Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des oeuvres idéologiques et pratiques du Comité Central du Parti du Travail de Corée et de ses Dirigeants par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

2024-06-01 KOMMUNIQUE



des Schweizerischen Organisationskomitees für das Internationale Festival zur Lobpreisung der grossen Menschen vom Päktu-Gebirge, des Schweizerischen Korea-Komitees und der Schweizerischen Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe zur Feier des Internationalen Kindertages (1. Juni)


1. Juni Juche 113 (2024)

Der 1. Juni ist der Internationale Kindertag.

Er wurde 1949 auf Initiative der Internationalen Demokratischen Frauenföderation (IDFF) proklamiert und wird seither auch vom Weltbund der Demokratischen Jugend (WBDJ) mitgetragen.

In der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) wird der Internationale Kindertag in jedem Jahr gefeiert.

Es war der grosse Führer Genosse KIM IL SUNG, der als gütiger Vater der koreanischen Kinder den Internationalen Kindertag in der DVRK institutionalisierte.

Präsident KIM IL SUNG, der Vorsitzende KIM JONG IL und Generalsekretär KIM JONG UN waren bzw. sind die von den Kindern der DVRK geliebten und verehrten Väter aller Kinder.

Die grossen Führer sorgten mit väterlicher Liebe dafür, dass die Kinder glücklich heranwachsen und physisch, seelisch, kulturell, geistig und materiell ein sorgloses Leben in der Geborgenheit der sozialistischen Gesellschaft führen können.

Heute erinnerte KCNA (www.kcna.kp) daran, dass der hochverehrte väterliche Marschall KIM JONG UN vor genau zehn Jahren, am 1. Juni Juche 103 (2014), das Pyongyanger Waisenheim besucht und die Bewohner zum Kindertag beglückwünscht hat. Er verbrachte frohe Stunden mit den Waisen und appellierte an alle Kindergärtner und Lehrer, alles für das Wohl der Kinder zu tun.

Die Kinder werden in der DVRK als "Könige" bezeichnet.

Wir wünschen den Kindern der DVRK einen glücklichen und frohen Kindertag!

Ehre und Ruhm den grossen Führern KIM IL SUNG, KIM JONG IL und KIM JONG UN, den gütigen Vätern der Kinder der DVR Korea!

Es lebe der Internationale Kindertag!

Für das Glück und Wohl der kleinen "Könige"!

Schweizerisches Organisationskomitee für das Internationale Festival zur Lobpreisung der grossen Menschen vom Päktu-Gebirge

Schweizerisches Korea-Komitee

Schweizerische Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe

2024-06-01 KOMMUNIQUE


G r ü n d u n g s e r k l ä r u n g

des Schweizerischen Gedenkkomitees zum 30. Todestag des grossen Führers Genossen KIM IL SUNG

Der diesjährige 8. Juli ist der 30. Todestag des grossen Führers Genossen KIM IL SUNG.

Der 8. Juli Juche 83 (1994) war für das koreanische Volk, alle Freunde Koreas und Anhänger der Juche-Ideologie sowie für alle Antiimperialisten und die fortschrittliche und friedliebende Menschheit ein Tag des grössten Schmerzes und der Trauer.

Das Ableben des Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG war der schmerzlichste Verlust für das koreanische Volk.

Seither gedenkt es in jedem Jahr ganz besonders an diesem Tag des gütigen Vaters der Nation und des Volkes.

Zeit seines Lebens wirkte Präsident KIM IL SUNG für das Glück und Wohl der Nation und des Volkes. Seine Lebensmaxime war: Das Volk ist Gott.

Er begründete die Juche-Ideologie als neue revolutionäre Theorie der Souveränität und des Sozialismus.

Gestützt auf die Juche-Ideologie führte er den bewaffneten antijapanischen Befreiungskampf zum Sieg und befreite Korea von der grausamen Kolonialherrschaft des japanischen Imperialismus.

Im befreiten Vaterland gründete er die Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK) als Generalstab der Revolution und Avantgardepartei des Aufbaus des neuen demokratischen Korea.

Am 9. September 1948 gründete er die Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) als den ersten freien, unabhängigen und demokratischen Staat des koreanischen Volkes.

