In diesem Jahr erschien in der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) im Pyongyanger Fremdsprachenverlag das Buch Der oberste Führer Kim Jong Un im Jahr 2012.
Das prachtvoll gestaltete Buch auf Hochglanzpapier beschreibt die Aktivitäten des verehrten Marschalls Kim Jong Un in
jenem entscheidenden Jahr - darunter Vor-Ort-Anleitungen, Besuche bei
Einheiten der Koreanischen Volksarmee (KVA), Besuche bei Bürgern in
ihren neu bezogenen Wohnungen, in Kindergärten, Schulen, Erholungsparks
usw. wie auch Reden und Abhandlungen, die er hielt und publizierte.
Das Buch ist mit vielen Fotos illustriert.
Der Zweck dieses schön gestalteten Buches ist es, die ausländischen
Freunde Koreas und sonstige an Korea interessierte Menschen mit der
Persönlichkeit des obersten Führers Kim Jong Un vertraut zu machen.
Es zeigt, dass Marschall Kim Jong Un bereits wenige Wochen und Monate nach dem Ableben des grossen Führers Kim Jong Il die Partei, den Staat und die Armee genau so zu führen und anzuleiten verstand wie die beiden vorhergehenden Führer.
Es zeigt anhand von bewegenden Begebenheiten und Ereignissen, dass Marschall Kim Jong Un tatsächlich mit den beiden grossen Führern Kim Il Sung und Kim Jong Il absolut identisch ist.
Seine Liebe zum Volk und seine väterliche und warmherzige Fürsorge
kommen auf bewegende Art zum Ausdruck. Genau gleich wie seine beiden
grossen Vorgänger mischt er sich tagtäglich unter das Volk, besucht
Arbeiter und Bauern, Wissenschaftler und Techniker, Schüler und
Studenten und Soldaten und Offiziere der KVA, spricht warmherzig mit
ihnen und kümmert sich persönlich um deren Wohl.
Besonders ergreifend ist die Episode unter dem Titel "Ist Präsident Kim Il Sung ins Leben zurückgekehrt?" im Kapitel "Kim-Jong-Un-Syndrom". So wurde ein Nordkorea-Spezialist aus Südkorea zitiert, der sagte: "Wenn der oberste Führer Kim Jong Un lächelt, hat man das Gefühl, Kim Il Sung im Alter von 33 Jahren zu sehen, als er Nordkorea nach der Niederlage des imperialistischen Japan führte".
Es wird auch geschildert, wie Marschall Kim Jong Un während der Abschiedszeremonie für den verstorbenen Führer Kim Jong Il ungeachtet
des heftigen Schneesturms die ungeschützte Hand auf dem
Beisetzungswagen hielt, zu Fuss neben diesem herschritt und dabei auch
keine Kopfbedeckung zum Schutz gegen den Schnee trug. Deshalb wurde er
weltweit voller Bewunderung als ein "bescheidener und einfacher Mann",
als integrer, warmherziger, gefühlvoller, emotionaler und würdevoller
Mann gepriesen.
Das Buch teilt der ganzen Welt mit, was für ein aussergewöhnlicher,
grossartiger und väterlicher Führer der Nation und des Volkes,
talentierter Heerführer und Mann von Weisheit, Intelligenz und Weitsicht
er ist.
Dieses Buch sollte vor allem von jenen Menschen gelesen werden, die
aufgrund der feindlichen Propaganda in den westlichen Medien unkorrekte
und falsche Vorstellungen vom sozialistischen Korea haben. Sie müssten
nach der Lektüre und dem Betrachten der Fotos ihre Vorurteile revidieren
und die DVRK als ein würdevolles, verantwortungsbewusstes und
friedliebendes Land respektieren.
Es beweist, dass Marschall Kim Jong Un ungeachtet seiner Jugend -
er ist der jüngste Staatsführer der Welt - ein ausserordentlicher
Staatsmann und Führer von Partei, Staat und Armee ist.
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Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des oeuvres idéologiques et pratiques du Comité Central du Parti du Travail de Corée et de ses Dirigeants par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée |
Discourse Published in Kulloja, Theoretical Magazine of the Central Committee of
Worker’s Party of Korea
26, 1996
An opinion has recently been raised that
some of our social scientists had
expressed a wrong view contrary to our
Party’s idea in explaining the Juche
philosophy, that this view had been
disseminated abroad as well.
These social scientists still attempt to
explain the basic principles of the
Juche philosophy from the point of view
of the general law of the development of
the material world, instead of
explaining them in the direction of
clarifying the law of social movement.
The proponents of this view say that
their argument is aimed at proving that
the Juche philosophy is a new
development also of Marxist
materialistic dialectics. In explaining
and propagating the Juche philosophy we
do not need to convince people that the
Juche philosophy is a new development of
Marxist materialistic dialectics. It is
true that our Party has not taken a
dogmatic approach to Marxist
materialistic dialectics but analysed it
from the point of view of Juche and has
given new explanations to a number of
problems. However, some development of
materialism and dialectics does not
constitute the basic content of the
Juche philosophy.
The Juche philosophy is an original
philosophy which has been evolved and
systematized with its own principles.
