Treatise published in Rodong
Sinmun, organ of the
Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea
November 1, 1994
Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea
November 1, 1994
Socialism is a science. Socialism has been
frustrated in a number of countries, but scientific
socialism is as alive as ever in the minds of the
people. The imperialists and reactionaries are fussing
about the “end of socialism”, with regard to the
events in some countries which had been building
The renegades of socialism try
to justify their despicable betrayal, claiming that
the ideal of socialism itself is invalid. However,
the truth cannot be concealed or obliterated. The
crumbling of socialism in various countries does not
mean the failure of socialism as science but the
bankruptcy of opportunism which has corrupted
socialism. Although socialism is temporarily
experiencing a heart-rending setback because of
opportunism, it will without fail be revived and win
ultimate victory for its scientific accuracy and
Socialism is the ideal and the revolutionary
banner of the popular masses who are fighting for
independence. The masses achieve their independence by
means of socialism and communism.
The people’s independence was ruthlessly
trampled upon in the hostile class society. Where
there is oppression, there will be resistance; where
there is resistance, revolution will break out. The
popular masses have vigorously struggled to win their
independence for a long time. During this, class
societies have changed and the struggle of the masses
for independence has developed. However, the only
changes brought about when hostile class societies
were replaced, were in the forms of oppression of the
popular masses’ independence; the masses were not
freed from social and political subordination.
The failure to attain the masses’ independence
in hostile class societies was because all these
societies were based on individualism. Individualism
is the product of private ownership. Society, based
on private ownership and its product, individualism,
inevitably splits into hostile classes, produces class
antagonism and social inequality, and is accompanied
by the exploitation and oppression of the popular
masses by a small ruling class. History shows that
independence for the masses cannot be realized in a
society based on individualism. A historical review of
the development of human society proves that, in order
to realize the masses’ independence, a society based
on individualism must be replaced by a society based
on collectivism, by socialism and communism.
Capitalism has turned individualism into the
unlimited greed of a handful of capitalists; it has
precipitated antagonism in the society of
individualism to the utmost. Meanwhile, the masses’
struggle for independence has entered a new stage of
development. Ours is an age of independence, when the
popular masses have emerged as masters of their own
destiny, as masters who dominate the world. This
shows that the transition of a society based on
individualism to a society based on collectivism is an
inevitable demand of historical development.
Collectivism is man’s intrinsic need. People
can exist and develop only when they work as a social
collective. People can transform nature and society
and meet their desire for independence, not as
individuals, but only through collective cooperation
among members of society. If people are to live in a
social collective, they must meet both the collective
and individual demands for independence. The
collective demand for independence is the common
requirement of members of society for the existence
and development of the social collective. The
individual need for independence is the need as an
equal member of a social collective; it is the need
which should naturally be met through collective
efforts in return for his contribution to society.
The individual need for independence fundamentally
differs from selfish greed, which ignores the
collective and subordinates everything to the
interests of an individual. Both the collective and
individual needs for independence can be satisfied to
the fullest only through collectivism. Individual
demand divorced from collectivism becomes selfish
greed. Such greed encroaches upon the demands of
other members of the collective for independence, and
hampers the unity and cooperation of the collective.
Collectivism alone makes it possible to strengthen the
unity and cooperation of the collective, to stimulate
the creative zeal of all collective members and to
properly combine both the collective and individual
demands for independence and thus fully meet them.
Because working in a social collective is the mode of
man’s existence, and because man’s demand for
independence can be satisfied only through
collectivism, society based on collectivism, socialist
and communist society, is the most progressive society
which conforms with man’s independent nature.
Certainly, collectivist principles are not fully
applied in all spheres of social life immediately
after the establishment of a socialist system, because
in socialist society the vestiges from the old society
remain for some time. The survival in socialist
society of the remnants of the outmoded societies is a
passing phenomenon. With the development of
socialism, these vestiges are gradually overcome and
collectivist principles are implemented more fully in
all areas of social life.
Although socialism is an inevitable stage of
historical development and socialist society is the
most progressive one which conforms with man’s
independent nature, socialism will never be realized
spontaneously. In order to realize socialism, we must
prepare the revolutionary forces capable of doing this
and evolve a correct method of struggle. Unless the
revolutionary forces and the method of struggle are
prepared, the desire for independence of the popular
masses who aspire after socialism will remain a mere
The idea of eliminating exploitation, oppression
and social inequality, as well as the private
ownership on which these are based, and of setting up
an equal society based on public ownership, was put
forward by utopian socialists a long time ago.
However, the utopian socialists, despite their
sympathy for the misery of the exploited working
masses, failed to see them as the revolutionary force
capable of burying the exploitative society and
building a new society. They considered that the
irrational aspects of capitalist society could be
corrected by enlightening people and appealing to the
“good will” of the exploiter class. It is an
unscientific illusion to expect “good will” from the
exploiter class, whose nature is greed. The utopian
socialists’ expectation of “good will” from the
exploiter class was their historical limitation.
The exploiter class and their stooges put
forward the “theory of class cooperation” and tried to
block the struggle of the exploited working masses
against exploitation and oppression. Within the
communist movement, reformists and revisionists
demanded “class cooperation” and seriously harmed the
revolutionary movement. Today, traitors to socialism
are also clamouring for a return to capitalism,
harbouring illusions about capitalism and expecting
“aid” and “cooperation” from the imperialists.
History shows that to expect “good will” or “class
cooperation” from the exploiter class is to make a
mess of the revolution.
Marxism combined the demands of working people
who aspire to socialism, with revolutionary forces and
a revolutionary fighting method. Marxism made clear
that contradictions existed between the productive
forces and relations of production in capitalist
society; that these contradictions could be resolved
through the class struggle of the exploited working
people against the exploiter class; and that the
working class would take charge of and lead this class
struggle. Thanks to Marxism, the inevitability of the
collapse of capitalism and the victory of socialism
was proved, and the demands of exploited working
people who aspire to socialism were linked with
practical revolutionary forces and a revolutionary
fighting method capable of meeting their demands.
Socialism was thus converted from a utopian scheme
into a science, and a revolutionary change took place
in the history of humanity’s struggle for liberation.
