Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des oeuvres idéologiques et pratiques du Comité Central du Parti du Travail de Corée et de ses Dirigeants par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

Asiatisches Regionalseminar der Juche-Ideologie in Nepal

Das Asiatische Regionalseminar der Juche-Ideologie fand am 23. August in Nepal statt. Das Seminar wurde vom Asiatischen Regionalinstitut der Juche-Ideologie (ARIJI) organisiert.
Eine Delegation der Vereinigung der Sozialwissenschaftler Koreas (Korean Association of Social Scientists - KASS) sowie Vertreter von Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppen verschiedener Länder und politische Persönlichkeiten Nepals nahmen daran teil.
Der Generaldirektor des ARIJI sagte in seiner Rede, dass die asiatischen Länder, welche eine unabhängige Entwicklung auf der Basis des Antiimperialismus einschlagen, sich von der Juche-Ideologie leiten lassen sollten.
Der grosse Genosse Kim Il Sung, der Begründer der Juche-Ideologie, habe unter deren Banner und gestützt auf das Volk den bewaffneten antijapanischen Befreiungskampf sowie den Vaterländischen Befreiungskrieg gegen die USA-Aggressoren zum Sieg geführt und erfolgreich die antiimperialistische, antifeudale demokratische und die sozialistische Revolution verwirklicht und in Korea eine authentische sozialistische Gesellschaft aufgebaut.
Der grosse Genosse Kim Jong Il habe auf der Basis der revolutionären Songun-Idee und -Politik die Aggressionspläne der vereinigten imperialistischen Allianz gegen die Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) siegreich zerschlagen, den Sozialismus koreanischen Stils verteidigt und die Grundlage für den Aufbau einer blühenden Nation geschaffen.
Im Namen aller Teilnehmer sandte das Regionalseminar einen Brief an Marschall Kim Jong Un, in welchem die materielle und moralische Hilfe des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung für die Völker Asiens beim Aufbau einer neuen unabhängigen Gesellschaft gewürdigt wurde.
Weiter wurde im Brief betont, dass der von Marschall Kim Jong Un proklamierte Kimilsungismus-Kimjongilismus der einzig korrekte Weg zur Realisierung der Unabhängigkeit der Volksmassen darstelle, da er eine wissenschaftliche revolutionäre Doktrin ist.

28. August - Tag der Jugend in der DVRK

Der 28. August wird in der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) als Tag der Jugend gefeiert.
Das Datum des Jugendtages bezieht sich auf den 28. August Juche 16 (1927), als Genosse Kim Il Sung den Kommunistischen Jugendverband Koreas (KJVK) gründete. Er scharte junge koreanische Kommunisten der neuen Generation um sich und gründete aus ihren Reihen die erste kommunistische Jugendorganisation Koreas.
Die Mitglieder des KJVK kämpften in den Reihen der vom Generalissimus Kim Il Sung gegründeten und kommandierten Koreanischen Revolutionären Volksarmee (KRVA) heldenmütig gegen die japanischen Imperialisten und erwarben sich unvergängliche Verdienste um die Befreiung des Vaterlandes.
Auch im Vaterländischen Befreiungskrieg (1950-1953) kämpften die koreanischen Jugendlichen an vorderster Front todesmutig gegen die USA-Aggressoren.
In den harten und entbehrungsreichen Wiederaufbau-Jahren nach dem Sieg und in der Chollima-Bewegung zum rasanten Aufbau eines starken und modernen sozialistischen Staates in den 1950er-Jahren sowie während des "schweren Marsches" in den 1990er-Jahren zur Ueberwindung der zeitweiligen ökonomischen Schwierigkeiten vollbrachten Jugendliche unter der Führung der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK) grandiose Leistungen.
Der Führer Kim Jong Il entwickelte den Jugendverband zur Sozialistischen Jugendliga Kim Il Sung und proklamierte den 28. August zum Tag der Jugend.
Unter der Anleitung und Fürsorge der grossen Führer Kim Il Sung und Kim Jong Il wurden die Jugendlichen Koreas zu zuverlässigen Fortsetzern der sozialistischen Revolution.
Unter der Führung von Marschall Kim Jong Un vollbringen die koreanischen Jugendlichen wahre Grosstaten beim Aufbau einer starken und blühenden sozialistischen Macht und im Kampf für die nationale Wiedervereinigung.
Dank dem hohen ideologischen und moralischen Bewusstsein und dem Patriotismus der jungen Generation in der DVRK gelingt es den Imperialisten und Reaktionären nicht, die jungen Koreaner zu korrumpieren und gegen das sozialistische System aufzuwiegeln.
Die Jugend des Songun-Zeitalters verteidigt den Sozialismus koreanischen Stils und die Juche-Ideologie vorbildlich. Viele koreanische Jungen und Mädchen treten voller Stolz und Patriotismus in die Koreanische Volksarmee (KVA) ein, um die Heimat gegen die Kriegs-, Aggressions- und konterrevolutionären Umsturzpläne der USA-Imperialisten und deren Komplizen zu schützen und zu verteidigen.