The historic contribution made by the
Juche philosophy to the development of
philosophical thoughts lies not in its
advancement of Marxist materialistic
dialectics, but in its clarification of
new philosophical principles centred on
The Marxist philosophy raised the
relationship between material and
consciousness, between being and
thinking, as the fundamental question of
philosophy and proved the primacy of
material, the primacy of being and, on
this basis, elucidated that the world is
made of material and changed and
developed by the motion of material. The
Juche philosophy has raised the
relationship between the world and man,
and man’s position and role in the
world, as the fundamental question of
philosophy, clarified the philosophical
principle that man is the master of
everything and that he decides
everything and, on this basis,
illuminated the absolutely correct way
of shaping man’s destiny. The Marxist
philosophy raised as its major task the
clarification of the essence of the
material world and the general law of
its motion, whereas the Juche philosophy
has raised as its important task the
elucidation of man’s essential
characteristics and the law of social
movement, man’s movement. Therefore,
the Juche philosophy is an original
philosophy which is fundamentally
different from the preceding philosophy
in its task and principles. That is why
we should not understand the Juche
philosophy as a philosophy that has
developed materialistic dialectics, nor
should we attempt to prove the
originality and advantages of the Juche
philosophy by arguing one way or the
other about the essence of the material
world and the general law of its motion
which were clarified by the Marxist
philosophy. You cannot explain the Juche
philosophy in the framework of the
preceding philosophy because it is a
philosophy that has clarified new
philosophical principles. If you
attempt to do so, you will not only fail
to prove the originality of the Juche
philosophy, but instead make it obscure
and fail to understand the essence of
Juche philosophy correctly.
Having defined the essential qualities
of man for the first time in history,
the Juche philosophy has held up man as
the best qualified and most powerful
being in the world and advanced a new
idea on the world that the world is
dominated and transformed by man.
The new outlook on the world established
by the Juche philosophy does not deny
the world outlook of dialectical
materialism. The Juche philosophy
regards the world outlook of dialectical
materialism as its premise. The Juche
view of the world that the world is
dominated and transformed by man is
inconceivable separately from the
materialistic dialectical understanding
of the essence of the objective material
world and the general law of its motion.
From the idealistic view that the world
is something mysterious you cannot draw
the conclusion that man dominates the
world, and from the metaphysical view
that the world is immutable you cannot
infer that man can transform the world.
The Juche view of the world that the
world is dominated and transformed by
man can only be established when the
materialistic dialectical understanding
of the world that the world is made of
material and ceaselessly changes and
develops is recognized. In spite of a
number of limitations and immaturities
of the Marxist materialistic dialectics,
its basic principles are scientific and
valid. That is why we say that the
Juche philosophy regards materialistic
dialectics as its premise.
That the world outlook of the
materialistic dialectics is the premise
for the Juche philosophy does not mean
that the Juche philosophy has merely
inherited and developed the
materialistic dialectical understanding
of the objective material world, you
cannot draw the conclusion that man is
the master of the world and plays a
decisive role in transforming the world
simply from the proposition of
materialism that the world is made of
material and from the dialectical
principle that the world ceaselessly
changes and develops. Only on the basis
of the clarification of man’s essential
qualities which distinguish man
radically from all the other material
beings can man’s outstanding position
and role as the master of the world
capable of transforming the world be
clarified. Only on the basis of man’s
essential qualities as a social being
with independence, creativity and
consciousness as scientifically
clarified by the Juche philosophy has
the basic principle that man is the
master of the world and plays the
decisive role in transforming the world
been clarified.
By establishing the Juche outlook on
social history, the Juche view of
history, on the basis of the
man-centered philosophical principle,
the Juche philosophy has overcome the
limitations of the preceding
socio-historical view and effected a
radical change in the socio-historical
view and standpoint.
Marxist philosophy established
socio-historical view of dialectical
materialism, historical materialism,
through the application of the general
law of the development of the material
world to social history. Of course, we
do not deny the historic merit of
historical materialism. Historical
materialism made an important
contribution to defeating the
reactionary and unscientific
socio-historical view which was based on
idealism and metaphysics. In addition,
since man lies in the objective material
world and society is inseparably linked
with nature, the general law of the
development of the material world acts
on social phenomena. However, if you
overlook the social movement being
governed by its own law and apply the
general law of the development of the
material world mechanically to social
phenomena, you cannot avoid acquiring
one-sided understanding of social
The social movement changes and develops
according to its own law.
The social movement is the movement of
man who dominates and transforms the
world, man transforms nature to dominate
and transform the objective material
world. By transforming nature man
creates material wealth and material
conditions for his life.
Transforming nature and creating
material wealth is the endeavour to
satisfy people’s social cooperation.
People transform society to improve and
perfect the relations of social
cooperation. It is man who transforms
both nature and society. While
transforming nature and society, man
transforms and develops himself
continuously. The domination and
transformation of the world by man are
realized after all through the
transformation of nature, society and
himself, and the popular masses are the
motive force of this undertaking. The
popular masses create all the material
and cultural wealth of society and
develop social relations.