However, the theory of socialism in the
preceding age, based on a materialist outlook on
history, was not free from historical limitations.
This theory did not regard the social and historical
movement as a movement of the motive force, as a
movement which begins and develops on the initiative
and through the role of the popular masses, its motive
force, but as a natural historical process which
changes and develops due to material and economic
factors. According to the materialist outlook on
history, the more the productive forces develop in a
capitalist society, the more intensive the
incompatible contradictions between the productive
forces and relations of production and the antagonism
between the exploiter class and the exploited class
grow, the more the working class and other
revolutionary forces develop in strength and,
accordingly, the more the revolution matures. Seeing
material and economic factors as fundamental in the
revolutionary struggle, the preceding theory of
socialism failed to raise the task of strengthening
the motive force of the revolution and enhancing its
role as the basic way to carry out the revolution.
As for the influence exerted by the development
of productive forces in capitalist society, we must
not approach it from only one side. The development
of the productive forces in capitalist society
intensifies the bipolar differentiation which results
from the increasing imbalance between rich and poor.
It sharpens class contradictions, while at the same
time, it provides the monopolists with increasing
possibilities to spend part of their high profits on
soothing class contradictions. In addition, the
development of the productive forces results in the
expansion of the rank of industrial workers by their
incorporation of peasants and other petit bourgeois
classes, and also in an increased proportion of
workers engaged in mental and technical labour in the
productive sectors, as well as those in non-productive
Of course, objective
conditions have a great influence on the revolutionary
struggle. But the decisive factor in the victory of
the revolution lies not in objective conditions, but
in how to strengthen the motive force of the
revolution and how to raise its role. Whether in a
developed capitalist country or an underdeveloped one,
socialism can emerge victorious if the motive force of
the revolution is strengthened and its role enhanced
through efficient work. History shows that socialism
first triumphed in relatively backward countries, not
in the countries where capitalism had developed. The
experience of our revolution, which has advanced under
the banner of the Juche idea, shows that if we
strengthen the motive force of the revolution and
enhance its role, we can not only avail ourselves of
the given objective conditions but also turn
unfavourable objective conditions into favourable ones
and ensure the victory of the revolution by turning a
misfortune into a blessing.
The limitations of the preceding theory based on
the materialist outlook on history have been revealed
more clearly in the course of socialist construction
since the establishment of the socialist system.
In general, the more a society develops, the
greater the role played by the popular masses, the
driving force of social movement, becomes. This is
because their independent consciousness and creative
ability increase with the development of society. The
role of the popular masses as the driving force of
social movement is raised to an unprecedented level in
socialist society. Socialist society develops thanks
to the creative power of the popular masses, who are
armed with a high level of consciousness and are
united as one. In socialist society, the
transformation of man, his ideological remoulding,
becomes a more important and primary task than that of
creating the material and economic conditions of
socialism. Only when precedence is given to the
transformation of man, will it be possible to
strengthen the driving force of the revolution and
increase its role, and thus build socialism
successfully. If the ideological remoulding of the
popular masses is regarded as a matter of secondary
importance and the work of strengthening the driving
force of the revolution and enhancing its role is
neglected in socialist society, while attaching
decisive importance to the objective material and
economic conditions and concentrating only on economic
construction, the building of socialism as a whole
cannot be carried out properly and economic
construction itself cannot avoid stagnation. These
practices were very apparent in some countries which
had been building socialism in the past. Taking
advantage of this, the renegades of socialism carried
out “reforms” and committed counterrevolutionary acts,
destroying the socialist economic system itself.
In the past, the founders of Marxism evolved
socialist theory by putting the main stress on
material and economic conditions. This is to do with
the fact that it was regarded as an important
historical task to disprove the bourgeois reactionary
theory which consecrated capitalism and preached its
“eternity”, while maintaining mysticism and fatalism.
But now, the renegades of socialism are advocating the
material-is-almighty doctrine and the
economy-is-almighty doctrine in order to restore
capitalism, of which they harbour illusions.
Putting socialism on a new scientific basis was
regarded as a very urgent task, not only to overcome
the historical limitations of the preceding theory of
socialism, but also to defend socialism against all
kinds of opportunist distortions and imperialist
The historical task of putting socialism on a
new scientific basis was successfully solved by the
great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, who created
the Juche idea and, on this basis, evolved an original
socialist theory. The respected Comrade Kim Il
Sung discovered the philosophical principle that
man is the master of everything and decides
everything. He explained a new law which governs
social movement, the movement of the motive force, and
he thus put socialism on a new, scientific basis. The
socialist and communist cause as clarified by the
Juche idea is the cause of the popular masses for
their complete independence. Socialism as
scientifically systematized by the great leader
Comrade Kim Il Sung is man-centered socialism
and socialism centred on the masses. Ours is a
socialism where the popular masses are the masters of
everything, where everything serves them, and which is
developing through their united efforts. The
Juche-orientated theory of socialism scientifically
clarified the essence of socialism and the law
governing its development, by placing man at the
centre. On this basis, the theory explained that if
the building of socialism is to succeed, a vigorous
struggle must be waged to occupy the two fortresses of
socialism and communism, the ideological and material
fortresses, and that here, absolute precedence must be
given to the struggle to take the ideological
The scientific accuracy and truth of the
Juche-orientated theory of socialism have been proved
by the practical experience of our revolution. Our
people began to wage the struggle for socialism in the
backward circumstances of a colonial semi-feudal
society. They had to carry out the revolution and
construction under unusually difficult circumstances.
Despite this, our Party could successfully blaze the
trail for socialism by constantly making its main task
that of firmly uniting the popular masses around the
Party and the leader, organizationally and
ideologically, as required by the Juche idea, thus
strengthening the driving force of the revolution and
enhancing its role. our Party is increasing the
political and ideological might of our revolution in
every possible way by giving definite priority to the
transformation of man, to ideological remoulding, in
all work in the building of socialism, while at the
same time, strengthening our self-reliant national
economy and defence. As a result, it is vigorously
advancing the revolution and construction without
vacillation, even under the present complex
circumstances. Practical experience clearly shows
that our socialism, the embodiment of the Juche idea,
is the most scientific and viable socialism.
