in its campaign for the independent, peaceful reunification of the country.
Great obstacles and difficulties still lie in the way to national reunification. However, whether or not the country is reunified depends, in the long run, on how our nation, the motive force of reunification, struggles. All the Koreans in the north, south and abroad, rallied rock-firm on the principle of great national unity, must make strenuous efforts to achieve the independent, peaceful reunification of the country without fail.




Discourse Published in Rodong Sinmun, Organ of the Central Committee of
the Workers’ Party of Korea, and Minju Joson, Organ of the DPRK Government
September 5, Juche 97 (2008)

In this historic period, when we are entering a golden age of national prosperity under the Songun-based revolutionary leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea, we will be greeting the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the glorious country of Kim Il Sung.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung was the founder of the DPRK and the father of socialist Korea, and he is the eternal President of State. The founding of the Republic under his leadership brought about a fundamental change in the shaping of the destiny of our country and its people.
Guided by his Juche-oriented philosophy on State building, and under his seasoned and sophisticated leadership, our Republic has been established and developed as a genuine country of the people, as a Juche-oriented socialist country, the first of its kind in history, and our people, who were oppressed and maltreated for centuries, have become able to enjoy, in the embrace of the Republic, the pride and happiness of a genuine life in which they exercise full rights as masters of the State and society.
The mountains and rivers, which are getting more and more beautiful with each passing day, the vast expanses of farmland, the urban and rural areas, the streets and villages, the defence lines and frontline posts that have been built up to be impregnable, and the many factories, enterprises, economic and cultural establishments and monumental structures, all bear the imprints of President Kim Il Sung’s great and sacred leadership; and every aspect of the most dignified, prestigious and fulfilling life that our people are enjoying generation after generation, century after century, is associated with his benevolent, fatherly affection and solicitude.
As we greet the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Republic, our Party members, service personnel and people solemnly look back upon the great revolutionary career and immortal revolutionary exploits of President Kim Il Sung, who devoted his whole life to the country and the people, and bestow on him the highest gratitude and glory. The immortal exploits he achieved for the country and the people constitute the eternal cornerstone of our country and revolution and an unshakable foundation on which to build a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country and carry forward and accomplish the Juche revolutionary cause.
By holding President Kim Il Sung in high esteem as the Sun of Juche, and developing his philosophy on and exploits in State building, our Party is opening up the road of building a thriving country in the Songun era, the road of fresh victory for our revolution. Thanks to our Party’s leadership and advance in the Songun-based revolution, our Republic has risen as a Juche-oriented socialist State with invincible political and military might, demonstrating its prestige and dignity. Our Party members, service personnel and people are now firmly determined to glorify, in answer to the Party’s call, this meaningful year as a year of historic change that will be recorded in the history of the country and to accomplish, under the banner of Songun, the successful building of both a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country and the Juche revolutionary cause.


The 60-year history of our Republic is a history of great struggle and victory, a history of great creation and transformation, in which, braving the tempest of the revolution under the leadership of the great leader and the great Party, the independence and honor of the country were defended and a thriving socialist country was built.
Our Republic, in the whole period of its history from the first days when the foundations for State building were laid up to the present, when we are building it up into a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country, has followed a road covered with victory and glory, braving unprecedented difficulties and trials amid a sharp confrontation with the imperialist forces of aggression. Our struggle to build a new country, a new society, has been grim and arduous, as we have had to overcome every manner of hardship. However, our country blazed a trail in accomplishing the cause of anti-imperialist independence, the cause of socialism, and created historic miracles in this course, thus accumulating great and imperishable exploits and valuable experiences. This is why the 60-year history of our Republic has come to shine with such brilliance and our socialist country, Songun Korea, to demonstrate such prestige and dignity today as the citadel of independence, the bulwark of socialism.
The anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle the great leader organized and led was a historic struggle that laid the basis for the founding of our Republic and ushered in the era of socialist State building.
It was a sacred, patriotic struggle to defeat the Japanese imperialist aggressors, who had occupied our country by force of arms, and liberate the country, and the fiercest of revolutionary wars fought against the heavily-armed Japanese imperialist aggressor forces.
The great leader led the 20-year bloody struggle against Japanese imperialism and crowned the anti-Japanese war with victory, thus accomplishing the historic cause of national liberation. In the flames of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle he put forward the policy of building a people’s government, accumulated valuable experience in this regard and created our glorious revolutionary traditions, which are the eternal wealth of the country and the revolution.
The struggle of our Party and people to build an independent and sovereign State on the land of our liberated country was conducted in very complicated and difficult circumstances and conditions. Owing to the US imperialists’ occupation of south Korea, the country’s territory was divided into two, and the imperialist and reactionary forces at home and abroad resorted to every manner of vicious scheme to thwart our Party and people in their efforts to build a new country.