The social movement, the driving force
of which is the popular masses, has
characteristics which are different from
those of the motion of nature. In
nature motion takes place spontaneously
through the interaction of material
elements which exist objectively,
whereas the social movement is caused
and developed by the volitional action
and role of the driving force.
if you apply the principles of
materialistic dialectics which explain
the general law of the development of
the material world mechanically to
social history, you cannot clarify
correctly the essence of society and the
law of social movement. The major
limitation of the materialistic
conception of history is that it failed
to correctly expound the peculiar law of
the social movement and explained the
principles of the social movement mainly
on the basis of the common character of
the motion of nature and the social
movement in that both of them are the
motion of material.
Marxist materialistic conception of
history broke down society into social
being and consciousness and attached
determining significance to social
being; it also broke down the social
structure into productive force and
production relations, foundation and
superstructure, and attached decisive
significance to material production and
economic relations. This means an
unaltered application of the principle
of materialistic dialectics to society,
the principle that the world is of
material and changes and develops in
accordance with the general law of the
motion of material. The world, viewed
by the founders of Marxism when applying
the general law governing the material
world to social history, is an integrity
of not only nature but also man and
society in that they are material
beings. If you consider man as a part
of the world, a material integrity, not
as a social being with independence,
creativity and consciousness, and apply
the general law of the movement of the
material world to social history, you
cannot avoid seeing the socio-historical
movement as a process of the history of
Of course, society, too, changes and
develops in accordance with a certain
law, not by man’s will. But the action
of law in society is fundamentally
different from that of the law of
nature. In nature the law works
spontaneously regardless of man’s
activity, but in society the law works
through man’s independent, creative and
conscious activities. Some of the laws
of society governs every society in
general irrespective of social systems,
and some of them governs a particular
society. Because all the social laws
work through man’s activity, they may
work smoothly or their actions may be
restrained or limited depending on man’s
When I say that social laws function
through man’s activity, I do not deny
the objective character of social laws
and possible spontaneity in the social
movement. If a certain socio-economic
condition is created, a social law
corresponding to it functions inevitably
and therefore it assumes an objective
character as a natural law does.
Spontaneity in the social movement is
due to a relatively low level of man’s
independence, creativity and
consciousness and to the absence of the
social system under which people can
display them to the full. With the
growth in man’s independence, creativity
and consciousness and with the
establishment of the social system which
ensures a full display of these
qualities, man will work better in
keeping with the objective laws and the
range of spontaneity will narrow.
Social development is the process of the
development of the masses’ independence,
creativity and consciousness. With the
growth in these qualities and with the
consummation of the social system
capable of meeting their requirements,
the society will develop more and more
through the purposeful and conscious
activities of the popular masses. This
means that the law peculiar to the
social movement, which changes and
develops by the volitional action and
role of the driving force, will work on
a full scale.
Although the founders of Marxism
established the materialistic
dialectical concept of social history by
applying the general law of the
development of the material world to
social history, they themselves came
across many problems in the practical
social movement, problems which could
not be resolved only by the general law
of the development of the material
world. So they attempted to overcome
the one-sidedness of the materialistic
dialectical concept of social history by
advancing some theories, for example,
that although social consciousness
emerges as the reflection of the
material and economic conditions, it
reacts on these conditions and that
although politics is defined by the
economy, it reacts on the economy.
However, the Marxist materialistic
concept of history is, in essence, a
view on social history which considers
the common character of the motion of
nature and the social movement as the
main factor. This theory was unable to
avoid the limitation of identifying the
process of social development with that
of natural history.
The fundamental difference between the
Juche philosophy and the preceding
philosophy results, in the final
analysis, from a different understanding
of man.
The Marxist philosophy defined the
essence of man as the ensemble of social
relations, but it failed to correctly
expound the characteristics of man as a
social being. The preceding theory
explained the principle of the social
movement mainly on the basis of the
general law of the development of the
material world, because it failed to
clarify the essential qualities of
social man. For the first time, the
Juche philosophy gave a perfect
elucidation of the unique qualities of
man as a social being.
As clarified in the documents of our
Party, man is a social being with
independence, creativity and
consciousness and nobody has expressed
doubt about it. However, some social
scientists maintain a wrong view in
understanding how man became a social
being with these qualities. Regarding
the question of man’s essential
characteristics as the issue of the
level of his development as a material
being, they still assert that the origin
of man; independence, creativity and
consciousness should be sought in the
diversity of the material components and
the complexity of their combination and
structure. This is, in fact, a view
regarding man’s essential qualities as
the extension of natural and biological
attributes, as their development and
consummation. When talking about man as
an organism, one can consider him in
comparison with other organisms, or
discuss the characteristics of his
biological components and their
combination and structure. However, the
man who is deliberated by the Juche
philosophy is not only a highly
developed organism but also lives and
works with independence, creativity and
consciousness which no other creatures
have acquired. The origin of man’s
essential qualities must be sought not
in the development of his features
common with those of other material
beings but in the characteristics unique
to him. Man has acquired independence,
creativity and consciousness, because he
is a social being who forms a social
collective and lives and works in a
social relationship. These qualities of
man are social attributes which are
formed and developed through the
socio-historical process of his working
in the social relationship. Of course,
these qualities of his would be
inconceivable without his highly
developed organic body, man can be said
to be the highest product of evolution
and the most developed material being.
However, if man had not formed a social
collective and had not lived and worked
in the social relationship, he could not
have developed as an independent,
creative and conscious being no matter
how developed his organic body may be.