Die AINDF - die patriotische Avantgardeorganisation der südkoreanischen Bevölkerung

Zur Feier des 45. Jahrestages der Gründung der AINDF (25. August)

Vor 45 Jahren, am 25. August Juche 58 (1969), wurde die Antiimperialistische Nationale Demokratische Front (AINDF) gegründet. Sie ist die revolutionäre und patriotische Avantgardeorganisation der südkoreanischen Bevölkerung.
Gegründet wurde sie als die Revolutionäre Partei für die Wiedervereinigung (RPW). Die Partei bekannte sich von Anfang an zur Juche-Ideologie und zur Songun-Idee.
Im Juli Juche 74 (1985) wurde sie in Nationale Demokratische Front Südkoreas (NDFSK) umbenannt, und im März Juche 94 (2005) nahm sie ihren heutigen Namen AINDF an.
Die AINDF leitet seit ihrer Gründung die südkoreanische Bevölkerung im Kampf gegen den USA-Imperialismus und dessen Marionettenregime und für die nationale Unabhängigkeit, die Demokratisierung der Gesellschaft und für die nationale Wiedervereinigung an.
In den 1970er-Jahren kämpfte sie unerschrocken und heldenhaft gegen die barbarische faschistische "Yusin"-Diktatur. Beim Volksaufstand in Kwangju im Mai Juche 69 (1980)  stand die AINDF ebenfalls an vorderster Front im Kampf gegen die blutrünstige Clique Chon Du Hwans und deren amerikanischen Drahtzieher.
Die AINDF brachte grosse Märtyrer für die revolutionäre und patriotische Sache hervor. Kim Jong Thae und Choe Yong Do wurden vom faschistischen "Yusin"-Regime eingekerkert und starben im Gefängnis den Heldentod. Diese aufrichtigen Revolutionäre, Patrioten und Kimilsungisten brachten noch im Angesicht des Todes Hochrufe auf den Präsidenten Kim Il Sung und den Führer Kim Jong Il sowie auf die unsterbliche Juche-Ideologie aus.
Es ist dem unermüdlichen Einfluss der AINDF zu verdanken, dass sich die Juche-Ideologie und die Songun-Idee immer mehr in der südkoreanischen Bevölkerung verbreiten. Viele Südkoreaner verehren den Präsidenten Kim Il Sung, die antijapanische Kriegsheldin Kim Jong Suk, den Führer Kim Jong Il und Marschall Kim Jong Un und publizieren auf Internet-Webseiten Artikel zu ihrer Lobpreisung. Die Zirkel zum Studium der klassischen Werke von Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il und Kim Jong Un nehmen stetig zu.
Die Leitideologie der AINDF ist der Kimilsungismus-Kimjongilismus.
In ihrem Kampf für die nationale Wiedervereinigung bekennt sich die AINDF zur gemeinsamen Nord-Süd-Erklärung vom 15. Juni 2000 und zur Erklärung vom 4. Oktober 2007 und mobilisiert die Südkoreaner für deren Umsetzung und Realisierung.
In ihrem Kampf für eine neue demokratische Gesellschaft des Volkes tritt die AINDF für die Auflösung des faschistischen "Nationalen Sicherheitsgesetzes", welches das Engagement für die nationale Wiedervereinigung unterdrückt, verfolgt und kriminalisiert, ein.
Die AINDF wird ihren gerechten Kampf gegen die neokolonialistische Besatzungsherrschaft des USA-Imperialismus in Südkorea und für die nationale Unabhängigkeit, die Demokratie und die Wiedervereinigung bis zum Sieg unermüdlich fortsetzen.
Unter dem leuchtenden revolutionären Banner des Kimilsungismus-Kimjongilismus wird die AINDF triumphieren!
Die AINDF ist die rechtmässige und legitime Vertreterin der südkoreanischen Bevölkerung, nicht die landesverräterische proamerikanische Marionettenclique.
Die Freunde Koreas und die Anhänger der Juche-Ideologie und der Songun-Idee auf der ganzen Welt unterstützen solidarisch die AINDF und die von ihr angeleitete südkoreanische Revolution.