President Kim Il Sung established the people’s power and regular revolutionary armed forces that inherited the traditions of the anti-Japanese revolution and, by enlisting the high patriotic enthusiasm of the liberated people and all other patriotic forces, laid solid foundations for the building of an independent and sovereign State through democratic reforms in the northern half of Korea, thus frustrating the schemes of the imperialist and reactionary forces.
On this basis, he founded our Republic.
He wisely led the work of strengthening the power organs, developing the people-oriented State and social system of the Republic and bringing its advantages and vitality into full play in all areas of State building.
The Fatherland Liberation War against the armed invasion of the US imperialists was the first and grimmest trial faced by our young Republic; it was a fierce war that would decide the fate of the country and nation. The US imperialists made desperate efforts to crush our Republic in its cradle, hurling into the war a huge force of their own aggressor army and of their 15 vassal States, as well as the latest military hardware and other means of waging war, only to suffer ignominious defeat.
Under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, the ever-victorious and iron-willed brilliant commander, our soldiers and people turned out as one in the just Fatherland Liberation War and fought in a self-sacrificing manner, giving a full demonstration of their unparalleled mass heroism at the front and in the rear. Consequently, they defeated the US aggressor armed forces that had been boasting of being the “mightiest” in the world, defended the freedom and independence of their country with honor, encouraged the oppressed peoples of the world in their anti-imperialist national liberation struggle, and made a great contribution to safeguarding world peace.
The historic victory of our Republic in the Fatherland Liberation War was a clear testimony to its invincible might, to the strength of our State and social system, to the confidence of our army and people in sure victory, and to their indefatigable fighting spirit. It also demonstrated that no force can conquer a people who have taken their destiny in their own hands and are united solidly behind their party and leader. For its victory in the war, in which it shattered the myth of the US imperialists being the “strongest” and inflicted a crushing defeat on them for the first time in the world history of war, our Republic won a worldwide reputation as a heroic country, its army as a heroic army and its people as a heroic people.
Not only did our Korea, the land of Juche, emerge victorious from the military confrontation with the formidable imperialist aggressor forces, but it also worked miracles and made innovations in the ensuing postwar reconstruction, socialist revolution and socialist construction. Starting from scratch on the war debris, we achieved epoch-making development in the revolution and construction.
Under the seasoned leadership of President Kim Il Sung, our country completed its postwar reconstruction in a matter of just a few years and carried out the cooperative reorganization of the rural economy and the socialist transformation of private trade and industry perfectly in the Korean style and without any deviation. In response to the call of the leader, our people embarked on the grand Chollima march in the spirit of taking ten or a hundred steps when others were taking one, thus effecting a great revolutionary upsurge that was unprecedented in socialist construction. Through the gigantic struggle to create and construct socialism, our country, having been backward for centuries, emerged as a most advantageous and powerful people-centered socialist country, a socialist power, that is independent in politics, self-supporting in the economy and self-reliant in defence, a country called Chollima Korea, a model for socialist countries throughout the world.
The Songun era, a new era in the Juche revolution, occupies a special position in the history of our country and revolution.
It is a great era of the Juche revolutionary cause in which the ideas, leadership and cause of President Kim Il Sung are inherited and carried forward, and it constitutes a new, higher stage in the development of our country and revolution.
Long ago our Party put forward modeling the whole society on the Juche idea as its ultimate program, and it has held fast to it as the basic line in building the Party, the State and the army, true to the noble idea of President Kim Il Sung.
It concentrated all its efforts on building and developing the Party, the State and the army as the Party of the leader, as the State of the leader, and as the army of the leader, and on remolding man and transforming society and nature as required by the leader’s revolutionary idea, the Juche idea, thus laying strong foundations for carrying out the cause of modeling the whole society on the Juche idea.
In the 1990s the situation took a sudden turn, and grim trials and hardship, the rigors of which were unprecedented in history, were laid in the way of our country and revolution. Taking advantage of the collapse of socialism in several countries, the imperialists and reactionaries clamored about the “end of socialism,” directing the spearhead of their attack against our Republic, which was holding high as ever the banner of socialism. Their anti-DPRK, anti-socialist maneuvers put the sovereignty and right to existence of our country and nation at jeopardy; our country was turned into a theatre of the fiercest confrontation between socialism and imperialism and our people found themselves at a crossroads, where remaining as an independent people lay in one direction and becoming colonial slaves once again in the other.