Our socialism is based on the
Juche-orientated view of and attitude to man.
The view of and attitude to man are the basic
questions concerning what view and attitude one has in
one’s understanding of the development of society and
the revolution. They constitute the standard for the
scientific character and validity of ideas and
theories, and of lines and policies. The scientific
character and truth of our socialism lies in the fact
that it is based on the absolutely correct,
Juche-orientated view of and attitude to man.
The Juche idea has given a scientific definition
of man’s essential qualities, for the first time in
Understanding man’s essential qualities is not
merely a matter of science but a socio-political issue
which reflects class interests. Throughout history,
serious philosophical arguments have taken place on
this issue between progressive and reactionary
The reactionary ruling classes and their
mouthpieces distorted man’s essential qualities in the
interests of the exploiting class in order to justify
their exploitative society. Philosophical arguments
on man’s essential qualities formerly boiled down to
two dominant views; one regarded man as a spiritual
being and the other considered him a material being.
According to the religious, idealist view, which
regards man as a purely spiritual being, man is a
product of a certain supernatural, mysterious being
and his destiny is also decided by the latter. By
means of their religious idealist view of man, the
reactionary ruling class and its spokesmen preached
that the miserable lot of the working masses who
suffered exploitation and oppression was their
unavoidable fate and therefore, they had to submit to
their predestined lot. The view which regards man as
simply a natural, biological being makes it impossible
to understand the qualitative difference between man,
who acts purposefully and consciously under the
regulation and control of consciousness, and a
biological being which is governed by instinct. The
reactionary ruling class and its spokesmen used this
view to justify capitalist society, which is ruled by
the law of the jungle. Having recourse to the
reactionary viewpoint and attitude towards man, the
renegades of socialism are restoring capitalism
through the introduction of bourgeois liberalism and
the capitalist market economy.
Man is neither a purely spiritual being nor a
simple biological being. Man is a social being who
lives and acts in social relationships. The fact that
man is a social being is the major quality which
distinguishes him from other biological beings.
Marxism defined man’s essential quality as the
ensemble of social relations. This definition
rendered a historic service by shattering the
unscientific, reactionary view which regarded man as a
purely spiritual being or a simple biological being.
However, the definition of man’s essential quality as
the sum total of social relations does not provide a
comprehensive elucidation of man’s own essential
qualities. Consequently, it cannot correctly explain
the relations between man and the world, or the
position and role of man in the world.
The Juche idea has, for the first time, found a
scientific solution to the question of man’s own
essential qualities. On this basis, it has thrown a
new light on his position and role in the world.
In the past, too, many attempts were made to
elucidate man’s essential qualities by dealing mainly
with his own features, for example, attempts to define
man as a speaking, working, or thinking being. These
attempts, however, all dealt with some aspects of
man’s actions, which are the expression of his
essential qualities.
Man is a social being with independence,
creativity and consciousness. Herein lie his
essential qualities.
Independence is an attribute of social man, who
wants to live and develop independently as the master
of the world and his destiny, free from any fetters or
restrictions. Creativity is an attribute of social
man, who transforms the world and shapes his destiny
purposefully and consciously in order to meet his
needs. Consciousness is social man’s attribute. It
regulates all his activities for understanding and
transforming the world and himself. Independence and
creativity are ensured by consciousness. Man is
distinguished qualitatively from animals, which act
instinctively, in that he conducts independent and
creative activities with consciousness. The course of
man’s activities is the process whereby he expresses
his independence, creativity and consciousness.
Independent, creative and conscious activities
constitute man’s mode of existence.
Man as a social being with independence,
creativity and consciousness is inconceivable outside
his developed organism, especially his highly
developed brain. His developed organism is the
biological basis of his independence, creativity and
consciousness. However, the organism itself does not
give birth to independence, creativity or
consciousness. Man’s independence, creativity and
consciousness are social attributes which are formed
and developed through a socio-historical process,
where he acts in social relationships.
Because he has independence, creativity and
consciousness, man can shape his destiny through his
own efforts. The fate of a biological being depends
on how it adapts itself to its objective environment.
A biological being is a part of nature and its fate is
decided by objective environments, so to speak. Unlike
biological beings, man is the master and transformer
of the world. He shapes his destiny on his own, by
transforming the objective world to meet his needs.
With the development of his independence, creativity
and consciousness, man’s position and role as the
master and transformer of the world are strengthened.
This is expressed in his transformation of nature and
society. As man’s independent ideological
consciousness and creative ability develop and his
role increases, social wealth increases and social
relations improve. In historical development, each
generation starts with the social wealth and social
relations created by its predecessors, in other words,
with the existing objective conditions, and uses
these. These objective conditions have an important
effect on social development, but these conditions
themselves are the historical product of man’s
independent, creative and conscious activities. They
are also used and developed by man. Favourable as the
existing objective conditions may be, if the
independence, creativity and consciousness of man, who
exploits and develops these conditions, are not high
and brought into full play, society cannot develop
quickly. Even if objective conditions are
disadvantageous, society can rapidly develop when
man’s independence, creativity and consciousness are
high and put into full effect. This means that the
historical process of social development is decided by
the level of development and of mobilization of man’s
independence, creativity and consciousness. For a
long time, the exploited working masses wanted to live
in an equitable, new society free from exploitation
and oppression, but they could not fulfil their desire
in the past because their independent ideological
consciousness and creative ability were not high and
their role was at a low level. Man transforms nature
and society and develops history. With the rapid
development of his independent ideological
consciousness and the enhancement of his role, the
development of society and history is promoted and the
revolution and construction are successfully speeded
up. The history of social development is, in the long
run, the history of the development of man’s
independence, creativity and consciousness, so to
Because he is independent, creative and
conscious, man is the most precious and powerful
being. Man is the only master and remaker of the
world. Nothing in the world is more precious or
powerful than man.