Only Victory and Glory Will Be in Store for Us Who are Advancing under the Unfurled Flag Bearing the Immortal Beaming Images of the Great Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il


Only Victory and Glory Will Be in Store for Us Who are Advancing under the Unfurled Flag

Bearing the Immortal Beaming Images of the Great Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il

Speech Delivered at the Banquet Held in Celebration of August 25

August 25, Juche 101 (2012)

Commanders of the combined units of the People’s Army that are reliably defending the outpost of the country on the eastern sector of its front and other commanding personnel,

Today we celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the start of Songun-based revolutionary leadership by Generalissimo Kim Jong Il.

As I greet the day in the first year after his passing, I miss the General all the more and feel my eyes wet with tears to look back on the great pains he took for the country and people holding aloft the banner of Songun throughout his life.

Burning his heart with the will of love for the country and people under the banner of Songun, he provided invincible military capabilities and the strength of single-hearted unity between the army and people, which the whole world is envious of, and thus raised the dignity of the country and people to the highest plane in the history of the nation. His achievements will shine for ever.

Availing myself of this meaningful occasion and reflecting the unanimous wish of all the service personnel and people, I extend the noblest respect and eternal glory to the great Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, who dedicated his all to the Songun-based leadership with love for the country and people, burning his heart with passion and affection all his life.


Greeting this day on the front, when the enemy is staging under our very eyes aggressive war exercises reeking of powder, I am now here with my comrades-in-arms in the eastern sector of the front.

August 25, together with April 25, is a day that is etched in the history of building up our revolutionary armed forces, as well as in the history of our country.

Associated with this day is the strength of our People’s Army, which takes pride in being a powerful revolutionary Paektusan army, and the image of our country, which has emerged as a world-class military giant and dignified nuclear state.

It is the unshakable determination and will of our Party to defend the security of the country and the gains of the revolution and build on this land a reunified and thriving country, grasping more firmly the arms of Songun Generalissimo Kim Jong Il provided with much effort through his lifelong Songun-based revolutionary leadership.

At this moment, the United States and its puppet army of south Korea, together with their vassal forces, are staging large-scale aggressive war exercises targeted on us, thus seriously threatening our security.

While inspecting the army units at the outposts of the southwestern sector of the front, I have already issued to the entire army the order to keep a sharp watch on the enemy’s reckless moves and, should they throw even one spark on our holy territory or territorial waters, immediately deal an annihilating counterblow and rise up as one to switch over to an all-round counterattack for achieving the great cause of national reunification, reviewed the corresponding operations plan and written down my final signature on it.

Right at this moment, the brave service personnel of the People’s Army have taken up combat positions at my order to cope with the reckless war manoeuvres by the United States and its south Korean puppets, waiting for an order for final charge to fight a life-and-death fight against the enemy.

There is a limit to our tolerance.

Counter provocations with an immediate counteroffensive, and an aggressive war with a war of justice for the country’s reunification–this is our principled stand and unshakable will.

We will never remain onlookers to the enemy’s desperate moves for aggression; we will do all we can to defend the destiny of the country and nation.

It is a truth confirmed by history that nobody in the world can check the advance of a people who have turned out for their cause of justice.

If another undesirable war breaks out on this land as a consequence of the unpardonable actions of the United States and its south Korean puppets, they will sustain an ignominious defeat in the war and our great nation will greet a bright dawn of their reunification.

Only victory and glory will be in store for us who are advancing under the unfurled flag bearing the immortal beaming images of the great
Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

Today, availing myself of this meaningful occasion, I reaffirm my determination to invariably follow the road of Songun for our motherland and revolution, the road travelled by General Kim Jong Il, arm in arm and shoulder to shoulder with you, my comrades.

Comrades, let us be confident of victory.

A brilliant future lies before our people.

Let us hold the arms of revolution more firmly to defend the happiness and security of the people and the dignity of our great Paektusan nation.

To the final victory of the Juche revolutionary cause, the Songun revolutionary cause, pioneered and led successfully by the great Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il,

To the good health of the commanders of combined units and other commanding personnel present here and all other soldiers of the People’s Army, and

To the victorious advance of the powerful revolutionary Paektusan army,

I propose this toast.

KIM IL SUNG war ein echter Internationalist

In den Tagen um den 69. Jahrestag der Befreiung Koreas (15. August) erinnern sich die Völker der unsterblichen Verdienste des grossen Präsidenten Kim Il Sung um die globale Unabhängigkeit.
Während des bewaffneten antijapanischen Befreiungskampfes führte er die Koreanische Revolutionäre Volksarmee (KRVA) in vielen Schlachten dazu an, die Sowjetunion mit Waffen zu verteidigen und eine Invasion der japanischen Imperialisten in diesem Land zu verhindern.
In den 1960er-Jahren half er dem kubanischen Volk, die Revolution gegen die Aggressions- und Invasionsakte der USA-Imperialisten zu verteidigen.
Während des Vietnam-Krieges mobilisierte Präsident Kim Il Sung die militärische Hilfe der Koreanischen Volksarmee (KVA) für das vietnamesische Volk in dessen Kampf gegen die USA-Aggressoren. Präsident Ho Chi Minh nannte den Präsidenten Kim Il Sung liebevoll seinen wahren Bruder, der aus vollem Herzen Vietnam und dem vietnamesischen Volk half.
Präsident Kim Il Sung unterstützte auch Länder wie Aegypten, Moçambique, Tansania, Zimbabwe oder Nicaragua bei der Verteidigung ihrer Unabhängigkeit und beim Aufbau einer neuen Gesellschaft.
Die selbstlose Hilfe des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung für die Befreiung und Verteidigung anderer Länder und Völker wird von der progressiven Menschheit gepriesen. Er war ein echter Internationalist und Vorkämpfer der globalen Unabhängigkeit.