Without physical life man cannot have
social and political integrity.
However, it is not man’s physical life
itself that gives birth to his social
and political integrity. Likewise,
without his developed organic body his
independence, creativity and
consciousness would be inconceivable,
but his biological characteristics
themselves do not produce his social
attributes. Man’s social attributes can
take shape and develop only through the
process of his emergence and development
as a social being, in other words,
through the process of the historical
development of his social activity and
his social relationship. The history of
social development is the history of
development of man’s independence,
creativity and consciousness. This
means that man’ independence, creativity
and consciousness are social attributes
which are formed and developed socially
and historically. Therefore, the
philosophical consideration of man must
start from the fact that man is a social
Nevertheless, some of our social
scientists argue about the material
components and their combination and
structure, and relate them to man’s
essential qualities, preaching that the
biological factors constitute the major
content of the Juche philosophy. Their
argument is a deviation that explains
the Juche philosophy within the
framework of Marxist dialectical
materialism. It is only an attempt to
justify the wrong evolutionary view
which regards man’s essential qualities
as the development and consummation of
biological attributes.
Regarding man’s essential qualities, it
is important to have a correct
understanding of the social being. The
founders of Marxism, while raising the
question of man’s essence in social
relationship, used the phrase social
being as a concept meaning the material
conditions and economic relations of
social life which exist objectively and
are reflected on social consciousness.
Since they regarded man as a component
of productive forces, as the ensemble of
social relations, the phrase social
being they used implied man as well.
However, they did not use it as one
having the particular meaning that
defines man’s essential qualities.
Systematizing the Juche philosophy, we
used the term social being as one having
the particular meaning that defines
man’s essential qualities. In the
theory of the Juche philosophy man is
the only social being in the world.
Some social scientists, however, still
insist that social wealth and social
relations should also be included in the
social being, obscuring the difference
between man and social wealth and social
relations. Social wealth and social
relations are created and developed by
man. Therefore, they cannot be included
together in the concept that defines
man’s essential qualities. When
referring to the Marxist philosophy, the
phrase social being can, of course, be
used as the founders of Marxism meant.
But, if we understand the term social
being in its conventional meaning when
referring to the Juche philosophy, it
will result in obscuring their
understanding of man’s essential
qualities. The Juche philosophy is a
new philosophy which has its own system
and content, so its categories must not
be understood in the conventional
One of the main reasons why these social
scientists have committed a deviation in
explaining and propagating the Juche
philosophy is that they have not studied
philosophical problems from the point of
view of the requirement of revolutionary
Theory must be based on practice and
serve practice. A theory divorced from
practice cannot correctly elucidate
truth and is of no use.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung
always studied philosophical problems
proceeding from the demand of
revolutionary practice and evolved the
Juche philosophy in the course of giving
scientific answers to urgent ideological
and theoretical problems arising in
revolutionary practice. Our Party has
generalized the rich and profound
experiences of revolutionary practice,
systematized the Juche philosophy in a
comprehensive way and developed it in
Revolutionary practice is a struggle to
realize independence for the popular
masses and it is the masses who carry
out the struggle.
it is important in the study of
philosophy to reflect the demands and
aspirations of the popular masses
correctly, evolve the theory by
generalizing their experiences of
struggle and make it the theory of the
popular masses themselves. In the
exploitative society the reactionary
ruling class makes use of philosophy for
defending and rationalizing their
reactionary ruling system, trying to
make it the monopoly of the philosophers
who act as spokesmen in their
interests. They consider the popular
masses to be ignorant people who have
nothing to do with philosophy.
With a viewpoint and attitude that the
popular masses are the masters of
everything and the wisest people, our
Party has evolved the Juche philosophy
by reflecting their demand and
aspirations and generalizing their
struggle experiences, further developed
it in depth and made it their weapon of
struggle. This is the reason why the
Juche philosophy is an absolute truth
which meets the people’s desire for and
aspirations to independence and a
popular philosophy which the masses
easily understand and regard as their
own weapon of struggle.
However, some of the social scientists
are arguing about the questions which
are of little practical significance in
illuminating the road of shaping the
destiny of the popular masses. We study
philosophy essentially for the purpose
of clarifying the principles and
methodology by which to develop the
society and shape the destiny of the
popular masses. The development of
society is guided by politics and it is
none other than the Juche philosophy
which clarifies the basic principles of
politics which lead social development
in the most straight way. In this
sense, the Juche philosophy can be
called a political philosophy.
Some social scientists say that they
have explained the Juche philosophy as a
philosophy which developed the
dialectical materialism of Marxism in
order to present the Juche idea to suit
the characteristic of the external
world. We must give a clear
understanding of the Juche philosophy as
a new revolutionary philosophy, not as a
mere development of the preceding
philosophy. It is a mistake to explain
the Juche philosophy within the
framework of the preceding philosophy on
the grounds that it is presented to suit
the characteristic of the external world
or to disseminate the Juche philosophy
with ideas which do not accord with the
fundamental principle of the Juche
philosophy. Moreover, why should we
argue about questions which are of no
political importance and hardly of any
theoretical practical significance,
shutting eyes to the demand of reality
in the international arena, when
internationally we have many theoretical
and practical questions which urgently
await correct answers to be given on
the basis of the principles of the Juche
philosophy? In presenting the Juche
idea to the external world, we must
explain correctly in relation to actual
problems that the Juche philosophy is
thoroughly an original philosophy and a
new revolutionary philosophy. We must
get rid of such a deviation not only in
external dissemination but also in the
research, study and education on the
Juche philosophy.