However, bourgeois reactionaries do not regard
man as the most precious being, but as a means for
material production and an insignificant being who
possesses only labour power, which is bought and sold
as a commodity. They also consider him a powerless
being dominated by money, not as a powerful being who
shapes his destiny through his own efforts. The
betrayers of socialism are restoring capitalism and
eliminating all the popular policies established by
socialism. They regard unemployment and poverty as
means for pressurizing people, in order to force them
to compete, and in order to increase labour
intensity. They grovel at the feet of imperialists,
expecting “aid” and “cooperation” from Western
capitalist countries, instead of believing in the
strength of their people. All this is due to their
reactionary bourgeois view of man.
Man-centred socialism is based on
Juche-orientated socio-historical principles, which
provided a new scientific clarification of the law of
socio-historical development, by focusing on man.
Socialism centred on man is the most scientific
socialism. It makes everything serve man and solves
every problem by enhancing his creative role, based on
the Juche-orientated view of and attitude to man. Our
socialism champions and thoroughly ensures man’s
independence, and quickly improves and gives full play
to his ideological consciousness and creative ability
in order to strengthen, as never before, the position
and role of man as the master and transformer of the
world, and to press on with the revolution and
The Juche idea also newly clarified the essence
and the value of man’s life.
When man is regarded as an organic body, his
life means a physical life. However, he is not a
being who only leads a physical life. The Juche idea
indicated, for the first time in history, that a man
has socio-political integrity, as well as a physical
life. Physical life is a man’s life as an organic
body, whereas socio-political integrity is a man’s
life as a social being. Socio-political integrity is
the life which is unique to man as a social being.
For a man, physical life is valuable. Only when
he has a physical life, can he acquire socio-political
integrity. In this sense, we can say that the
material life which implements the demand for physical
life is the life which implements his primary needs.
As man is a social being who is different from a
simple biological being, his demand for material life
constantly increases as his independence, creativity
and consciousness develop and as society develops.
His material life affects his socio-political
integrity. A stable and sound material life fully
guarantees his demand for physical life, and at the
same time, it constitutes a material guarantee for the
maintenance and development of his socio-political
For a man, physical life is precious, but his
socio-political integrity is more precious. It is the
intrinsic need of man as a social being to value his
socio-political integrity more than his physical
life. If a man only seeks to satisfy his demand for
physical life, and not his demand for a
socio-political life, his life can never be an
honourable one, no matter how affluent he is. Such a
material life will be reduced to a deformed and
abnormal life, no better than an animal life, and will
run counter to man’s intrinsic nature.
Independence is the life and soul of man. Man,
an independent social being, desires to live
independently, free from any subordination or
shackles. The fact that man lives independently means
that he lives as the master of the world and of his
own destiny, maintaining his position and exercising
his rights as such. Only when man lives as a social
being, exercising his right to independence and
implementing his demand for independence, can he be
said to enjoy a dignified life, maintaining
socio-political integrity. If he loses his
independence and is subordinated to others, he is as
good as dead socially and politically, even though he
is alive. Man’s desire to live independently is
realized, first of all, through an independent
political life. When man is subordinated socially and
politically, he cannot lead any kind of independent
As socio-political integrity is man’s most
precious life, a noble life for him is to maintain and
exalt socio-political integrity. Man receives
socio-political integrity from the social
The social collective is the parent body of
man’s socio-political integrity.
Therefore, the worth of man’s life depends on
how he is connected with the social collective.
Man’s life becomes noble when he is loved and trusted
by the social collective; it is worthless when he is
forsaken by it. Man enjoys the love and trust of the
social collective when he considers the interests of
the social collective to be dearer than those of
individuals and when he faithfully serves the social
collective. In the final analysis, the greatest value
and worth of man’s life is to lead an independent and
creative life, enjoying the love and trust of the
social collective, while at the same time combining
his own destiny with that of the social collective and
serving it heart and soul. This is the way for man to
enhance his socio-political integrity and lead a
worthy human life as a social being.
Today, the bourgeois reactionaries and renegades
of socialism regard the exploitation and domination of
man by man as something normal and consider man as a
base being who only pursues his own material desires.
This clearly demonstrates the reactionary nature of
the bourgeois viewpoint and attitude towards the
essence and worth of man’s life.
True human life, which enables everyone to
enhance their most precious socio-political integrity
and fully meet the demands of their physical life, can
only be realized admirably in a socialist society
based on collectivism. In this society, people are
free from all manner of exploitation and oppression,
domination and subordination and can lead an
independent and creative life in social, political and
all other areas. In socialist society, we must
organize people’s organizational and ideological life
properly, as well as their cultural life, in order to
enable them to lead an independent and creative life,
with a high consciousness and an ability which befits
the masters of society. People can make great
contributions to society and the collective and lead a
worthy life as proud members of society and the
collective, only when they are fully equipped with an
independent consciousness and have comprehensively
developed creative ability, through their
revolutionary organizational and ideological life and
their moral and rich cultural life.
Our socialism is genuinely
man-centred socialism. It regards man as most
precious and fully meets his intrinsic requirements.
It thus enables everyone to keep and greatly enhance
their socio-political integrity. It also fully meets
the demands of their physical life. Man-centred
socialism enables all members of society to live in
harmony, enjoying the love and trust of society and
the collective, and to lead a completely noble and
worthy life, while working devotedly for society and
the collective with a high degree of consciousness and
creative ability.
Our socialism is based on the
Juche-orientated view of and attitude towards the
masses of the people.
The truth and advantages of
socialism are demonstrated in the people’s support of
and trust in it. Now that our socialism is based on
the Juche-orientated view of and attitude towards the
masses of the people, it has become the most
advantageous and powerful socialism and enjoys the
people’s absolute support and trust.
The masses of the people are
the motive force of history. The masses of the people
means a united social community which centres on
working people, due to their common demand for
independence and creative activity.
The phrase “the masses of the
people” assumes a class character in class society.
An exploiter society is divided into the exploiter
class and the exploited class, or the ruling class and
the ruled class, depending on who owns the means of
production and who controls state power. The
exploited class, the ruled class, forms the majority
of the masses of the people. The class structure of
the masses of the people is not immutable. It changes
as social history develops. In capitalist society,
not only workers and peasants, but also working
intellectuals and many other classes and strata which
champion and struggle for independence, form the
masses of the people. In socialist society, all
people are transformed into socialist working people,
so everyone is a member of the masses of the people.