Article Published in the Inaugural Issue of the Theoretical Magazine Tricontinental,
Organ of the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America
August 12, 1967

Two years ago the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America was inaugurated in Havana, the capital of Cuba.
It was an event of enormous importance. The aims and ideas of this organization have aroused the sympathy of hundreds of millions of Asians, Africans and Latin Americans and are exerting a profound influence on the great changes taking place in the world today.
The peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America, who had been oppressed and plundered by Western capitalism and imperialism for centuries, have risen courageously and taken their place on the stage of history. The strong tide of national liberation is rising with an irresistible force. Hundreds of millions of people on the three continents are fighting for their freedom and are struggling to defend the revolutionary achievements they have already won. The colonial system of imperialism is rapidly disintegrating.
Imperialism is making desperate attempts to retain its former positions and regain its lost ground. As the dying hour of imperialism draws closer, the struggle is intensifying further. Thus, the peoples cannot but continue their struggle, holding high the banner of anti-imperialism, until imperialism is totally wiped off the face of the earth.
The newly independent countries which have thrown off the yoke of imperialism are confronted with the very difficult and important tasks of defending their national independence, carrying forward the revolution and aiding the liberation struggle of the peoples still chained by imperialism. The peoples who have won their independence must fight to crush the subversive activities of foreign imperialism and the domestic forces of reaction, tear down their economic strongholds, strengthen the revolutionary forces, set up a progressive social system and build an independent national economy and national culture. Only in this way can they protect the gains of the revolution, achieve the prosperity of their countries and nations and contribute to the common struggle of the peoples of the whole world to bury imperialism.
Asia, Africa and Latin America comprise 71 percent of the world’s land surface. These continents are inhabited by more than two-thirds of the world’s population and are blessed with inexhaustible natural resources. Imperialism has grown and become fat by grinding these peoples down and robbing them of their riches. Even today imperialism is squeezing tens of billions of dollars in profits from these areas every year. Once Asia, Africa and Latin America are completely freed from old and new colonialism, there will not be an imperialist Western Europe and an imperialist North America.
The struggle of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America against imperialism and colonialism is a sacred liberation struggle for hundreds of millions of oppressed and humiliated people; it is also a great battle to cut the life line of world imperialism. This struggle and the revolutionary struggle of the international working class for socialism are the two major revolutionary forces of our times, and they join into one stream which will carry imperialism to its grave.
The imperialists cannot bestow independence upon the colonial peoples. Is there any need to prove the falsity of the imperialists’ declaration that the Western world can help the peoples of the three continents to achieve independence and progress and can coexist with a free and independent Asia, Africa and Latin America? The imperialist leopard cannot change his imperialist spots, and he never will. Imperialism will exploit, oppress and plunder the people until it meets its doom.
The oppressed peoples can liberate themselves only through struggle. This is a simple and clear truth confirmed by history. It is necessary to expose the false propaganda of the imperialists and thoroughly dispel the illusion that they will give up their positions in the colonies and dependent countries with a good will. Where there is oppression, there is bound to be resistance. It is inevitable that the oppressed peoples should fight for their emancipation. As long as imperialism plunders and oppresses small and weak nations by force, it remains an inalienable right of the oppressed nations to rise up in arms and fight against the aggressors.
It is wrong to try to avoid the struggle against imperialism under the pretext that independence and revolution are important, but that peace is still more precious. Is it not true that the line of seeking unprincipled compromise with imperialism only tends to encourage its aggressive actions and increase the danger of war? Peace secured by slavish submission is not peace. Genuine peace cannot be achieved unless a struggle is waged against those who break the peace, unless the slave’s peace is rejected and the oppressors’ rule overthrown. We are opposed to the line of compromise with imperialism. At the same time, we cannot tolerate the practice of only denouncing imperialism but, in actual fact, being afraid to fight it. This is a line of compromise in an inverted form. Both have nothing to do with a genuine anti-imperialist struggle and only help the imperialist policy of aggression and war.
It is most important, when fighting against imperialism, to concentrate the attack on US imperialism, the ringleader of world imperialism.
By stretching out its aggressive tentacles all over the world, US imperialism has become the common enemy of all peoples of the world. There is no country on earth whose sovereignty is not violated by US imperialism; there is no country which is free from the menace of US imperialist aggression. The US imperialists are brutally suppressing the liberation struggle of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America and constantly perpetrating acts of aggression and subversion to re-enslave the newly independent countries. Bluntly revealing their true colours as gangsters, the US imperialists are waging a war of aggression against a socialist country and interfering in the domestic affairs of other countries by force of arms. Over the past 20-odd years since the end of World War II, not a day has gone by which has not witnessed the flames of aggression and war kindled by US imperialism. US imperialism is, indeed, the most heinous and shameless plunderer known to history. It is the US imperialists themselves who are causing peoples all over the world calling for peace, independence and progress, to unite in a common front against US imperialism.
The peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America have common interests and are in a position to support each other in their anti-imperialist, anti-US struggle. As long as Africa and Latin America are not free, Asia cannot be free; driving the US imperialists out of Asia will benefit the liberation struggle of the African and Latin-American peoples. Victory over US imperialism on one front will sap its strength and facilitate victory on other fronts by that much. If the US imperialist forces of aggression are defeated in any part of the world, it will be a very good thing for all the peoples of the world. It is necessary, therefore, to form the broadest possible anti-US united front to isolate US imperialism completely, and strike it in unison wherever it extends its talons of aggression, This alone will make it possible to disperse and weaken the force of US imperialism to the maximum and to lead the people with their unquestionably superior power to defeat US imperialism on all fronts.