Im Vaterländischen Befreiungskrieg (Korea-Krieg, 1950-1953) führte Generalissimus KIM IL SUNG die heroische Koreanische Volksarmee (KVA) und das koreanische Volk im Kampf gegen die USA-Aggressoren an und bezwang diese schliesslich am 27. Juli 1953.

Generalissimus KIM IL SUNG war der erste Heerführer der Geschichte, der einen militärischen Sieg über die "Weltmacht" USA errungen hat. In nur einer Generation bezwang er zwei imperialistische Mächte - Japan und die USA.

Nach dem historischen Sieg leitete Präsident KIM IL SUNG den Aufbau des auf der Juche-Ideologie basierenden unabhängigen Sozialismus koreanischer Prägung an.

Er war der Gründervater des sozialistischen Korea, das er zum wahren Paradies des Volkes gestaltete, in dem die Gesundheitsfürsorge, die Erziehung und das Wohnen kostenlos und die Steuern abgeschafft sind.

Er baute die DVRK zum besten sozialistischen Staat auf, in dem alles dem Volk dient.

Präsident KIM IL SUNG praktizierte eine Aussenpolitik des Friedens und der Freundschaft mit den Völkern. Die Freundschaft zwischen dem koreanischen Volk und den Völkern der Welt wuchs kontinuierlich als Bastion des Antiimperialismus.

Unter der Führung des Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG trat die DVRK der Bewegung der nichtpaktgebundenen Staaten bei und spielt seither eine aktive Rolle in ihr.

Nach seinem Ableben trat Genosse KIM JONG IL an die Spitze der Partei, des Staates und der Streitkräfte und führte das unsterbliche Werk des Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG loyal fort.

Und heute wird das grosse Lebenswerk des Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG und des Vorsitzenden KIM JONG IL vom hochverehrten Genossen KIM JONG UN fortgeführt.

Generalsekretär KIM JONG UN erklärte die revolutionären Ideen und das Lebenswerk der beiden grossen Führer KIM IL SUNG und KIM JONG IL zum Kimilsungismus-Kimjongilismus und proklamierte diesen zur Leitideologie der PdAK.

Der grosse Führer Genosse KIM IL SUNG war ein grosser und verdienstvoller Staatsmann und Veteran der Weltpolitik, der bis heute weltweit ein hohes Ansehen geniesst.

Der 8. Juli ist ein wichtiger Mobilisierungstag der Festigung der Freundschaft und Solidarität mit dem sozialistischen Korea und dem koreanischen Volk.

Um des Präsidenten KIM IL SUNG würdevoll zu gedenken, gründen das Schweizerische Organisationskomitee für das Internationale Festival zur Lobpreisung der grossen Menschen vom Päktu-Gebirge, das Schweizerische Korea-Komitee, die Schweizerische Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe und das Juche-Ideologie-Studienzentrum der italienischen Schweiz am 1. Juni Juche 113 (2024) das

Schweizerische Gedenkkomitee zum 30. Todestag des grossen Führers Genossen KIM IL SUNG

Das Gedenkkomitee erklärt die Zeitspanne vom 5. Juni bis 12. Juli zur Gedenkperiode.

In dieser Zeit wird sich das Gedenkkomitee an Online-Aktivitäten des Europäischen Regionalkomitees für die Freundschaft mit dem koreanischen Volk, das am 27. April gegründet wurde, beteiligen und Aktivitäten in der Schweiz organisieren.

Schweizerisches Gedenkkomitee zum 30. Todestag des grossen Führers Genossen KIM IL SUNG

Basel (Schweiz), 1. Juni Juche 113 (2024)

2024-05-08 KOMMUNIQUE



des Schweizerischen Organisationskomitees für das Internationale Festival zur Lobpreisung der grossen Menschen vom Päktu-Gebirge, des Schweizerischen Korea-Komitees und der Schweizerischen Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe zur Feier der Glückwunschbotschaften des Vorsitzenden KIM JONG UN an den russischen Präsidenten


8. Mai Juche 113 (2024)

Der Oberste Führer KIM JONG UN, Vorsitzender für Staatsangelegenheiten der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK), sandte heute eine Glückwunschbotschaft an den Präsidenten der Russischen Föderation, Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin, um ihm zum 79. Jahrestag des Sieges Russlands im Grossen Vaterländischen Krieg (1941-1945) über die faschistischen Invasoren zu gratulieren.