The Juche philosophy is a revolutionary
philosophy and political philosophy of
our Party which illuminates the
philosophical basis of the Juche idea
and fundamental principles of the
revolution. How to approach the Juche
philosophy does not merely concern
philosophical theories, but is related
to the viewpoint and attitude towards
the Party’s ideology. We must accept
the Party’s ideology as the absolute
truth, defend it resolutely and keep it
as a revolutionary conviction, and thus
understand, interpret and propagate the
Juche philosophy correctly.
We must feel a great pride and
confidence in having such a great
political philosophy as the Juche
philosophy, deeply understand its
principles and apply them fully to the
practical activities of the revolution
and construction. We must analyse and
judge all the social phenomena
thoroughly on the basis of the
principles of the Juche philosophy and
dynamically accelerate the revolution
and construction by uniting the popular
masses solidly around the Party and
enhancing the role of the motive force
as the Juche philosophy requires.
Our scientists and people must study and
follow the Juche philosophy, but they
must also know the philosophical ideas
of Marxism-Leninism. The social
scientists in particular must be well
acquainted with the preceding
philosophy, it is important to
distinguish limitations and immaturity
of the preceding philosophy along with
its merits.
In addition, we must strictly guard
against all heterogeneous trends of
philosophy which are contrary to the
Juche philosophy and ensure the purity
of the Juche philosophy. The Juche
philosophy is the most advantageous and
viable philosophy which reflects the
demand of the revolutionary practice and
the truthfulness and validity of which
have been proved by revolutionary
practice. The fact that the Juche
philosophy is attracting more attention
on the international arena and the
followers of the Juche idea are
increasing in number clearly
demonstrates that the Juche philosophy
gives absolutely correct answers to the
questions of revolutionary practice.
Our social scientists must have an
unshakable conviction of the scientific
accuracy, truthfulness, originality and
superiority of the Juche philosophy and
analyse and judge all the philosophical
theories with the Juche philosophy as a
guideline, thus preventing infiltration
of any heterogeneous trend of philosophy
into the Juche philosophy.
All the social scientists must study the
Juche philosophy in depth and breadth
and propagate it in line with the
Party’s intention and, by doing so,
exalt its greatness and further increase
its attraction.
Let Us Step Up the Building of a Thriving Country by Applying Kim Jong Il’s Patriotism
Let Us Step Up the Building of
a Thriving Country by Applying Kim
Jong Il’s
to Senior Officials of the Central
Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea
July 26, Juche 101
our implementing of the cause of building a
thriving socialist country today, it is very
important to apply Kim
Jong Il’s
have already explained Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism on several occasions. However,
our officials still have a poor
understanding of it, and they fail to
substantially apply it to their practical
activities with proper methodology.
emphasize Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism to encourage officials, Party
members and other working people not to
merely shout it as a slogan or to hold it up
like a banner, but to learn from the
ennobling examples of patriotism set by the
great General Kim
Jong Il and
apply his patriotism thoroughly to their
practical activities in building a thriving
General was a peerless patriot; he loved his
country and fellow people more ardently than
anybody else, and devoted his whole life to
achieving the prosperity of the country and
the happiness of the people, thus performing
imperishable exploits that are etched in the
history of the country.
cherished in the depth of his heart were his
dear country and people.
he saw a forest thickly wooded or a vast
field realigned in a sweeping manner, he
would say to himself, “Green mountain” and
“Green field,” picturing in his mind the
future of a thriving country and the
happiness our people would enjoy down
through generations. When he was on visits
to foreign countries, he would say with deep
emotion, “My country, my nation,” missing
his country and people back in his country.
When he saw a poorly-wooded mountain on his
field guidance trip, he would feel painful
and say that our country had been called a
three-thousand-ri land of golden tapestry
from time immemorial, adding that we should
turn it into a land of golden tapestry of
the era of the Workers’ Party and hand it
over to the coming generations. When he saw
that the service personnel of army units had
planted many trees on the mountains around
their barracks and tended them well, he
would speak highly of their patriotism and
call theirs units of patriots. And when he
saw a village and the barracks of an army
unit which were well laid out and covered
with apricot and persimmon trees, he called
them an apricot-tree village and a
persimmon-tree company, respectively, adding
national fragrance to their names.
determined to be the master of the
revolution in Korea
from the first day of embarking on the road
of the revolution, he defended and added
brilliance to his socialist country by
devoting his all throughout his life, and
continued to follow the road of love for his
country and people until the last moment of
his life.
struggle to defend the socialist country was
the acutest showdown with the imperialist
allied forces, the severest struggle
unprecedented in its history. To break
through the harsh trials facing the country
and defend it, the General set out on the
long, arduous road of Songun-based
leadership in a do-or-die spirit.
only parka he wore from the days of the
“Arduous March” to the last days of his life
is vivid evidence showing what a thorny path
he had to traverse with patriotic devotion
to defend his socialist country. One year,
looking back on the days of the trying
ordeals with deep emotion, he touched on the
parka he was wearing. He said that he wore
it at the onset of the “Arduous March” after
President Kim
Il Sung had
passed away, and that he kept wearing it
because he could not forget the trials. He
continued earnestly that the parka was
symbolic of the Songun-based revolution.