For more than 20 years the US imperialists have been occupying the southern half of our country. They have enforced colonial rule in south Korea and turned it into a military base for their aggression against the whole of Korea and Asia. In spite of their ignominious defeat in the aggressive war against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the US imperialists have not yet given up their aggressive design to conquer the whole of Korea and are unceasingly planning to unleash another war in Korea. The supreme task of the Korean people at this time is to liquidate the colonial system of US imperialism in south Korea, accomplish the national-liberation revolution and reunite the country. For the Korean people to achieve the cause of national liberation, forces must be prepared along three fronts: strengthen the socialist forces in north Korea; increase and augment the revolutionary forces in south Korea; and develop the international revolutionary movement and strengthen solidarity with it. North Korea is the base of the Korean revolution. The successes of socialist construction there encourage the south Korean people in their anti-US, national-salvation struggle and stimulate the preparation of revolutionary forces in south Korea. We are striving to strengthen and develop the revolutionary forces in north and south Korea and, at the same time, to cement solidarity with the international revolutionary forces. The Korean people support the struggle of the peoples of all countries against US imperialism, and regard it as support for their own cause of liberation. We maintain that all the anti-imperialist forces of the world should unite in a joint struggle against US imperialism, and we have been working consistently to achieve this goal.
The US imperialists are more afraid of the united strength of the revolutionary peoples of the world than of anything else. That is why they are resorting to all kinds of tricks to obstruct the formation of an anti-US united front and are using the strategy of conquering small, weak countries one by one. This strategy of US imperialism must be thoroughly frustrated. The Asian, African and Latin-American countries have differing social systems, and there are many parties and groupings with divergent political views there. But all these countries, parties and groupings—except the stooges of imperialism—have a common interest in opposing the imperialist forces of aggression headed by US imperialism. The difference in social systems and political ideas can never be an obstacle to united struggle and concerted action against US imperialism. No one must be allowed to divide the anti-US united front or refuse joint action, claiming primary importance for his own specific national or partisan interests. Such an act will only benefit imperialism led by US imperialism and harm the revolutionary peoples.
It is very important in the joint struggle against imperialism to defend the revolution which has already triumphed.
It is an internationalist duty of all the revolutionary peoples to fight to defend the gains of the Cuban revolution. Revolutionary Cuba represents the future of Latin America, and its very existence encourages the peoples of that continent in their liberation movement. The triumph of the Cuban revolution is striking evidence that imperialism is doomed and that the national-liberation revolution and people’s revolution will assuredly triumph in our times. It is for this very reason that the US imperialists hate and fear this small island country so much. They are trying to strangle the Republic of Cuba. The peoples of Latin America and the progressive peoples of the whole world must do everything in their power to foil the US imperialists’ blockade policy against the Republic of Cuba and frustrate their preparations for a military invasion of Cuba.
Today the Vietnamese people’s war of resistance for national salvation against the US expeditionary forces has become the focal point of the anti-imperialist struggle. The US imperialist forces of aggression and the anti-imperialist, peace-loving forces of the world are having a showdown in Vietnam. The US troops are suffering one defeat after another in face of the heroic resistance of the Vietnamese people and are being driven into a corner. Contrary to the expectations of the US imperialists, the Vietnam war has become a grave for the aggressors. The Vietnamese people’s war of resistance for national salvation is another graphic example that a people who are determined to defend their independence and freedom at any cost, and who have the support of the peoples of the whole world, cannot be defeated.
At present, the US imperialists are escalating the war, continuously reinforcing their own military strength in South Vietnam, bringing in more troops from their satellite countries, and perpetrating the extensive aerial and artillery bombardment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
The Vietnamese people, through their heroic struggle, are shouldering the enormous burden of resisting the aggression of the most barbarous and most heinous imperialism of modern times. They are fighting not only to defend their independence and freedom, but also to safeguard world peace and security. Once US imperialist aggression against Vietnam is checked and frustrated, US imperialism will sink like the setting sun and the situation will be more favourable for the peoples of all countries fighting for peace, independence and progress. The peace-loving peoples of the whole world have a duty to give all forms of aid to the Vietnamese people, and the Vietnamese people are entitled to receive it. The peoples of the socialist and the newly independent states and the peoples of all countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the rest of the world should make the greatest efforts to broaden the anti-US united front, to aid the Vietnamese people in their war of resistance for national salvation and, through concerted action, check US imperialist aggression. No one has the right to force a solution of their internal affairs on the Vietnamese people. The US armed forces of aggression must withdraw from Vietnam and the Vietnamese question must be settled by the Vietnamese people themselves.
We must neither underestimate nor overestimate the strength of US imperialism. US imperialism can still commit many crimes. But it is on the decline. Today when US imperialism is behaving most outrageously, its vulnerability is more evident than ever before. The Korean people know what US imperialism is. Our people have fought US imperialism, and defended their country against its aggression. The Korean war showed that US imperialism is by no means invincible, and that it is quite possible to fight it and defeat it. The triumph of the Cuban revolution again proved this truth under conditions which were different from ours. The Vietnamese people’s war of resistance for national salvation also clearly confirms this truth.
US imperialism is doomed to complete destruction. Through a unified struggle against imperialism headed by US imperialism, the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America will build a new, independent and prosperous Asia, Africa and Latin America, and will make a great contribution to world peace and to the liberation of mankind.