To cope with the prevailing situation, our Party raised high the banner of Songun, under which it frustrated every scheme of the imperialists and reactionaries against the DPRK and socialism by dint of our invincible political and military might, thus safeguarding the sovereignty of the country and nation and our style of socialism with honor. It is a great victory of international significance for our small country to have defended itself, its nation and its socialism in single-handed confrontation with the US-led imperialist reactionaries. Our country has, without firing a shot, registered one victory after another in its political and military confrontation with the US imperialists, facing down and smashing the aggressive moves of an enemy that had been behaving in a high-handed and arbitrary manner in every part of the world. These achievements of our Songun-based revolution are literally a miracle.
In spite of the grim trials we have faced in the struggle to defend socialism, we have achieved tremendous development in all spheres of politics, the military, the economy and culture.
Thanks to the Party’s Songun-based revolutionary leadership, our country has occupied the position of a politico-ideological and military power, paved the way for building a great, prosperous and powerful nation and brought about a fresh turn in the revolution and construction. Our Republic has now secured a fundamental guarantee for building a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country and accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche, and it is stepping up the general march of the Songun revolution for building the country into a socialist economic power.
Socialist Korea, which is winning victories and displaying its might by dint of Songun, has become a beacon of hope and a banner of victory for the people of the world who aspire to independence.
The 60-year history traveled by the Republic under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung and our Party, instills in our people the deepest pride and self-confidence and hardens their faith in sure victory.
Our army and people prize their Juche-oriented socialist country more than their own lives, love it infinitely and are working more vigorously to defend and add luster to it, their motherland.


A great leader and a great party build a great nation.
If a leader and a party are great, their country, even though it may be small and once backward, can become a developed and dignified, powerful one.
The greatness of a leader and a party is precisely the greatness of their ideology and leadership. Our Republic has been able to rise as a Juche-oriented socialist State with invincible might because it is guided by the Juche idea that was authored by the great leader and because it embodies this idea fully in State building and State activities under the leadership of our Party.
The immortal Juche idea is a man-centered outlook on the world, and an ideology of independence; it is a great guiding ideology of our era that sheds scientific light on the way of championing and realizing the independence of the masses and of the country and nation. Our Republic, which incorporates the great Juche idea in its State building and State activities, is a people-centered socialist country in which the people are regarded as God, an independent socialist State with a strong Juche character and national identity, and an invincible socialist power that prevails over any enemy, however formidable, and overcomes every manner of trial and hardship by dint of Songun.
Our Republic is a genuine people’s country, a people-centered socialist State that upholds the masses of the people as the masters of the State and society, and serves them.
Although the masses of the people are the driving force of social history, it is not true to say that their position and role are always identical in any society or country. Never before in history has there been a country like our Republic that guarantees the position and role of the masses at the highest level by embodying the doctrine “The people are my God,” which was President Kim Il Sung’s dictum.
This philosophy is permeated with the noble love for the people that is expressed in upholding the masses of the people as the most valuable and powerful beings in the world, serving them faithfully and solving everything by relying on them.
The dictum “The people are my God” is our Party’s fundamental principle in State building and the basis of all its lines and policies, as well as the starting point of the activities of the State.
Everything in our Republic–the socialist system of the State and society, the Socialist Constitution and other State laws, as well as all the lines, policies and activities of the Party and the State–is geared to defending and ensuring the independent rights and interests of the masses.
The basis of socialism is the people. Our politics, which regards the interests of the people as the foremost concern, is genuine socialist politics and the politics of infinite love for and trust in the people, that is, noble, benevolent politics.
Every line and policy of our Party and the government of our Republic reflects the opinions and demands of the masses and is successfully implemented by their voluntary zeal and struggle. In our country, promoting the people’s well-being is regarded as the supreme principle in the activities of the Party and the State, the slogan “We serve the people!” is fully incorporated in State activities, and the infringement of the people’s interests and lording it over them by the abuse of authority and bureaucratic behavior are never tolerated.
Since the masses of the people are regarded as the most valuable beings, the State, the army, the public security organ, many monumental edifices and various honorary titles are named after “people,” and this is a powerful symbol of the people-oriented character of our State, our system and our politics.
Our people, who hold the position of masters of the State and society in the embrace of the people-centered socialist country, are enjoying a worthwhile and fulfilling life and performing their responsibilities and roles as such.
Each of them takes part in the exercise of State power and State administration with equal rights and leads a valuable political life in a particular political organization. The State bears responsibility for the people’s livelihood; all the people study to their hearts’ content, promote their health and enjoy a revolutionary cultural and recreational life that is full of optimism thanks to the systems of free education and medical care and various other people-oriented policies.