Even a parka gets thin if one wears it long,
and it cannot keep one warm in the cold.
Though icy wind got through the old parka,
he burned his heart with a sense of
responsibility for the defence of his
country. He held on to the parka for more
than ten years, when he displayed strong
will and superhuman energy going on with his
inspection of the military units on the
front line to train the soldiers into
a-match-for-a-hundred combatants. Chol Pass
and Mt. Osong he climbed braving howling
snowstorms, Cho Islet he visited across a
rough sea, and other frontline posts will
remain witnesses to the patriotic devotion
he displayed on the road of Songun-based
leadership to defend the country.
can be seen through the recent parade held
to mark the centenary of the birth of the
President, our country, which was robbed of
its sovereignty a century ago because of its
weak military strength, is demonstrating its
dignity as a world-class military power; it
owes its matchless military might to the
wise leadership of the General. Whenever we
reflect on the road of Songun-based
leadership the General followed shouldering
the responsibility for the destiny of his
country and nation, we deeply realize what
valuable and ennobling patriotism he
possessed in defending our country, our
thorny path he covered all his life with a
single mind of patriotic devotion led to the
transformation of our country’s appearance
and the laying of the solid cornerstone for
building a prosperous and powerful nation.
in the grim period of leading the struggle
in defence of socialism, he unfolded a
far-reaching plan of building a thriving
socialist country and wisely led the efforts
for its implementation. Under his energetic
leadership the land all over the country was
realigned as befits a socialist country,
gravitational waterways built in many
regions and rural villages turned into
socialist fairylands. What is more, modern
heavy- and light-industry factories were
built in large numbers, existing factories
renovated to meet the demands of the new
century and monumental structures that would
contribute to the country’s prosperity and
the well-being of all generations to come
built in an excellent way in various parts
of the country.
introduction of CNC technology that effected
an industrial revolution of our style in the
new century shows us the high level of his
patriotism. Still vivid in my memory is his
image in January 2010, when he recollected
with deep emotion how he earnestly explained
the details of CNC technology to the
officials who had not had a correct
understanding of the technology so as to
stoke the flames of introducing the
technology. During the period when the
country was undergoing difficulties he had
precious funds allocated for the
introduction of CNC technology for the
prosperous future of the country although he
was haunted by the thoughts of the people
who were suffering from food shortage. That
he decided shedding his heart’s tears to
spend the precious funds, which could be
called all in the coffers of the state, for
the introduction of CNC technology was a
courageous decision and the best choice born
of his patriotic will to raise the
international profile of his country, his
motherland, by fostering its might, not by
importing others’ showy machines. Patriotism
finds its highest expression in fostering
the might of one’s country for its
prosperity. Strong national might makes it
possible to defend the country and
guarantees the happiness of all generations
to come. Whenever he heard the song Break
through the Cutting Edge, he would shed
tears recollecting the arduous road he had
traversed and mental difficulties he had
surmounted for the introduction of CNC
technology. Indeed, his tears were tears of
ardent patriotism.
epochal changes effected in our country and
the proud realities unfolded in the
prospering Songun Korea
are all valuable fruits born of his
ennobling patriotism.
burning love for his socialist country and
people and his self-sacrificing devotion to
the prosperity of the country and happiness
of the people originated from his absolute
trust in his people and unbreakable
confidence in the justness of the socialist
system and the victory of the socialist
cause. There can be no love and devotion
separated from trust and confidence. It is
only from unshakable trust and confidence
that genuine and warm love and unstinting
devotion are produced. Saying that there are
no people in the world better than ours, he
always placed absolute trust in them. And
saying “Let’s see who laughs last,” he had
firm confidence in the victorious future of
the country. As he firmly trusted in our
people and the victorious future of the
country as in himself, he was always on the
road of devotion for the country and people
with the most ardent love for them.
warm love and devotion for the country and
people also originated from his ennobling
sense of mission. He cherished the ennobling
sense of duty and mission that he was
responsible for the destiny of the country
and people the President had entrusted to
him. Out of this sense he set out on the
long march of Songun-based leadership with a
do-or-die determination and devoted his all
to the prosperity of the country and the
happiness of the people with the most ardent
love for them.
the light of its essential content and great
vitality, the patriotism he cherished and
applied in his practical activities is the
most ennobling patriotism which can be
associated only with his name.
this reason, when I speak of patriotism, I
mean not patriotism in general, but Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism, the patriotism that he cherished
and applied to defend his country and make
it prosperous.
Jong Il’s
patriotism is the crystallization of
socialist patriotism.
It is
the most fervent and the warmest love for
our socialist country and people and the
most earnest and self-sacrificing devotion
to the prosperity of the country and the
well-being of the people. It is genuine
patriotism that holds dear every tree and
every blade of grass of the country and
devotes one’s heart and soul to looking
after them.
Jong Il’s
patriotism is based on the ennobling view of
the motherland.