KIM JONG IL würdigte KIM JONG UN als Nachfolger der revolutionären Sache des Juche

Das in diesem Jahr im Pyongyanger Fremdsprachenverlag herausgegebene Buch Der oberste Führer Kim Jong Un im Jahr 2012 wird mit einem Zitat des Führers Kim Jong Il eingeleitet.
Der Führer Kim Jong Il sagte:

Die im Päktu-Gebirge begonnene revolutionäre Sache des Juche wird vom Genossen KIM JONG UN verlässlich fortgesetzt als die Abstammungslinie vom Päktu-Gebirge.
Ich sage dies mit Vertrauen.

Damit brachte der Führer Kim Jong Il sein vollstes Vertrauen zum Genossen Kim Jong Un zum Ausdruck und würdigte er ihn als den grossen Nachfolger und Fortsetzer der revolutionären Sache des Juche.
Es ist ein weiteres unsterbliches Verdienst des Führers Kim Jong Il, dass er die Frage des Nachfolgers des Führers und der revolutionären Sache des Juche richtig gelöst hat.
Mit der eingangs zitierten Aeusserung rief der Führer Kim Jong Il die Partei, die Armee und das Volk Koreas dazu auf, dem Marschall Kim Jong Un zu vertrauen und ihm loyal zu sein.
Die absolute Identität der Ideen, der Persönlichkeit, der Führungskunst und des Charakters von Marschall Kim Jong Un mit jenen des Führers Kim Jong Il belegt die Weitsicht und Intelligenz des letzteren.
Das koreanische Volk sieht im obersten Führer Kim Jong Un seit dessen erstem öffentlichem Auftreten die exakte Verkörperung des Führers Kim Jong Il und damit auch jene des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung und bringt ihm die gleiche Verehrung entgegen.
Die richtige Lösung der Nachfolgefrage ist der verlässliche Garant für die siegreiche Fortsetzung der sozialistischen Revolution Koreas.
Das von den Imperialisten und Reaktionären erhoffte "Vakuum" nach dem Ableben des Führers Kim Jong Il trat nicht ein.
Kim Jong Uns Korea ist das Korea von Kim Il Sung und Kim Jong Il! Das freut das koreanische Volk und alle Freunde Koreas und die Anhänger der Juche-Ideologie und der Songun-Idee, und das betrübt die USA-Imperialisten und deren Komplizen!
Mit dem verehrten Marschall Kim Jong Un an der Spitze ist die Zukunft Koreas rosig! Er wird dem koreanischen Volk ein vereinigtes Vaterland schenken!