Now our Party and State, despite the strained conditions in which everything is in short supply, are concentrating all their efforts on stabilizing and improving the people’s livelihood, with their primary attention focused on it, and stepping up the building of an economically powerful socialist country so as to ensure in the near future that our people live a rich life with no reason for envying anyone in the world. The independent and creative life our people are enjoying in the embrace of the Republic is a genuine human life, dignified, worthwhile and happy, which is something unimaginable in a capitalist society.
Our Party and our Republic are the most affectionate motherly party and motherly country that lead the people and take care of them with love and trust, and their embrace constitutes the cradle of the genuine life and happiness of the people.
For this reason, our people have sacrificed themselves in the defence of their country, their motherland, and, firmly united behind the Party, waged a heroic struggle for its prosperity, invariably trusting and following our Party and the government of the Republic both in days of glory and in days of grim trials.
The single-hearted unity of the whole society constitutes a priceless achievement in State building that could only be made by our socialist country under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, who was endowed with love for and trust in the people, and of our Party, which faithfully carries forward his ideas and will. This is the proud face of our society, the like of which cannot be witnessed elsewhere in the world. Based on the relations of revolutionary comradeship, and the inseparable blood ties by which the Party and the leader boundlessly love and care for the people and the latter absolutely trust and loyally support the former, the single-hearted unity of the leader, the Party and the masses was formed and has developed despite the complicated and difficult circumstances and conditions, and the whole society has become a great harmonious family in which its members help and lead one another forward.
Today our single-hearted unity has been further strengthened at a new height of unity in which the entire Party, the whole army and all the people are joined together rock-solid, centered on the revolutionary leadership and based on one ideology and faith, comradely love and revolutionary obligation.
No force can break its great unity. Our single-hearted unity is the fundamental guarantee of the strength of the socialist system and social stability in our country, the inexhaustible source of the invincible might of our socialist motherland and the powerful driving force of the victorious advance of the revolution and the building of a thriving nation.
The US imperialists are most fearful of the single-hearted unity of our entire army and the people behind the great Party, and resort to every conceivable scheme to break it. While persisting with their aggressive military maneuvers, the US imperialists and their acolytes try to slander us under the signboard of “human rights” and “democracy,” but this is wild dream. The “defence of human rights” and “democracy” the imperialist reactionaries advocate are nothing other than sophistry to hide their intervention in and hegemonic moves towards other countries. It is preposterous to slander our Republic, which is the motherland of the people, and our society that is united single-heartedly, with such far-fetched sophistry. It only serves to trigger the unanimous indignation of our people, and can never be tolerated.
This country of the great people, this people-centered socialism of our own style, which enjoys the absolute support and trust and ardent love of the masses, will forever add brilliance to its noble image and dignity, overcoming every manner of trial.
Our Republic is an independent socialist State that absolutely maintains its Juche character and thoroughly preserves its national identity in its development and activities.
The Juche character and national identity are the independence and lifeline of a country, a nation and the masses of the people. The struggle of the masses for independence is waged with the country and nation as a unit, so the party, the government and the masses of each country should conduct the revolution and construction independently and creatively as masters.
It is only when they hold fast to the Juche character and national identity and maintain the line of independence in the revolution and construction that they can defend the sovereignty of the country and nation, guarantee their independent development and realize the independence of the masses successfully.
Having put forward such original ideas on the Juche character, the national identity and the line of independence for the first time in history, President Kim Il Sung blazed the trail for the independent development of the Korean revolution and guaranteed, by dint of his iron faith and will and seasoned leadership, that the principle of Juche, the line of independence, was maintained consistently in the revolution and construction.
True to his idea of State building, our Party and State regarded preserving the Juche character, the national identity and the line of independence as the fundamental principle in accomplishing the cause of the masses’ independence, the cause of socialism, and strictly adhered to it, and thus built our country into a highly dignified and prestigious independent country, a socialist State embodying noble love for the people and nation.
We have solved all the problems arising in the building and activities of the State and in the revolution and construction by our own efforts and in our own way on the principle of self-reliance, in accordance with our ideology and faith, our determination and will and the actual situation in our country, and in line with the interests of our revolution. By holding fast to the principle of Juche, the principle of independence, in all fields of politics, the economy, military affairs, culture and external relations, we have resolutely opposed great-power worship, dogmatism and all other ideas advocating dependence on outside forces, and categorically rejected any form of intervention and pressure by the imperialist reactionaries and other foreign forces.
We are also doing everything we choose and decide in conformity with our own ideology, demands and interests, regardless of the existing theories or formulas, and despite what others may say.
Our Party long ago put forward the slogan of “Let us live our own way!”; this is Juche, independence and  self-reliance, and herein lie our dignity, pride and honor.