Of course, in socialist society, too, the manoeuvres
of minor hostile elements continue and traitors may
appear in the revolutionary ranks. Therefore, it is
also necessary in socialist society to clearly
distinguish between the masses of the people and
elements hostile to them.
The phrase “the masses of the
people” reflects a social and class relationship, but
it is not merely a class concept. Naturally, the
masses of the people consist of different classes and
strata. In order to distinguish whether one is a
member of the masses of the people or not, his social
and class status should be considered, but this must
not be regarded as absolute. Man’s ideas and
behaviour are not subject solely to the influence of
his social and class status. If he undergoes
revolutionary influence and acquires progressive
ideas, he can serve the masses of the people
regardless of his social and class status. The basic
criterion for deciding whether one is a member of the
masses of the people or not is not one’s social and
class origin, but one’s ideas. The ideological
foundation on which to unite people from all walks of
life into the masses of the people is not just the
idea of socialism and communism. Anyone who loves the
country, the people and the nation can serve the
people and accordingly, is qualified to be a member of
the masses of the people.
From such a point of view, at
every stage of the revolution, the great leader
Comrade Kim Il Sung united everyone who was
ideologically ready to serve the fatherland, the
people and the nation into one revolutionary force,
and he successfully carried out the revolution and
construction. Our Party trusts people of different
classes and strata who are interested in the
revolution. It considers them everlasting companions,
not chance fellow travellers, on the road to
revolution, and it is leading them along the road to
socialism and communism.
The class nature of the
imperialists and reactionaries makes them antagonistic
to the masses of the people. Accordingly, they are
afraid of the word “people” itself. Frequently using
the word “nation”, they try to cover the class
confrontation and conflict of capitalist society. The
traitors to socialism also try to disguise their
anti-popular manoeuvres with the word ”citizen”. They
purport to be building a “society for citizens”. It is
true that one can often hear reactionaries and
traitors hypocritically using the word “people”. But
those hostile to the people, the betrayers of the
people, cannot hide their anti-popular nature, just
because they use the word “people”. “People” is a
noble word that only those who are faithful to the
people, can say proudly, the communists who fight and
devote themselves wholly to the interests of the
masses of the people.
The great leader Comrade Kim
Il Sung regarded the people as “Heaven”, since
his youth. He ensured that the country, the army,
monuments and many noble and beautiful things in the
country were named after the people. Because our
socialism regards the people as such valuable beings,
it has become a socialism centred on the masses, the
most advantageous socialism which fully embodies the
demand of the people for independence.
The masses of the people are
the masters of everything in society. This is because
everything in society is created by the masses of the
The popular masses possess the
greatest creative power for transforming nature and
society. An individual’s strength and wisdom are
limited, but those of the popular masses are
unlimited. If there is an omniscient and omnipotent
being in this world, it is none other than the popular
masses. By drawing on their unfathomable strength and
wisdom, the masses create everything in society, they
advance history and drive the revolution forward.
The popular masses transform
nature, develop the productive forces and create
material wealth. Of course, the capitalist class takes
an interest in developing the productive forces in
order to gain more profit, but capitalists do not
create material wealth with their own hands .The
masses create ideological and cultural wealth
directly, and also produce progressive thinkers,
prominent scientists and talented men of art and
literature. The exploiter class also put forward their
own ideological and cultural mouthpieces, but the
ideas and culture they produce obstruct a moral social
life and development. The masses transform society.
The reactionary exploiter class is only interested in
maintaining and consolidating the outmoded
exploitative system, not in social transformation. The
farce of “reform” staged by the ruling bourgeoisie is
essentially aimed at extricating themselves from the
crisis of capitalism. Social transformation on
progressive lines can only be carried out by the
awakened and united popular masses. Since everything
in society is created by the masses, they must
naturally be the masters of everything. Only in
socialist society, where state power and the means of
production belong to the people, can the masses be the
real masters of everything in society.
Since they are the masters of
everything in society, the popular masses must occupy
the position of masters. They must exercise their
rights, fulfil their responsibility and role as
masters and enjoy a worthy and happy life as masters.
As they are the masters of
everything in society, the popular masses must hold
the position of masters and exercise their rights as
The popular masses’ desire for
independence is to occupy the position of masters and
exercise their rights as such. Independence is the
lifeblood of the masses, and their independent status
and right to independence are the basic conditions on
which their destiny depends. As they are the masters
of state and society, the popular masses must occupy
the position of masters and exercise their rights as
such in politics, the economy, culture and in all
other fields of social life.
In order to thoroughly
champion and implement the popular masses’
independence, it is necessary to formulate all lines
and policies by making them reflect the masses’ desire
for independence and carrying them out in reliance on
the efforts of the masses.
The popular masses’ desire for
independence is the criterion for judging the
correctness of lines and policies. The only way to
avoid subjectivism and tortuous events in the
revolution and construction is to mix with the masses
and listen to what they want. The masses are teachers
of everything. The masses’ desire for independence,
when integrated into a system, will become ideas,
lines and policies. When formulating its lines and
policies, the working-class party must always go among
the masses and listen to their desires. In doing
their work, officials must also begin by listening to
the masses’ desires. Even in complex and difficult
circumstances, our Party has been able to establish
the best socialist system and develop it continuously,
because it has laid down its lines and policies by
going among the masses. It is also because it
reflected the masses’ desire for independence in its
policies and carried these out by relying on their
efforts. This is the secret of the triumphant advance
of socialism in our country, an advance which has been
made along an absolutely scientific path, without the
slightest deviation or setback.
In order to champion and
realize independence for the popular masses, we must
totally safeguard the independence of the country and
Our Party’s consistent
revolutionary principle is to achieve independence in
politics, self-sufficiency in the economy and
self-reliance in national defence. Our Party and our
people have treasured the independence of the country
and nation. They have thoroughly implemented the
revolutionary principle of political independence,
economic self-sufficiency and self-reliant national
defence despite the pressure of the imperialists and
dominationists. They have thus firmly safeguarded
national sovereignty and dignity and continue to
advance. They consistently adhere to their
convictions and hold the socialist banner high.