August 4, 1997

Our people will soon greet the 52nd anniversary of the liberation of our country, the historic event of the beginning of a new life the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung brought to our nation. On this occasion our people look back with warm hearts upon the tireless efforts and the great achievements the respected leader made for the reunification of our country for half a century ever since the day of national liberation. 
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung strongly desired and worked hard all his life for the reunification of our country. He was unhappy more about the national sufferings caused by national division than about anything else, and took all the pains and put his heart and soul into the cause for national reunification till the last moment of his life in order to hand down a reunified country to posterity. 
To reunify the country in accordance with the noble idea of respected Comrade Kim Il Sung is the revolutionary duty and moral obligation of our party and our people. It is a sacred national task devolving upon our generation. No matter what kind of difficulties and obstacles may stand in the way of national reunification, we must carry out the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's instructions for national reunification and fulfil the responsibility and duty our generation has assumed before the country and nation. 


The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung is the sun of our nation and the lodestar of national reunification. He devoted all his life to the country and nation and made imperishable achievements in the cause of national reunification. By his preeminent ideas and leadership he pioneered the cause of national reunification, guided it victoriously, laid solid foundations to realize it, and opened the bright prospects for the reunification of the country. 
The question of national reunification arose as a result of the division of the country by foreign forces at the end of the Second World War. The history of half a century since the division of the country into north and south is a history of an acute struggle between the two conflicting lines of reunification and division, patriotism and treachery, and a history of the victory of patriotic forces that aspire after national reunification. 
Ever since the division of the country, the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung regarded national reunification as the supreme task of our nation, consistently maintained the line of one Korea, the line of reunification, wisely led the struggle to reunify the country and strengthened and developed the reunification movement into a nationwide movement. 
The line of national reunification proposed and invariably maintained by the great leader is a line of thorough national independence for the complete sovereignty and independence of the country and nation and a truly patriotic line for the development of the country to be reunified and for national prosperity. 
The question of the reunification of our country is a question of putting an end to the foreign domination and intervention of south Korea, establishing national sovereignty throughout the country, linking again the blood ties of the divided nation, and realizing unity as one nation. If our nation, which has lived as a homogeneous nation in the same land for thousands of years, remains divided by foreign forces, it will be impossible to avoid national misfortune and calamities and free itself from foreign domination and subjugation. 
Reunification is the only correct way to establish the complete sovereignty of the country and nation, brighten the nation's dignity and honor, and achieve the prosperity of the country and nation. The line of reunification enjoys unreserved support from all the Korean people because it reflects the fundamental interests and demand and unanimous wish and aspiration of our nation. 
In the complex and difficult situation in which the U.S. imperialists' occupation of south Korea and the maneuvers of divisive forces at home and abroad against reunification were continuing, respected Comrade Kim Il Sung maintained the line of reunification firmly and consistently and led the reunification movement on his initiative. 
While strengthening the northern half of Korea into a bulwark for national reunification, the great leader ensured that the people in the northern half gave active support and encouragement to the south Korean people in their patriotic struggle for independence, democracy and national reunification without forgetting them even for a moment. 
He thwarted the challenge and the maneuvers of the divisive forces at home and abroad against reunification at every step and developed the reunification movement steadily. It was our leader who developed the nationwide struggle to frustrate the maneuvers of the flunkeyist and treacherous forces to keep the country divided by convening the historic joint conference of the representatives of political parties and public organizations from north and south Korea in the grim days when "separate elections and a separate government" were being cooked up in the name of the UN in south Korea immediately after liberation; it was our leader who roused all the Korean people to the struggle to check and thwart the maneuvers of the divisive elements for "two Koreas" at a time when a sharp antagonism and struggle were going on between two lines, one for one Korea and the other for "two Koreas", in our country; it was also our leader who opened the way to dialogue and negotiations between the north and south which were in a frozen state, ensured success in adopting the north-south joint statement and agreements and opened a new phase in the movement to reunify the country. 
The great leader, who had immeasurably noble love for the country and nation, passed not a day without being concerned over the question of national reunification, nor did he take a single day's rest in peace. Comrade Kim Il Sung worked energetically to strengthen international support for and solidarity with the movement for national reunification. 
Thanks to his strenuous external activities, the validity of our party's line of national reunification was widely known to political, public and press circles in various countries, international concern for the question of Korea's reunification increased, and the world progressive people's support for and solidarity with the movement for our country's reunification grew stronger. Thanks to the great meritorious service rendered by the respected leader Comrade Kim Il Sung who adhered to the line of national reunification and devoted all his efforts to the reunification of the country, the reunification movement continued to develop, sweeping away the obstructive moves of the divisive forces, and became an indestructible force. The ardent desire of the nation for the reunification of the country is growing higher with each passing day, and all the Koreans in the north, south and abroad have turned out for the movement to reunify the country. The development of the reunification movement into a powerful nationwide movement as we see today and its advance in the midst of worldwide interest and support and encouragement from the progressive people prove a brilliant victory of the line of reunification over the line of division. 
