Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des oeuvres idéologiques et pratiques du Comité Central du Parti du Travail de Corée et de ses Dirigeants par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

2022-04-29 KOMMUNIQUE


des Schweizerischen Korea-Komitees und der Schweizerischen Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe: USA verschärfen Spannungen auf der koreanischen Halbinsel


29. April Juche 111 (2022)

Die Zeichen auf der koreanischen Halbinsel stehen auf Sturm.

Die USA nehmen den Ukraine-Konflikt zum Anlass, ihre militärische Präsenz in Asien zu erhöhen und zu verstärken und die Aufrüstung ihrer "asiatischen Verbündeten" zu forcieren.

Im Mai will USA-Präsident Biden nach Südkorea reisen und den neuen südkoreanischen "Präsidenten" von Washingtons Gnaden, Yun Sok Yol, treffen. Er wird auch Japan besuchen und dessen gefährliche und aggressive Aufrüstung unterstützen.

In Südkorea inszenierte ausserdem die Bande der aus dem Norden geflohenen Verräter neue Umsturzprovokationen und liessen mit Flugblättern gefüllte Ballons in den Norden aufsteigen, behangen mit Bildern Yun Sok Yols und Fahnen des südkoreanischen Regimes - eine besondere Geschmacklosigkeit. Damit wollen diese Provokateure, ermutigt von den USA-Imperialisten und vom Yun-Regime, zur Konterrevolution in Norden aufrufen. Doch das wird keinen Erfolg haben!

Biden wird die neokolonialistische politische, militärische und ökonomische Herrschaft und Kontrolle der USA über Südkorea festigen und das ultrakonservative Yun-Regime in seiner Anti-Nord-Konfrontationshaltung bestärken.

Damit manövrieren die USA-Imperialisten die Lage auf der koreanischen Halbinsel erneut an den Rand eines Konflikts, der jederzeit beginnen könnte.

Biden will die "Allianz USA-Südkorea" zementieren und dabei Südkorea und auch Japan in seine aggressive Anti-China-"Eindämmungs"-Strategie einbinden.

Wir verurteilen das Säbelrasseln Washingtons und unterstützen den gerechten Kampf des koreanischen Volkes für den Abzug der USA-Truppen und -Atomwaffen aus Südkorea und für die unabhängige und friedliche Wiedervereinigung Koreas.

Gleichzeitig unterstützen wir auch die legitimen Waffentests der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) zum Schutz ihrer Souveränität. Diese dienen der Veteidigung des Friedens und nicht dem Krieg. Sie bedrohen kein anderes Land.

Schluss mit der Anti-Nord-Konfrontationspolitik der USA und der südkoreanischen Konservativen!

Weg mit der "Allianz Südkorea-USA"!

USA-Imperialisten, fort aus Südkorea - Yankees, go home!

Für den Frieden, gegen den Krieg!

Schweizerisches Korea-Komitee

Schweizerische Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe

2022-04-27 We Will Hold Generalissimo Kim Il Sung in High Esteem Forever - DPRK Music


2022-04-27 KOMMUNIQUE



des Schweizerischen Korea-Komitees und der Schweizerischen Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe: Korea-Krieg - USA-Aggressoren drohten mit Atomkrieg


27. April Juche 111 (2022)

Westliche Politiker und Massenmedien verbreiten in diesen Tagen immer wieder Spekulationen, Russland könnte im Ukraine-Konflikt Atomwaffen einsetzen.

Solche falschen und angsteinflössenden Schauermärchen sollen Russland als "böseste Macht der Welt" hinstellen und vergessen lassen, dass die USA das einzige Land sind, das jemals Atomwaffen eingesetzt hat - in Hiroshima und Nagasaki im August 1945, als Japan bereits geschlagen und dies gar nicht mehr "strategisch notwendig" war.

Und in dem von ihnen begonnenen Korea-Krieg (1950-1953) drohten die USA-Imperialisten ganz offen damit, die Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) und auch die Volksrepublik China mit Atomwaffen anzugreifen. Doch darüber gab es bezeichnenderweise keinen Aufschrei der Empörung in den westlichen politischen Kreisen und Medien.