Jong Il
wrote in The Embrace of My Motherland, a
classic song that he created in his early
years, that the embrace of the country whose
land glows under the sun radiant is the
embrace of Kim
Il Sung,
thus presenting a profound idea that to our
people the motherland is immediately their
leader and the embrace of their motherland
is his embrace. One’s motherland is not
simply a place where one was born and grew
up; it must be a place which guarantees
genuine life for the people and eternal
happiness for posterity, which in turn is
assured by the leader.
genuine life for the people and eternal
happiness for posterity can be created and
brought into bloom only by the leader who
loves the country and the people in real
earnest and devotes his all to them. The
destiny of the country and people cannot be
thinkable separated from their leader, and
it can be defended and guaranteed only by
him. Hence, devotion to the country is
precisely faithfulness to the leader, and
faithfulness to the leader is a display of
patriotism, the highest expression of
Jong Il’s
patriotism is based on the noble outlook on
people that believes in them as in heaven.
people are my God” was the General’s motto
throughout his life. He said that if there
is an omnipotent entity in this world, it is
the masses, not the God; it was his creed of
patriotism that the country exists as there
exist the people. His patriotic mind was
always filled with the word people. If it is
the wish of the people, I should pluck a
star out of the heavens or grow flowers even
on a rock–it was the noble meaning of his
affection for people and his will. Even now,
whenever I listen to the Song of Affection
for People, singing that the sum of the
General’s lifelong exploits, as wide as the
sea and as high as the sky, is that only for
people, I cannot help shedding tears as I
recall the benevolent image of the General
who valued people all his life.
the ennobling view of the younger
generation, Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism stokes our feelings further.
slogan “Let us live not merely for today but
for tomorrow!” is the intensification of his
view of the younger generation. Whatever we
do, we must do it most creditably and
perfectly so that the coming generation can
enjoy benefit from it even in the distant
future although we may not enjoy it in our
lifetime–this was his ennobling intention
and an earnest request he always made.
Jong Il’s
patriotism is, indeed, a precious spiritual
legacy he left for our people and an example
to follow in practice.
It is
a valuable ideological and spiritual
sustenance indispensable to all who love
their country and fellow people; it also
provides those struggling for the sake of
their country and fellow people with a
powerful motive force that infuses into them
courage and vigour. It will serve as a
bright beacon in bringing up our people to
be genuine patriots through generations, and
as a compass to guide them in their struggle
and life.
our officials, Party members and other
working people should learn positively from
the ennobling patriotism of the General who
devoted tireless efforts to the country and
people all his life, burning his heart with
ardent love for them, and apply it in
practice as it is, without adding anything
to it or deducting anything from it.
for implanting Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism deep in the hearts of the people
should be strengthened.
should strengthen education in Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism to encourage all Party members,
working people, service personnel and youth
and students to understand its true meaning
and cherish it in their hearts.
in Kim Jong Il’s
patriotism should be carried on in depth and
breadth through theoretical explanation.
type of education should not be conducted in
the way of shouting slogans, but in depth
and breadth combined with theoretical
explanation to inspire all Party members and
other working people to have a clear
understanding of the General’s view of the
country, of the people and of the younger
generation, and become genuine patriots who
render loyal services to their country and
people like the General and devote their
blood and sweat of patriotism for tomorrow,
when their desire would burst into bloom,
though it is hard today like the
anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners who
had fought, dedicating their youth and life,
for the future of their country and people.
in Kim Jong Il’s
patriotism should be conducted substantially
in combination with practice.
main mistake in the current education in
patriotism is that the education is
conducted far removed from practice.
Education separated from practice is to no
is wholehearted devotion to the country and
people. Stressing that anxiety for the
country does not mean patriotism and
patriotism only in word is unwanted, the
General said that if one is ready for
patriotism, one should perform patriotic
deeds with a true spirit of patriotism. The
spirit of patriotism should be expressed in
practical activities designed for the
well-being of the country and people. To the
call of the country and people, one should
not answer in mere words, but by dedicating
one’s whole being; this is the proper stance
of a patriot. Those who follow the road of
genuine patriotism without hesitation or
vacillation in any adversity, those who
faithfully carry out in time and to the
letter the revolutionary tasks the country
and people have assigned them, are genuine
in Kim Jong Il’s
patriotism should be based on reality and
conducted in keeping with the specific
is not an abstract concept. It begins from
one’s own home. It buds out from the love
for one’s parents, spouses and children, the
love for one’s own home, village and
workplace, and further develops into the
love for one’s country and fellow people.
Those who do not cherish affection for their
parents, spouses and children and for their
homes, villages and workplaces cannot love
their country and fellow people; they can
never become genuine patriots. We should
educate all Party members and other working
people to become genuine patriots who first
love their parents, spouses and children and
further sincerely shed sweat and dedicate
their all to spruce up their homes, villages
and workplaces so that they are better than
others’ and add lustre to their country,
their motherland.
should be effective in applying Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism in the practical activities.