The imperialists now violently
interfere in other countries’ affairs and trample upon
other nations’ sovereignty. They try to justify these
acts under the excuse of “defence of human rights”.
Human rights can not be conceived separately from the
independence of countries and nations. Human rights
can never be ensured for people who are dominated by
foreign forces. Human rights are rights to
independence which must be exercised by the people in
the political, economic, ideological, cultural and all
other spheres of social life. The “human rights”
advertised by the imperialists are privileges of the
rich, privileges to do anything on the strength of
money. The imperialists do not recognize the right of
unemployed people to work, or the right of orphans or
people without support to eat and survive, for
instance, as human rights. As they do not grant
working people elementary rights to existence and as
they pursue anti-popular policies and policies of
racial and national discrimination and colonialism,
the imperialists have no right to speak about human
rights. The imperialists are the most heinous enemy of
human rights. They violate the people’s right to
independence and interfere in the internal affairs of
other countries on the pretext of “defending human
rights”. We will never tolerate any imperialist
interference or arbitrariness aimed at infringing upon
the sovereignty of our country and nation, which we
will staunchly safeguard.
The popular masses, as the
masters of everything in society, should fulfil their
role and responsibilities.
Only then can they defend
their position and rights as befitting masters. The
revolution and construction are undertakings for the
popular masses and are their own undertakings. They
must be responsible for and must solve all problems
arising in the revolution and construction through
their own efforts.
In order to make the popular
masses fulfil their responsibility and role as masters
of everything in society, their consciousness as
masters should be enhanced. To this end, priority
should be given to ideological transformation and
political work, over all other undertakings. This is
an intrinsic requirement of socialist society. In
socialist society, where the popular masses are the
masters of state and society, the main driving force
of social development is the high revolutionary
enthusiasm and creative initiative of the masses, who
are equipped with independent ideological
consciousness and who are united rock-firm behind the
Party and the leader. It is only when all members of
society are transformed in a communist way and their
revolutionary zeal and creative initiative are boosted
by giving priority to ideological transformation and
political work, that they can press on with the
revolution and construction and fully demonstrate the
advantages of socialism. In socialist construction,
therefore, efforts must always be concentrated on
educating the masses of the people and on boosting
their revolutionary enthusiasm and creative
activeness, by giving priority to ideological
transformation and political work. There is no other
master-stroke for propelling socialist construction
than that of giving priority to ideological
transformation and political work, in order to enhance
the role of the masses. Trying to move a man by means
of money contradicts the intrinsic nature of socialist
society; the advantages of socialism cannot be
demonstrated by that method. Such a capitalist method
cannot enhance the people’s revolutionary enthusiasm
or creative initiative and, worse still, it may
degenerate the socialist system itself and throw it
into jeopardy. By giving definite priority to
ideological transformation and political work, our
Party could dynamically advance the revolution and
construction and display the advantages of socialism
to the full, relying on the masses’ great
revolutionary enthusiasm and creative initiative. The
high revolutionary zeal and creative initiative of the
popular masses, who are united firmly behind the Party
and the leader, is the source of the strength on which
our socialism centred on the masses can demonstrate
its advantages and invincibility as the most
scientific socialism.
In order to make the masses of
the people fulfil their responsibility and role as the
masters of everything in society, their creative
strength should be cultivated. This is an important
matter to which primary attention should always be
given in the revolution and construction. As the
popular masses create everything in society, the
success of the revolution and construction depends on
how to train the people into powerful beings. Training
them into powerful beings means developing their
creative ability along with their independent
consciousness. In capitalist society, the popular
masses’ demand to boundlessly develop as independent
and creative beings cannot be realized properly. The
imperialists and capitalists need slaves who produce
surplus value and follow them obediently, not
independent and creative people who have been brought
to their independent consciousness and who are
developed in many ways. That is why they resort to
every possible means and method to degrade working
people into slaves of capital, degenerating them
ideologically and deforming their creative ability.
The popular masses’ demand to develop into independent
and creative beings can be fully realized only in
socialist society. Our Party has established the most
superior socialist education system and a system under
which the entire population studies. It is running
these at the expense of the state and society, and is
thus brilliantly carrying out the task of bringing up
all members of society as full-fledged builders of
socialism and communism. As a result, our people are
pressing on with socialist construction and they are
solving every problem through their own efforts and
wisdom under the banner of self-reliance even in an
extremely difficult situation.
The masses of the people must
enjoy a worthwhile and happy life as the masters of
everything in society.
Material life occupies an
important place in their worthwhile and happy life.
It forms the basis of social life. As they are the
masters of state and society in socialist society, the
masses of the people should lead an affluent and
civilized life. By stepping up economic construction,
our Party has consolidated and developed the socialist
economic system and built a powerful socialist and
independent national economy. It has thereby laid
solid foundations for satisfying the people’s material
life through our own efforts. The potential of the
independent national economy we have built up through
self-reliance and fortitude is quite enormous; it is a
valuable asset for providing a moral and stable
material life for everyone. We must continuously
invest great effort into the construction of the
socialist economy, in order to further strengthen the
country’s economic power and steadily improve our
people’s standard of material life according to
socialist demands.
What is essential for the
masses in their worthwhile, happy life is to lead a
dignified life, while adding lustre to their
socio-political integrity and enjoying the love and
trust of the social community.
Naturally, the people need to
live such a life, but this is impossible in the
exploiter society. The exploitation and oppression of
man by man is incompatible with love for and trust in
the people; there cannot be genuine love and trust
between the exploiter and the exploited. In
capitalist society, the personal value of man has been
converted into an exchange value and is appraised by
means of money and wealth. Here, love for and trust
in the masses is inconceivable. The bourgeois
reactionaries’ advocacy of love which transcends class
is a crafty act to disguise the reactionary nature of
the capitalist exploiting society and to pacify
contradictions between classes. The preceding theory
of the working class laid bare the reactionary nature
of the hypocritical love which transcends class,
advocated by the bourgeois reactionaries. It made
clear that, in class society, love also assumes a
class character. The fact that love assumes a class
character does not mean that love and trust can be
exchanged only between people of identical social and
class status. The relationship of love and trust
between people can be established between those who,
despite the difference in their social and class
status, fight together to defend the independence of
the popular masses and who carry out creative
activities together.