Der damalige USA-Präsident Truman, der den verbrecherischen Aggressions- und Vernichtungskrieg gegen das koreanische Volk initiiert hatte, sagte in einer Erklärung am 30. November 1950, dass der "Einsatz jedes Waffentyps, einschliesslich von Atombomben, in Korea erwogen wird".

MacArthur, der Oberbefehlshaber der "UNO-Truppen" - in Wirklichkeit der USA-Armee im Korea-Krieg - forderte unverhohlen und skrupellos, die DVRK und China mit Atombomben anzugreifen. Dieser wahnsinnige Kriegsbrandstifter schreckte nicht davor zurück, Millionen von Koreanern und Chinesen zu ermorden und ihre Länder in eine atomare Trümmerwüste zu verwandeln.

Er wollte einen umfassenden Atomkrieg gegen die DVRK und China. Er leitete auch alle Kriegsverbrechen seiner Truppen gegen das koreanische Volk, einschliesslich den Einsatz chemischer und bakteriologischer Waffen.

Der skrupellose und mörderische USA-Imperialismus war bereit, auch einen Atomkrieg zu führen, um seine Weltherrschaftspläne durchzusetzen.

Nur der glanzvolle historische Sieg der Koreanischen Volksarmee (KVA) und des koreanischen Volkes über die USA-Aggressoren konnte den Atomkrieg in Korea verhindern.

Für alle am koreanischen Volk begangenen Verbrechen hätte man die USA-Aggressoren bestrafen sollen - so wie man nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg die japanischen Militaristen und die deutschen Naziverbrecher verurteilt und bestraft hat.

Auch während des Kalten Krieges in den 1950er- und 1960er-Jahren drohten die USA-Imperialisten mehrmals mit einem Atomkrieg gegen China und die Sowjetunion.

Doch das will man alles in Vergessenheit geraten lassen, indem man Russland ohne Beweise "Atomkriegs"-Absichten unterstellt. Das ist ein absoluter Skandal.

USA = Kriegsverbrecherstaat

USA, Hände weg von Korea!

Für die Bestrafung der Kriegsverbrechen der USA im Korea-Krieg!

Kriegsverbrechen verjähren nicht!

Schweizerisches Korea-Komitee

Schweizerische Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe

2022-04-26 KOREAN NEWS 33/22





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No. 33/22                                                                                                                        April 26, 2022


            Military Parade Marks 90th Anniversary of KPRA

            Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- All the civilians and service personnel in the DPRK, who have striven to fulfill the dreams and ideals of a powerful nation and accomplish the great cause of building a prosperous country with strong army under the guidance of the great Workers' Party of Korea injecting eternal lifeblood into the Juche revolution pioneered in Mt Paektu, are significantly commemorating the auspicious day of significance in the nation's history when their revolutionary armed forces took roots, full of boundless pride and confidence. A grand military parade to be specially recorded in the country’s history was held at Kim Il Sung Square in the capital city of Pyongyang on April 25, the 90th founding anniversary of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army (KPRA), the first revolutionary armed forces of Juche type.

The military parade began with a magnificent demonstration of skills by our dependable paratroopers who landed on the square, fluttering a large national flag.

The State Merited Chorus in charge of playing music for the parade entered the square.

And the combined military band entered the square, playing military music and changing formations to portray two pistols showing the origin of our revolutionary armed forces, the numbers "4.25.", "90", etc. the emblem of the Party and the letters "Ongwi" (safeguard) at the square.

April 25, Juche 21 (1932) was the day when the dawn of national liberation was brought to the Korean people who had been deprived of even their language and names for having no army guarding the territory of their nation.

President Kim Il Sung, the legendary hero of the anti-Japanese war, founded the KPRA on that day.

The ceremonial performance of the combined military band revved up the celebration atmosphere with lively melodies and powerful rhythmic movements showing that the glorious history of a-match-for-a-hundred revolutionary army, which has emerged victorious in the confrontation with the most outrageous and formidable imperialist enemies over 90 years, and the traditions of the army strong with its idea and faith, rare to be seen in other parts of the world, the revolutionary army of the Party, began from that day.

Columns of cutting-edge military hardware were on standby on the avenues to the square. They showed well the appearance of the armed forces of the DPRK that have dramatically developed from the first armed group of Koreans who declared death-defying resistance against aggressors with only 100-odd rifles on the day 90 years ago.

When Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and supreme commander of the armed forces of the DPRK, arrived at the square together with his wife Ri Sol Ju, a solemn ceremony of receiving him was held by the honor guard of the Korean People's Army (KPA).

After receiving a salute from the chief of the honor guard, Kim Jong Un reviewed the honor guard and the glorious colors of the large combined units.

The outstanding supreme commander of the armed forces of the DPRK who is an ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander was greeted by senior officials of the Ministry of National Defence and commanders of the large combined units and combined units of the KPA.

Army commanders paid their highest respects carrying their deep gratitude to Kim Jong Un who made sure that our revolutionary armed forces, the pivot of the national defence capabilities and the strong fortress for safeguarding the revolution and the country, demonstrated their military and political might through a significant parade on their founding day.

Amid the playing of the welcome music, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, together with his wife Ri Sol Ju, took the tribune of the square.

At that moment, the cheers of "Hurrah!" and chants of "Kim Jong Un" and "Kyolsaongwi" (devoted defence) rocked the square.

He waved back to the enthusiastically cheering paraders and spectators.

Kim Jong Un and his wife Ri Sol Ju were presented with bunches of flowers by members of the Children's Union.

Taking the reserved seats were the participants in the celebrations of the 90th founding anniversary of the KPRA.

There was a solemn ceremony of hoisting a national flag.

A column of women depicting a five-pointed star, an emblem which was shown on the anti-Japanese guerrillas' caps, entered the square to the tune of the song "Our National Flag".

Drones depicted a large national flag.

When the column arrived at the middle of the square, members of the KPA honor guard emerged from it and marched towards the flagstaff with a spread national flag.

Amid the chorus of the national anthem of the DPRK, the national flag reflecting the invincible might of our country and all the miracles, victory and the bright future of the people was hoisted.

            This flag was hoisted in the sky of new Korea for the first time after President Kim Il Sung liberated the country through hard-fought anti-Japanese war. It is the flag of socialist Korea Chairman Kim Jong Il defended, overcoming the tempests of history, and the flag of our dignified powerful country which has grown stronger, performing the world-startling miracles and changes under the distinguished leadership of Kim Jong Un.

Fireworks were displayed in the sky where the DPRK flag was fluttering.

And a salute of 21 guns was boomed amid the playing of the song "The Glorious Country".

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un made a celebration speech.

Referring to the profound and great significance of the birth of the first genuine armed forces of Korea 90 years ago in the history of our revolution and the nation and in the future development of our state and people, he said that the arms of revolution held by fine sons and daughters of the Korean people in the forest of Mt Paektu was an expression of the ever-growing Korean nation's spirit of independence, hope and the banner of great unity and the motive force that provided the Koreans with the spirit of self-respect and invincible strength.

He stressed that as long as the hearts of all the officers and men of the DPRK armed forces are pulsating with the thick blood and precious soul of the revolutionary forerunners and the revolutionary armed forces always stand in the van of the revolution as the paragons of the idea and will of the Workers' Party of Korea and the power of our state and people, our socialist cause will always emerge victorious in the future, too. He ardently called for vigorously struggling for the wellbeing and happiness of our great people and the eternal glory and victory of our great state.

Hearing his touching speech, all the participants burst into stormy cheers with high national pride of having the peerlessly brilliant commander and the high glory of having the revolutionary armed forces which have devotedly preserved the lineage of the Korean revolution and the idea and cause of the WPK and reliably guaranteed the existence and development of our state and the happiness of the people.

Then, preparations for the parade were reviewed.

Vice Marshal of the KPA Ri Yong Gil, minister of National Defence of the DPRK, made a report to KPA Marshal Pak Jong Chon, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK, that parade units were ready to be reviewed.

Pak Jong Chon reviewed the parade units.

He courteously reported to the General Secretary of the WPK that the military parade for marking the 90th founding anniversary of the KPRA was ready to start.

The column of honorary cavalrymen entered the square.

Honorary cavalrymen, reminding the spectators of the spirit and mettle of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army which used to appear in the east and in the west at the same time to confuse and annihilate the enemy under the guidance of General Kim Il Sung who commanded the anti-Japanese guerilla army on a white horse, rode past the square.