apply Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism means to thoroughly materialize
the General’s intentions and desires for the
prosperity of the country and the happiness
of all generations to come and to carry on
all work for achieving the prosperity of the
country in the way he did. We should
faithfully carry to completion the
undertakings he planned and was carrying on
in his lifetime, so that his ideals and
desires are translated into reality on this
highest expression of patriotism is found in
defending the motherland. Where there is the
motherland, there exist our Party, our
government, our socialist system and the
happy life of our people. The life dedicated
to national defence is the most valuable,
patriotic life. The service personnel of the
People’s Army who are standing in the
forefront of national defence should firmly
grasp the weapons of the revolution, and
reliably defend the outposts of the country;
the people in the home front should support
their country of Songun through sincere aid
to the service personnel. All the people
should attach importance to military affairs
and learn them in earnest. Should the enemy
attack, they should make a resolute
counterattack and give play to their
patriotism in the sacred war for national
All officials, Party members and
other working people should cherish Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism deep in their minds and turn out
in the effort for achieving the prosperity
of their country, their motherland.
effort for achieving the prosperity of the
country is a worthwhile struggle to
materialize our people’s centuries-old
desire and a sacred patriotic struggle to
implement the instructions of President Kim
Il Sung and
General Kim
Jong Il. We
should become genuine patriots in the era of
Songun and build a thriving socialist
country for others to see, like the
generation who built a new, democratic Korea
shortly after its liberation, upholding the
patriotic appeal of Kim
Il Sung and
like the heroes in the era of Chollima who
built a people’s paradise with empty hands
on the debris in the post-war days.
our nation that has suffered long from
indescribable misfortune and pain, divided
into the north and south by outside forces,
national reunification is the supreme
national task, which brooks no further
delay. National reunification is patriotism
pure and simple, and national division is
treachery to the nation. Those who sincerely
love their country and nation, whether they
live in the north, in the south or abroad,
should valiantly turn out in the righteous
struggle for reunifying the country, true to
the noble idea of loving the country and
nation cherished by Kim
Jong Il, a
peerless patriot.
can be likened to a gemstone. As a gemstone
keeps sparkling even under the ground, the
idea of loving the country, however small it
may be, is valuable and always beautiful. We
should cherish patriotism as valuable and
beautiful as a gemstone, and volunteer to do
the undertakings helpful to achieving the
prosperity of the country and the well-being
of the people. Always reflecting ourselves
on the question about what we have devoted
to the good of the country and people, we
should cultivate the idea of loving the
country. Only then will we be able to
display genuine patriotism when planting
even a tree and shed sweat out of patriotism
when digging up a spadeful of earth in a
construction site.
and working people’s organizations should
fulfil their responsibility and role in the
efforts to learn from Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism and apply it in the practical
It is
often said that Party work is work with
people, but, as a matter of fact, it fails
to inspire and enlist the patriotism
cherished in the minds of the people. Both
Party work and the work of working people’s
organizations are work with people and for
the country and people, so they should be
naturally geared to cultivating and giving
play to the patriotism cherished by the
people. Today many of our Party members and
other working people serve their country and
people faithfully at their own posts whether
or not they are seen or appreciated. They
are all genuine patriots. Party and working
people’s organizations should value and
appreciate the patriotic deeds performed by
them, and raise the wind of patriotism
throughout society so as to encourage
everyone to take part in patriotic
state organs and social organizations should
pay attention to education in Kim
Jong Il’s
educating in and applying Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism educational institutions have a
special role to play; they should orient
their teaching to the education in Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism, and combine their education
closely with family and social education.
should be exemplary in applying Kim
Jong Il’s
should not remain only worrying about their
country; they should become genuine patriots
who are ready to throw themselves into
supporting the country. The slogan “We serve
the country and the people!” presented by
our Party is a slogan of patriotism our
officials should hold high today. Officials
should burn themselves with patriotic
enthusiasm before anybody else, for the
country and people, and shed sweat in the
vanguard of the patriotic struggle of the
people. When all officials work sincerely,
devoting their all and sharing good times
and bad with the people, sometimes carrying
burdens on their backs, all people will take
an active part in the building of a
prosperous country with a sense of
days ago I said that we should do our work
so that people give cheers for our Workers’
Party whenever and wherever they are. It
means that we should do our work efficiently
so that they do so voluntarily not only at
the rallies but also when they are left
alone on the far-flung islands or deep in
the mountains. When our officials, who have
to serve the people, make tireless efforts
shedding sweat to make our country
prosperous and provide people with an
abundant life, people would give cheers for
the Workers’ Party from the bottom of their
hearts whenever and wherever they may be.
Our Party demands that the whole
country demonstrate enthusiasm for Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism to the full so as to hasten the
final victory of the building of a thriving
socialist country with the surging might of
patriotism and single-hearted unity. As the
President opened up the path of building a
new country after liberation by kindling the
flames of patriotism with the historic
speech on his triumphant return, the speech
in which he appealed for the building of a
new, democratic Korea, those with strength
giving strength, those with knowledge
offering knowledge and those with money
donating money, and as the General overcame
severe trials and opened the way to the
building of a thriving socialist country by
kindling the flames of patriotism with a
letter in which he appealed to all people to
work energetically and with one purpose to
make our country, our motherland, ever more
prosperous, our Party is going to set up a
new milestone in the building of a thriving
socialist country by stoking the flames of
patriotism with Kim
Jong Il’s
patriotism as the starting fire. This is the
unshakable will and determination of our
When the whole
country brims over with Kim Jong Il’s patriotism and all
the people apply it to the letter in their
practical activities, our country will shine
in the world as a thriving socialist