When the socialist system is
established, class contradictions are eliminated and
relationships between people are transformed from
those of contradictions and mistrust into those of
love and trust. In socialist society, love and trust
flourish in the social community and between its
members and among the individuals in society; they are
demonstrated in the most sublime form between the
leader and his men. When all members of society
proudly maintain their socio-political integrity with
the result that the leader and his men, and the Party
and the people are all tied by love and trust and the
whole of society has been transformed into
socio-political organism, their life is the most
worthwhile and beautiful life. The society that has
realized this is a most solid and dynamic society.
Socialism centred on the
masses fully embodies comradely unity and cooperation
and the relationship of love and trust in all spheres
of social life. It transforms politics into politics
of love and trust. Love and trust constitute the
essence of politics in socialist society, where the
masses of the people have been transformed from
objects of politics to the masters of politics. We
call the politics of love and trust, benevolent
politics. Although the imperialists embellish
bourgeois politics and sling mud at socialist
politics, clamouring about things like the
“multi-party system” and “parliamentary democracy”,
black cannot be made white. Bourgeois politics, as a
plutocracy, are the harsh and crafty politics of
oppression and plunder.
In order to realize genuinely
benevolent politics in socialist society, a political
leader who unfailingly loves the people must come
A political leader of
socialism should be a master in leadership but, first
of all, he must be a man of virtue who loves the
people boundlessly. This is simply because socialist
politics is, in essence, benevolent politics. An
incompetent political leader of socialism may bring
about a delay in the development of socialist society,
but one who has no virtue may betray the people and
even lead socialism to ruin.
If the politics of love and
trust are to be exercised in socialist society, the
socialist party in power must be built into a motherly
The working-class party is the
leading political organization of society;
accordingly, the way the state organs and all other
organizations in socialist society serve the people
relates to how the party is built. Building the party
as a motherly party is a prerequisite for making state
organs and all other organizations in socialist
society into servants of the people. Building the
party as a motherly party means that the party should
become a genuine guide and defender of the people,
which takes meticulous care of the destiny of the
popular masses under its charge, just as a mother
deeply loves her children and looks after them
warmly. In the past, the party was regarded mainly as
a weapon in the class struggle. The working-class
party should naturally wage class struggle; however,
all Party activities must, to all intents and
purposes, proceed from a boundless love for and trust
in the people. It must give priority to defending the
people’s interests and it must fight against those who
violate their interests. Not a few parties lost the
support and trust of the popular masses and came to an
end in the long run. This is because they were not
built as motherly parties which take warm care of the
destiny of the people under their charge. They
degenerated into bureaucratic parties which wielded
power and abused their authority.
If the socialist ruling party
is to be built as a motherly party, all cadres and
party members should be educated in the spirit of
boundless love and sincere service for the people.
In order to sincerely serve
the people, one must first think of the people before
oneself and regard the pleasure and pain of the people
as one’s own. Loyal service to the people is a
communist’s sacred duty. Herein lies the true value
of communist’s life. A man who works for the
revolution enters the working-class party not for his
self-interest, fame or authority, but to serve the
people more faithfully. Those who undergo hardship
before anybody else, and put it before pleasure, and
who take charge of difficult tasks on their own, while
giving credit for success to others – they are the
true communists and members of the working-class
party. In order to bring up those party members,
ideological education should be intensified among them
so that they serve the people devotedly.
It is important while building
the socialist ruling party as a motherly party to
thoroughly transform the cadres in a revolutionary
fashion and to actively struggle against the abuse of
power, bureaucracy, irregularities and corruption
among them, which are the main factors that obstruct
the implementation of benevolent politics in socialist
society. Socialism is opposed to all privileges.
With the establishment of the socialist system, the
privileged class disappears. As long as the people
possess state power and the means of production, the
privileged class cannot come into being in socialist
society. But if a struggle is not waged against the
abuse of power, bureaucracy, irregularities and
corruption in socialist society, some ill-prepared
cadres can deteriorate ideologically and become
divorced from the masses, and thus grow into a
privileged class. However good the policies pursued
by the party and state may be, they cannot be carried
out properly if the cadres resort to abuse of power
and to bureaucracy, because all policies of the party
and state are implemented through the cadres. If the
cadres exercise privileged power, act bureaucratically
and indulge in irregularities and corruption, the
socialist party in power will lose the support and
confidence of masses and, without their support, the
party cannot maintain its existence. The historical
lesson shows that it is tantamount to digging its own
grave for the socialist ruling party to tolerate the
abuse of power bureaucracy, irregularities or
corruption among the cadres.
Our Party saw through the
danger of the deviations that could manifest
themselves in a ruling party early on, and it has
tirelessly struggled against them. Under the Party’s
slogan, “We serve the people!”, our cadres are now
faithfully serving the people as their servants. But
we cannot in the least neglect struggle against the
abuse of power, bureaucracy, irregularities and
corruption, because they are rooted in the vestiges of
outdated ideas, and because the imperialists continue
their schemes of ideological and cultural infiltration
in order to implant anachronistic ideas in our
country. We should continue to vigorously wage
educational work and an ideological struggle among
cadres to root out these deviations.
Our Party’s politics are
characterized by love and trust and are benevolent
politics. They constitute the basic factor that
defines our socialism’s advantages and invincibility.
Thanks to the benevolent politics of the Party and the
leader, our people enjoy a most worthwhile and
dignified life. Their noble socio-political integrity
is enhanced under our own style of socialist system,
which is centred on the popular masses. It is a true
feature of our society that all its members form a
large harmonious family. They trust, love and help
each other, and enjoy a worthwhile and happy life
In our country, everyone
regards and supports the leader as they would their
own father. They trust and follow the Party,
regarding its embrace as that of their own mother.