A column of soldiers representing the period of the anti-Japanese armed struggle, when the first generation of our revolutionary armed forces set a shining example of devotedly protecting the leader for the first time in history and established the traditions of winning victory with idea and faith, marched past the square with a red flag fluttering.

Then a column of soldiers representing the period of the Fatherland Liberation War proudly marched with dignity under the colors associated with the immortal feats of the heroic soldiers in the 1950s who performed a unprecedented military miracle by defeating with rifles the enemy armed with atomic bombs, carrying forward the great traditions of victory in the anti-Japanese revolutionary war that witnessed the defeat of the gangster-like Japanese imperialists' one-million strong army which regarded the KPRA as "a drop in the ocean".

Columns of marchers passed the square one after another, reminding the spectators of the great years when the soldiers of the KPA achieved miraculous victories, unheard-of in the world war history, in ground, air and sea battles of the 3-year-long hard-fought war against the barbaric aggression by the U.S. imperialists.

Columns of soldiers under the Guard Office of the Party Central Committee and the Guard Department of the State Affairs Commission standing guard over the supreme staff of the Korean revolution vigorously marched past the square, vividly representing the revolutionary character of the armed forces of the Republic and the eternal mission of the nation.

The columns of soldiers under the Guard Department and the Guard Command showcased their will to become the very bodyguards and bulletproof wall that devotedly defend the Party Central Committee true to the noble spirit of the bodyguards of the anti-Japanese guerilla army who devotedly defended the headquarters of revolution.

The column of the First Corps, the strongest corps of the People's Army called the corps of tigers in Mt Paektu defending the eastern sector of the front, marched past the square fluttering the colors of elite divisions whose mere names strike fear into the enemies.

The columns of the Second and Fourth Corps, the frontline corps in the west and the units that gave birth to the spirit of match-for-a-hundred combatants, marched in a fine array under the colors of divisions and brigades that smashed every reckless military provocation of the enemies through telling blows.

The column of the Fifth Corps in charge of the central sector of the front fully represented the spirit of the frontline service personnel to annihilate the enemy, performing military exploits while standing guard over the outpost of the country and the revolution like the guardsmen who made their way through the flames of war.

Marching with gallantry to the tune of song of the revolutionary army were navy and air force columns holding aloft the colors of the naval fleets, hailed as the death-defying corps of the sea and the unsinkable battleship, and of the air force divisions displaying their might as the shields in the sky and the red goshawks.

Following the energetically marching missile maintenance crewmembers of the strategic force column, the symbol of the irresistible might of the DPRK armed forces, the special operations force column, always ready to deal crushing blows to the enemy in any operation space of land, sea or air when the time for a decisive battle comes, entered the square.

Kim Jong Un extended a warm military salute to the service personnel in major thrusts, the core unit which acts as the backbone of the revolutionary armed forces and firmly defends the very forefront of national defence.

Columns of the Anti-aircraft Artillery Corps, the 91st Corps and the 3rd Corps of the KPA impregnably defending Pyongyang, the heart of the Korean revolution where the Party Central Committee is situated were followed by the columns of other corps defending the east and west coastal areas, the northern areas and border gateways.

Then columns of tanks and armored vehicle divisions and motorized infantry divisions including the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division and the 425th Motorized Infantry Division of the KPA, powerful strike groups that are prepared to immediately secure any strategic areas indicated by the Supreme Headquarters, marched proudly under the uplifted sacred colors bearing the letters "April 25", displaying the might of the invincible revolutionary Paektusan army that stoutly preserves the glorious traditions of the anti-Japanese war. The marchers were full of the steadfast resolution to readily die a heroic death for the good of the great commander who gives ever-lasting life with warm feeling, passion, love and trust and teaches strategy of victory and exceptional bravery.

The cheers, burst out by the backbone of the elite army, brave soldiers of the powerful country greatly moved to have the high honor of being reviewed by Marshal Kim Jong Un, the illustrious commander, rocked the square.