President Kim Il Sung, based on the Juche stand, shed a fresh, scientific light on the essence of the issue of the nation and its position and role in social development and, on the basis of this, linked class character with national identity, and the destiny of socialism with that of the nation; thus he made it possible to preserve the national character in the revolution and construction while maintaining the class character and to open up a vista for achieving the prosperity of the nation while advancing the socialist cause.
Our Party and State treasure and preserve the nation’s identity in the revolution and construction and in all fields of social life in line with President Kim Il Sung’s Juche-oriented idea and theory on the issue of the nation. Since a man is a member of a class and at the same time a member of a nation, he embodies a national identity along with a class character and entertains national demands along with class demands. If the national identity and national demands are neglected and suppressed, it will be impossible to rally the broad sections of the masses and other patriotic forces, build a truly independent and sovereign State, or successfully carry out the cause of the masses’ independence, the cause of socialism.
Ours is a proud nation with a time-honored history of 5 000 years and a brilliant culture. Reflected in our people’s national identity are their nation’s resourcefulness, talents, firm character, patriotic spirit and outstanding cultural traditions.
Our Party and State have made valuing and preserving the excellent and beautiful traditions of our nation a major policy, and have fully implemented it.
While preserving the excellent features of our nation that have been handed down throughout its history, we are creating new excellent features of the nation along with the advance of the times and the revolution; on the basis of this, we are educating the people in the Korean-nation-first spirit, the spirit that our leader, our Party, our ideology and our system are the best, and adding brilliance to the greatness of our nation.
The socialist cause of Juche is a cause for realizing the independence of the working class and other working masses and at the same time a cause for guaranteeing the independence of the country and nation and achieving the nation’s prosperity.
Our Party and State have, while stepping up socialist construction, enriched the excellent qualities of the nation and added a new chapter of national prosperity to history.
Because we properly maintained the Juche character and preserved the national identity of the revolution and construction under the leadership of the great leader and the great Party, no form of intervention or pressure from the imperialist reactionaries could cut any ice with us, no modern revisionism or other ideological trend towards opportunism could make inroads into our country, and our people have been able to cherish a uniquely high level of national pride, self-confidence, consciousness of national independence and self-respect, and give fuller play to the spirit of socialist patriotism.
Our Republic, which has developed under the banner of the Juche idea, is demonstrating its pride in being a people-centered socialist country that fully embodies class and revolutionary principles, and at the same time, a socialist State, independent, self-supporting and self-reliant in defence, strong in the Juche character and national identity, and the genuine motherland of the whole nation. Our Juche-oriented socialist motherland has stood firm amid the worldwide great political cataclysms, and will win victory after victory by following the road of development, the road of Juche, as ever.
The imperialist reactionaries are now slandering our Republic, the motherland of Juche, claiming that it is “closed” and “isolated,” and are making futile attempts to lead us to “reform” and “openness.”
Our country has never closed its doors, and it maintains good relations with many countries, home to billions of people, around the world, based on mutual respect. As for reform, we reformed the outdated social system in a revolutionary fashion decades ago, and have been constantly creating the new and renovating what is old and backward. In actual fact, the imperialists and reactionaries are hostile towards our country and are blockading it and trying to isolate it.
The “reform” and “openness” they are advocating represent a move to destroy and put down our style of socialism. Such moves will only worsen their relations with us and are doomed to failure.
Our Republic is an invincible socialist power that demonstrates its dignity by dint of Songun.
The history of the revolutionary activities of President Kim Il Sung and our Party is the history of Songun-based revolutionary leadership, and our country and revolution have traveled a road covered with victory and glory by displaying their invincible might under the banner of Songun.
President Kim Il Sung liberated the country by dint of Songun and guaranteed its sovereignty, independence, prosperity and development by force of arms. True to his Songun idea and line, our Party has, since long ago, grasped military affairs and Party work as the key, and concentrated its efforts on strengthening our revolutionary armed forces politically, ideologically, militarily and technically, thus laying a firm foundation for developing its Songun-based revolutionary leadership at a new, higher stage.
The Songun-based revolutionary line, Songun politics, that our Party is pursuing now, is a great revolutionary line of our era, the basic mode of socialist politics, that gives top priority to military affairs over all other affairs of State, that safeguards the country, the revolution and socialism by strengthening the Korean People’s Army to the maximum, and that builds up the driving force of the revolution and pushes ahead with socialist construction with the army as the core, as the main force. With regard to the system of State administration, we ensured that the authority of the National Defence Commission was strengthened and a system was established whereby the Commission guides and administers defence affairs overall, so that all work in the revolution and construction was conducted strictly on the principle of giving precedence to military affairs.
Our Songun politics, because it is rooted in the Juche idea and fully embodies and encompasses the Juche-oriented principles, strategy and tactics of the revolution and its methods and art of leadership, is the ever-victorious banner of our country and revolution and an all-powerful sword in the revolution and construction.