The leader, the Party and the people form one
socio-political organism, and share the same destiny.
The whole of society overflows with communist
morality. For instance, one devotes one’s own life
without hesitation to save one’s revolutionary comrade
from danger, and young men and women become life
companions of honourably disabled soldiers and take
warm care of orphans and old people without support,
as they would their own relations. This is a proud
result of the benevolent politics of our Party.
The vitality of the benevolent
politics of our Party finds expression not only in our
people’s noble spiritual and moral traits, but also in
their upright and equitable material and cultural
life, which improves as the days go by. All our people
are free from worries about food, clothing and
housing. They continue to learn throughout their
whole life and enjoy long lives in good health, thanks
to free and compulsory education and free medical
care. In our country, the state provides stable jobs
for all able-bodied working people. It looks after
the whole population under its responsibility and even
takes warm care of those who have temporarily lost the
ability to work, those without this ability and old
people without support. Aged revolutionaries and war
veterans, honourably disabled soldiers and meritorious
people enjoy their worthwhile life under the state’s
care, held in the people’s high esteem and love.
The younger generation is
basking in the great benefits of the Party’s
benevolent politics. They are successors to the
revolution, and the future of our country and nation.
The future of the revolution and the destiny of the
country and nation depend on how they are brought up.
Therefore, their upbringing cannot be the sole
responsibility of their parents. In capitalist
society, where the future of the younger generation
depends on their parents’ purse, they cannot avoid
falling victim to social inequality and social evils.
Due to the aggression and intervention of the
imperialists and the plunder of the exploiter class,
many of the young generation throughout the world lose
their lives or are maimed by war, social conflict,
disease and hunger or they wander about the streets,
committing crimes and degenerating. By contrast, in
our socialist society with its benevolent politics,
the state brings up all the younger generation. Our
Party and state accord them the warmest love and
solicitude. In our country, they study to their
hearts’ content under the best ll-year universal
compulsory education system, and are supplied with
school uniforms and school things by the state.
Thanks to the warmest love and care of the Party and
the leader, the state and society, our younger
generation is growing up happily without envying
All the popular policies
enforced in our country today prove the superiority of
our own style of socialist system, which is centred on
popular masses. These policies emanate from the noble
love of the Party and the leader for the people.
Benevolent politics is the traditional method. Its
historical root had already been created by the great
leader Comrade Kim Il Sung in the days of the
anti-Japanese revolution and was further deepened and
developed by him as the revolution and construction
The respected leader Comrade Kim
Il Sung was the benevolent father of our people,
who cherished the warmest love for them. Under the
motto, “The people are my god”, which he adopted when
he was young, Comrade Kim Il Sung mixed with
people, shared weal and woe with them and devoted his
all for them, throughout his life. Because it held
the respected Comrade Kim Il Sung, who was
endowed with the noble virtue of boundless love for
the people, as its leader, our country could record a
brilliant history of genuine politics for the people,
benevolent politics. Our Party continues to carry
forward the brilliant traditions of benevolent
politics established by the great leader Comrade Kim
Il Sung. Our Party’s benevolent politics are
politics of extensive love and trust; the Party loves
and trusts people from all areas of society, without
discrimination. In this sense, we call our Party’s
benevolent politics all-embracing politics. They are
politics of invariable love and trust. Our Party is
responsible for everyone’s socio-political integrity
and guides this. Even when a man has committed an
error, our Party does not put him in the cold but
re-educates him, to lead him onto the right track. It
shows constant care for him, so that he will exalt his
socio-political integrity to the last.
The noble love and trust shown
by our leader and Party for the people have produced
unfailing loyalty to the Party and the leader from the
people. Our people have been well-known since olden
times as a diligent and courageous people with a
strong sense of justice, a noble sense of obligation
and a high sense of decorum. Our people’s fine traits
now flourish and develop in every respect, based on
new spiritual and moral qualities. Our people are
deeply grateful to the Party and the leader for their
benevolent politics and work heart and soul to repay
the favour with loyalty. Our people’s loyalty to the
great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung is shown on a
nobler plane today, after they suddenly lost their
fatherly leader. It is our people’s unshakable will
to loyally uphold the respected Comrade Kim Il
Sung forever as the leader of our Party and
revolution. Under the leadership of the Party, our
people are working with redoubled efforts to win fresh
victories, true to the behests of their fatherly
leader Comrade Kim Il Sung. No other people
are equipped with such noble spiritual and moral
qualities as ours. They are unfailingly loyal to the
Party and the leader, and work devotedly for their
country, society and the collective. We take great
pride in having such excellent people. For our Party
to have trained ours into such an excellent people is
its great achievement and a brilliant victory for its
benevolent politics.
Our Party’s benevolent
politics are the source of the single-hearted unity of
the leader, the Party and the people. The
single-hearted unity of the leader, Party and people,
based on love and loyalty, is the most solid unity,
and our own style of socialism, rooted in this
single-hearted unity, is ever-victorious.
People throughout the world
express their great admiration for our socialism,
saying that it is the most ideal socialism. This is
because our socialism is genuine socialism centred on
the popular masses, which fully applies the principles
of love for and trust in the people.
The reason why our own style
of socialism, centred on the popular masses, is an
invincible socialism which enjoys their full support
and trust is that here, the popular masses maintain
their position and exercise their rights as the
masters of the state and society. They discharge their
responsibilities, play their role as the masters and
lead a worthwhile and happy life in such a capacity.
Our Party will invariably and
fully pursue genuine politics for the people,
benevolent politics which regards the popular masses,
the masters of everything in society, as supreme
beings and bestows everlasting love and trust on
them. Our Party and people are faced with the heavy
yet honourable task of carrying forward and
consummating through generations, the socialist cause
of Juche which was initiated and led by the great
leader Comrade Kim Il Sung. As it has always
won victories in the past by believing in and relying
on the people, so too in the future, our Party will
accomplish the socialist cause of Juche by believing
in and relying on them.
Man-centred socialism,
socialism centred on the popular masse, is absolutely
scientific, and the most advantageous and powerful
socialism. For its scientific accuracy and truth,
socialism is sure to be victorious.