Columns of students at revolutionary schools who have prepared themselves as pillars of the Juche revolution while reliably succeeding to the lineage of Mangyongdae, the lineage of Paektu at the educational seats for the sons and daughters of revolutionary martyrs associated with the idea of continuous revolution and love for the younger generation and future of the WPK went past to the tune of a march.

A column of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards, which have strengthened into reliable armed forces for safeguarding the socialist country and defending hometowns by inheriting the tradition of all-people resistance created during the anti-Japanese war, marched through the square, carrying the flags of provincial worker-peasant red guards with the chief secretary of the Pyongyang City Party Committee as its head and the chief secretaries of provincial Party committees in the van.

A column of the Ministry of State Security which has demonstrated its might as a dependable political security force of the Party reliably protecting the precious gains of the socialist country and the people's wellbeing and as an elite unit playing a part of the revolutionary armed forces, columns of the traffic security women, the tracker dog search party and the special mobile corps of the Public Security Forces and a column of emergency epidemic prevention workers passed the square.

Kim Jong Un raised his hands to encourage the marchers who have carried forward the noble tradition of remaining faithful to their mission for defending the leader, the social system and the people in the stern annals of the revolution to reliably safeguard the outposts of class struggle.

Air squadrons, in formations depicting the five-pointed star and laurel tree, flew past the sky above the square while letting off fireworks to brighten the sky.

While letting off the fireworks, a squadron in a fan-shape formation left the trails reflecting the ardent will of the combat pilots to devotedly defend the Party Central Committee with fervent loyalty to it.

The columns of latest tactical missile units entered the square in the spirit of smashing the enemy' aggression war hardware at once with high mobility and annihilating blows, fluttering their colors.

The column of prototype tanks, a symbol of the strong combat power of the KPA and its iron fist, roared past the square.

The great Comrade Kim Jong Un advanced the outstanding military idea and theory that the true defence capabilities precisely mean strong attack capabilities and has built up the great attack capabilities and overwhelming military capabilities for preventing war, ensuring the national security and surely containing and controlling any threats and blackmail by the imperialists.

A column of super-large MLRS, one of absolute weaponry of the DPRK without an equal in other parts of the world that is capable of carrying out a scorched-earth operation any moment through successive strike with major targets of strike in the operational zone in its firing range roared past the square.

Columns of strategic missiles entered the square, demonstrating the strong capabilities for executing a war making it possible to react to any warfare in the sky, land, sea and outer space and decisively contain and frustrate the enemy.

WPK-style Juche-based weapons, our dear ones inspiring great confidence and eternal treasure of our nation never to be bartered for anything, appeared one after another.

Amid the playing of solemn music and focusing of spotlights and display of fireworks, a great entity representing the strategic forces of the Republic appeared at the square.

At that moment the spectators raised loud cheers, greatly excited to see the giant ICBM Hwasongpho-17 which soared into sky on March 24 to demonstrate the absolute power of Juche Korea and the strategic position of our Republic to the world.

They extended highest glory to Kim Jong Un, great champion of justice and peace and peerless hero who has built up the national power, the greatest ever since the founding of the country, and ushered in the era of the most dignified powerful country in the nation's history of 5 000 years, the era of the our state-first principle by leading the country and its people with his outstanding ideology, leadership, passionate love and absolute trust.

Spectacular fireworks let off in the middle of the Taedong River and from different parts of the square colorfully decorated the nocturnal sky of April.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un warmly waved back to the enthusiastically cheering crowds.

The square was overflowing with the revolutionary enthusiasm of all the participants to remain loyal to him only with a firm faith that the Korean revolution pioneered by the President and Korean-style socialism preserved under the leadership of the Chairman remain unfazed and an immensely rosy future is in store for the country thanks to the respected General Secretary.

The military parade for celebrating the 90th founding anniversary of the KPRA served as an event of great significance that demonstrated once again before the world the invincibility, mightiness and radical development of the armed forces of the Republic that guarantees the succession and implementation of the revolutionary cause of Juche, while demonstrating the might as the revolutionary army of the Party that remains absolutely loyal to the idea and leadership of the WPK and as the reliable defender of peace , and marked a historic occasion for greatly encouraging the Korean people in their heroic struggle for adding glory to the great era of Kim Jong Un and a new era of building a prosperous and powerful nation.