The paramount strength of a nation rests with its military might. Our anti-imperialist, anti-US struggle is waged fiercely on all fronts of politics, the military, the economy, ideology and culture, and the main front that decides the destiny of the country and nation is the anti-imperialist military front. The confrontation with the imperialist aggressive forces is, in essence, a showdown of strength, and strength alone can make sense in relations with the imperialists. Without our own strength, our own powerful self-defensive military might, we can neither win the fight against the imperialists, nor defend the Party and the State, nor guarantee the safety of the people.
This is the stark reality of today.
By dint of its Songun-based revolutionary leadership, Songun politics, our Party has strengthened and developed the Korean People’s Army as the army of the Party and the leader, as the invincible revolutionary armed forces, both in name and in reality.
The monolithic leadership system of the Party, the command system of the Supreme Commander and revolutionary military traits have been firmly established in the People’s Army, and the entire army–from the Supreme Commander down to the rank and file–now forms an integral whole based on revolutionary comradeship. All the men and officers of the People’s Army, cherishing an unshakable ideology and faith, constitute an invincible armed force that has acquired a mastery of our style of strategy and tactics and is equipped with up-to-date military hardware.
Our Juche-oriented defence industry has become able to produce every type of powerful state-of-the-art weaponry and military hardware and means, and the spirit of giving importance to military affairs has been established throughout society, with the result that the work of arming all the people and fortifying the whole country is proceeding at a higher phase.
Thanks to the Songun politics, our Republic has frustrated all the challenges of the imperialist reactionaries and all their schemes to isolate and stifle it, and demonstrated its invincible military might to the world, and our socialist country, Songun Korea, has risen as a world-class military power that no aggressor dares to attack.
As a result of the Songun-based revolutionary leadership, Songun politics, of the Party, the politico-ideological position of our Republic has been made rock-solid, and great progress has been made on the economic and cultural fronts. On the road of Songun our army and people have successfully achieved great unity–oneness of ideology and work style on the pattern of the revolutionary spirit and the work style of the soldiers–and the politico-ideological might of the country and the revolution has been enhanced beyond any comparison.
Under the Party’s Songun-based leadership the army and the people have carried out all their undertakings in socialist construction in a revolutionary and militant manner by forming an integral whole, and have in this way implemented grand projects to transform the appearance of the country, build numerous monumental structures, develop science and technology by leaps and bounds, and usher in a new golden age of culture and the arts of the Songun era.
Thanks to our Songun-based policy of national reunification and the concerted efforts of the nation, the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration (2000) and the October 4 Declaration (2007) were adopted and made public, and this opened up an epoch-making phase in the reunification of the country.
The national spirit for reunifying the country independently has been raised to an unprecedented height in the north, the south and abroad, and the movement for national reunification is developing as a nationwide movement under the banner of “by our nation itself.”
Our Songun politics, which stands against the imperialists’ policies of invasion and war and for the independence of the country and nation, arouses great sympathy among the progressive peoples of the world and greatly contributes to global peace and the cause of mankind’s independence. Our Songun politics and independent foreign policy have made it possible to raise the prestige and influence of our Republic to an unprecedented level in the international arena and to develop its external relations rapidly.
Under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung and our Party the DPRK was built and developed into a Juche-oriented socialist State with invincible might and achieved world startling victories and changes by overcoming every manner of historical challenge. The glorious country of Kim Il Sung, socialist Korea, that shines with brilliance by dint of Juche and Songun, is displaying its might as a great socialist country, and for this it is warmly loved and held aloft by our people as their great motherly country, is highly regarded by all Koreans as the pride and honor of the whole nation and as the fortress of national reunification, and is attracting the attention and admiration of people the world over.


Our Republic has traveled a long, long revolutionary path under the unfurled banner of the Juche idea, the banner of Songun, but our revolution is yet to be accomplished.
We must build a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country on this land and realize the cause of national reunification through the great unity of the whole nation. We must make proactive efforts, shoulder to shoulder with all countries and progressive peoples that aspire to independence, to defend world peace and accomplish the cause of human independence.
To build a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country true to President Kim Il Sung’s lifelong wish is a sacred duty our Party and State have assumed before the times and the revolution. Under our Party’s Songun-based revolutionary leadership, the whole Party, the entire army and all the people must, with firm confidence in victory, step up with vigor the general march of the Songun-based revolution towards building a great, prosperous and powerful country.
We must, first of all, build up the political and ideological position of our socialist country.