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung set forth the three charters for national reunification which clarified the fundamental principles and methods of national reunification, and provided the guideline that must be maintained in accomplishing the cause of national reunification. 
The three principles of independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity are the cornerstones for national reunification which manifested the fundamental standpoint and fundamental way of solving the problem of national reunification by the efforts of the nation and in keeping with its will and interests. 
The three principles of national reunification are the great common program of the nation which the north and south confirmed in their July 4 Joint Statement and proclaimed solemnly to the public at home and abroad.
The ten-point program of the great unity of the whole nation for the reunification of the country is a political program to strengthen the motive force of national reunification by achieving the unity of the entire nation. This program clearly shows the objective and the ideological basis of great national unity and its principles and methods in an all-round way. 
The plan of establishing the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo is a blueprint that shows the full picture of the state to be reunified and the method of its realization. It indicates the basic method of reunifying the country most reasonably and smoothly on the basis of tolerating the ideas and systems of the north and the south. The three principles of national reunification, the ten-point program of the great unity of the whole nation and the plan of establishing the DFRK constitute the three charters for national reunification by which Comrade Kim Il Sung elaborated the basic principles and methods of national reunification into an integral system on the basis of his great Juche idea and his valuable experience of the struggle to reunify the country.
The three charters of national reunification are permeated with the spirit of national independence regarding national sovereignty and dignity as lifeblood and embody his noble love for the country and nation and for reunifying the country peacefully by achieving north-south reconciliation and the great unity of the entire nation. The three charters clarify the fairest and most reasonable and rational way of reunifying the country at the earliest date in keeping with the real conditions in our country where different ideas and systems exist in its north and south for a long time and in accordance with the entire nation's aspirations to reunification. Because the great leader provided the three charters of national reunification, our nation is in a position to develop the struggle for national reunification with the clear objective, direction, confidence and courage and to realize its cherished desire for its reunification successfully by its united effort. The three charters of national reunification are, indeed, the banner of national reunification as well as the justest and most realistic fighting program for reunifying the country independently and peacefully.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung rallied the entire nation under the banner of great national unity, prepared the driving force of national reunification and strengthened it further. Our nation is the motive force of reunifying the country, and its strength lies in great national unity. When our own force of reunification is prepared, the victory of the cause of national reunification is assured. 
Regarding patriotism and the spirit of national independence as the basis of national unity, Comrade Kim Il Sung made it the principle of great national unity to subordinate everything to the cause of national reunification, transcending the differences in thoughts, ideas, political views and religion, and led all the people aspiring after reunification, regardless of their past records, to the way for reunification and patriotism with great generosity and magnanimity. 
He put forward the slogan for national unity, "Those with strength, devote their strength; those with knowledge, offer their knowledge; and those with money, contribute their money!" and encouraged the Korean people from all walks of life to help towards the cause of national reunification, with the mind of loving the country and the nation. His thoughts and ideas of great national unity and his noble love for humanity and the nation were the source of strength that encouraged the Korean compatriots from all sections to set out courageously on the road of national unity and national reunification. Comrade Kim Il Sung attached great importance to forming the all-nation united front and energetically led the work of uniting the reunification forces in the north, south and abroad. 
Basing himself on the experience of the anti-Japanese national united front during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, he put forward the policy of forming the great national united front for the country's reunification and wisely guided the struggle to implement it. As a result, a great advance was made in the work for organizing the compatriots in the north, south and abroad under the banner of national reunification. 
When the movement for the reunification of the country developed into a movement involving all the nation and their ardent desire for national reunification soared as never before, a Pan-National Rally representing the Koreans in the north, south and abroad was held and the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification representing the reunification will of the entire nation was born. 
The formation of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification is an important success achieved in strengthening the motive force of the country's reunification and developing the reunification movement onto a higher stage. 
Today the motive force of reunification and patriotism is expanded and strengthened on a national scale involving the north, south and abroad and cemented more firmly; it is advancing vigorously towards the independent and peaceful reunification of the country, overwhelming the flunkeyist, treacherous, divisive forces. 
The exploits which the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung accomplished on the road of the country's reunification is the priceless heritage for our people and nation and a solid foundation on which to reunify the country. His life-long efforts dedicated to the country and nation and his great services to the noble cause of national reunification and independence will shine for ever in the history of our country.