The might of socialism is its political and ideological might, and consolidating the political and ideological position of the socialist country is essential for building a great, prosperous and powerful country. In keeping with the development of the revolution and construction, we must conduct ideological work proactively so as to display to the maximum the inexhaustible spiritual strength of our soldiers and people and give fuller play to the dignity of socialist Korea as a political and ideological power.
We must intensify education in the Juche idea, the Songun idea, among cadres, Party members and other working people, so that they can work and live in a revolutionary and militant fashion as befits revolutionary people of the new era of the Juche-oriented revolution, the Songun era.
We must give them in-depth and effective class, revolutionary, socialist and other forms of education so as to ensure that they are imbued with high class and revolutionary awareness, a firm conviction in socialism and the spirit of socialist patriotism.
We must consolidate the single-hearted unity of the revolutionary ranks so that it is like steel. The core of our single-hearted unity is the leadership of the revolution. All cadres, Party members, soldiers and people must defend the leadership of the revolution politically and ideologically even at the risk of their lives, in the spirit of performing death-defying deeds in defence of the leader. All the men and officers of the People’s Army and all the people must be united more solidly around our Party in ideology and purpose, morality and obligation, and loyally support its ideas and leadership.
Single-hearted unity is the great foundation of our revolution, and public sentiment is the great foundation of our single-hearted unity. We must fully understand the public sentiment and work effectively with people so as to constantly strengthen the single-hearted unity of our revolutionary ranks.
We must remain vigilant against the enemy’s attempts to shatter our political and ideological position and undermine our single-hearted unity, and deal resolutely with them. We must wage a strenuous struggle to frustrate the maneuvers of the imperialists and reactionaries to infiltrate us ideologically and culturally and wage a psychological smear campaign against us, and we must intensify the ideological campaign in such a way as to prevent every element of the bourgeois ideology and way of life, however insignificant, from infiltrating our country.
We must continue, under the banner of Songun, to invest great efforts in strengthening the country’s defence capabilities. Its defence capabilities represent the sovereignty of Songun Korea, its right to existence, and its authority, dignity and destiny. It is only by continually strengthening our defence capabilities that we can defend the security of the country and people and provide the decisive military guarantee for building a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country.
The People’s Army is the main force of our revolution and the core force of our national defence. In our Songun politics, military affairs are given top priority and enhancing the People’s Army is the key element.
What is most important in strengthening the People’s Army is thoroughly to establish the monolithic leadership system of the Supreme Commander, his command system, in the army.
The entire army must loyally support its Supreme Commander’s ideas and leadership, share its destiny with him and move as one under his orders and instructions.
We must enhance the People’s Army’s political, ideological, military and technical preparedness. The People’s Army must intensify the political work of the Party so as to ensure that all service personnel acquire political and ideological traits befitting the army of the Party and the leader, the army of the Supreme Commander, and it must give fuller play to the traits of unity between men and officers based on revolutionary comradeship.
The soldiers and the people must share life and death on the road of Songun under the leadership of the Party, and consolidate their great unity. By carrying out Party policy on training, all service personnel must train themselves into a-match-for-a-hundred combatants who are well versed in our particular strategies, tactics and art of warfare and who can skillfully apply them in actual combat.
The armaments and other equipment of the People’s Army must be modernized constantly based on the latest science and technology.
The men and officers of the People’s Army, fully aware of the importance of the duty they have assumed before the Party and the revolution, the country and the people, must make the defence lines of the country impregnable and play a vanguard role in socialist construction.
An atmosphere must be created in which military affairs are given importance throughout society, and then all the people must learn military affairs earnestly and the entire Party, the whole country and all the people must make thorough preparations to cope with any emergency and, by building ever-stronger defences, turn the whole country into an impregnable fortress.
We must build our country into an economically powerful State by stepping up socialist economic construction.
Today economic construction is at the forefront in the building of a great, prosperous and powerful nation. Only by building our country into a socialist economic power by accelerating economic construction can we further strengthen the political and military might of Songun Korea, make it rich and strong and radically improve the people’s standard of living.
We have set ourselves the ambitious goal of opening the gate of a great, prosperous and powerful country in 2012 when we will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of President Kim Il Sung. If we are to achieve this goal, we must bring about a new revolutionary turn in socialist economic construction, and thus strengthen the country’s economic might and solve once and for all the problem of the people’s living. The entire Party, the whole country and all the people must turn out to launch a general economic construction offensive.
In order to bring about a revolutionary turn in economic construction, we must thoroughly implement the line of economic construction for the Songun era put forward by the Party. As demanded by this line, we must give priority to the development of the defence industry and develop light industry and agriculture simultaneously so as to effect a drastic turn in improving the people’s standard of living.
Giving precedence to the vanguard sectors of the national economy, the basic industrial sectors, is the key to developing the defence industry, light industry and agriculture quickly and simultaneously. We must concentrate nationwide efforts on these sectors so as to shore up the power, coal-mining and metallurgical industries and rail transport, and thus open wide the road of advance in building an economically powerful country.
By carrying out the Party’s line of attaching importance to science and technology, we must push forward the frontiers of cutting-edge science and technology and raise the country’s science and technology to a high level. All sectors of the national economy must proactively push ahead with the modernization of factories and enterprises as required in the IT age and based on the latest science and technology.
We must improve the management of the socialist economy. In economic management it is essential to strictly observe socialist principles, to apply the method of collective management correctly, to strengthen the central and coordinated guidance of the State and, on the basis of this, to give full play to the creativity of the lower units. We must enlist all potential and all the latent resources to the fullest and effectively on the principle of self-reliance and thus step up the building of an economic power by drawing on our own efforts, technology and resources.
We must comprehensively develop education, the health service, art and literature, and all other fields in the building of socialist culture. We must train revolutionary talents in greater numbers and more qualitatively and give full play to the advantages of the people-oriented public health system by improving educational and public health work, and also bring into fuller bloom Juche-oriented art and literature, the art and literature of the Songun era.
We must, by vigorously stepping up the general march of the Songun revolution, build a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country on this land and thus achieve a decisive victory in carrying out the cause of President Kim Il Sung, the socialist cause of Juche.
Reunification is the supreme task of the Korean nation, and it brooks no further delay. The Korean nation, which continuously handed down its tradition as a homogeneous nation throughout history, has been divided into north and south for over 60 years. We must reunify the country at the earliest possible date, and thus put an end to the tragic history of national division and pave the way for the coordinated development and prosperity of the country and nation.
The banners that our nation must hold up in achieving the independent reunification of the country are the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and October 4 Declaration.
These declarations are declarations of national independence and great national unity and great programs for national reunification. The standpoint and attitude towards these historic declarations constitute a standard by which to distinguish collaboration from confrontation, reunification from division between north and south. Whoever earnestly desires national reunification must support these declarations and implement them faithfully.
The basic ideal of national reunification as stated in the declarations is “by our nation itself,” and this is, to the core, the ideal of national independence, the ideal of national unity. All the compatriots in the north, the south and abroad must achieve national unity on the principle of national independence and frustrate all the maneuvers of the anti-reunification forces and accomplish the cause of national reunification without fail through the united efforts of the Korean nation itself.
We must make vigorous efforts to expand and develop the country’s external relations and realize global independence.
The government of our Republic must conduct its external activities briskly in accordance with the ideals of independence, peace and friendship and as required by the changing situation, so as to increase the number of supporters of and sympathizers with our revolution and create an international environment that is favorable for building a great, prosperous and powerful socialist nation and achieving national reunification. By strengthening friendship and unity with all countries and all progressive peoples who aspire to independence, we must wage a vigorous struggle to frustrate the war policy and hegemonic moves of the imperialist aggressive forces, defend peace and realize global independence.
In order for our Party and State to fulfill their mission and duty before the times and the revolution, it is important to strengthen the government of the Republic and enhance its role.
We must carry out President Kim Il Sung’s ideas and theories on State building and our Party’s line of State building in the Songun era, and thus continuously develop the government of the Republic.
The government of the Republic, based on the lines and policies of the Party, must consolidate and develop our State and social systems and forcefully push ahead with all the work of the revolution and construction.
The people’s government organs and their officials must fulfill their missions and responsibilities and perform their duty as the servants of the people by achieving further improvement in their style and method of work, as required by the times and the developing revolution.
The Workers’ Party of Korea is the supreme leading political organization in our society, and its leadership is the basic guarantee of all the victories of the country and the people. We must firmly establish the monolithic leadership system across the Party, further consolidate the unity and cohesion of the Party, build up its ranks organizationally and ideologically, improve the functions and role of its organizations, and thus enhance its organizing ability, fighting capacity and might in every way possible.
We must ensure comprehensive leadership by the Party over the revolution and construction. We must establish the Party’s monolithic leadership across society so as to ensure that all types of work in the revolution and construction are conducted on the basis of the lines and policies of the Party and in accordance with the ideas and intentions of the Party. In particular, Party organizations must give the people’s government organs effective political guidance, in other words, policy-based guidance, and render them active support in order to help them fulfill their mission and duty.
Our Republic is a great achievement of the Juche revolution, and the government of the Republic is a powerful weapon in the revolution and construction. The government of the Republic must step up the revolution and construction with greater vigor under our Party’s Songun-based leadership, and thus accomplish the cause of President Kim Il Sung, the revolutionary cause of Juche.