Am 7. Mai sandte der Vorsitzende KIM JONG UN einen persönlichen Brief an Wladimir W. Putin, um ihn zur erneuten Amtseinführung als Präsident der Russischen Föderation zu beglückwünschen.

Der Vorsitzende KIM JONG UN wünschte dem Präsidenten Putin grosse Erfolge in seiner verantwortungsvollen Tätigkeit für das Gedeihen und Wohl Russlands und für das russische Volk.

Es lebe die koreanisch-russische Freundschaft und Solidarität!

Schweizerisches Organisationskomitee für das Internationale Festival zur Lobpreisung der grossen Menschen vom Päktu-Gebirge

Schweizerisches Korea-Komitee

Schweizerische Juche-Ideologie-Studiengruppe

2024-05-07 Grand program, grand revolution “Regional Development 20x10 Policy” - Our Party’s long-cherished wish “Regional Development 20x10 Policy”




Kim Yong Jae, Deputy Headmaster of the Central Cadres School of the Workers' Party of Korea, initiated a discussion on the Regional Development 20x10 Policy with Deputy Headmaster Kim Young Jae. They acknowledged the implementation plan and progress discussed at the Party's Political Bureau meeting and emphasized the policy's resonance among the people. The policy aims to advance local industries alongside modern cultural housing and state-provided machinery to elevate the material culture of the people. They highlighted the importance of reducing disparities between urban and rural areas and fostering balanced industrial development. The Deputy underscored the Party's commitment to improving the livelihoods of rural residents and eradicating regional inequalities. They emphasized the need for immediate action to uplift local industries and bridge the urban-rural divide. The Party's policy, symbolized by the "towel," aims to enhance the well-being of the people and usher in a new era of regional development.

2024-03-05 Kim Jong Un's Speech at Ground-Breaking for Regional-Industry Factories in Songchon County

 Swiss Juche Idea Study Group Supports "Regional Development 20×10 Policy"

Start of regional-industry revolution to be specially recorded in history of overall development of our style of socialism.
Ground-breaking ceremony for construction of regional-industry factories in Songchon County held with splendor.
Comrade Kim Jong Un attended the ground-breaking ceremony and gave a historic speech.
Thanks to the historic choice and crucial decision of the great Central Committee of Party which has oriented and subordinated all the state affairs to ensuring and realizing the people's rights and interests and desire,
the gigantic regional-industry revolution started to dynamically push forward with the "Regional Development 20×10 Policy" adopted as a revolutionary line of the Party and the state.
The nationwide construction of modern regional-industry factories, to be conducted under the resolution of the 19th Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea,
is an unprecedented grand creation campaign to drastically improve the material and cultural life of all the people of the entire country and inject great vitality into the comprehensive development of socialism by bringing about epochal changes in the regional economy in ten years from now.
A ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of regional-industry factories in Songchon County, as part of the project to implement the "Regional Development 20×10 Policy", was held on February 28th.
The venue for ground-breaking ceremony was full of high enthusiasm of soldier-builders to surely realize our Party's long-cherished desire for the people with the revolutionary creation pattern and the stubborn practical ability peculiar to the People's Army
and of deep emotion and joy of the working people in Songchon County convinced of a new life that will get affluent along with entities of prosperity to be wonderfully built one year after.
Comrade Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and President of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, attended the ground-breaking ceremony.
Songchon County was simmering with passion as it welcomed the beloved Comrade Kim Jong Un, who conceived the unprecedented great work of simultaneous and balanced regional development, and who sowed the first seeds of this great creation.
When Comrade Kim Jong Un arrived at the venue of ceremony, all the participants raised enthusiastic cheers, extending boundless gratitude to him, the peerlessly prominent leader and the people's tender-hearted father
who puts forward the people's happy laughter as an absolute standard of assessing the national power and a symbol of the mightiness of our-style socialism and makes a new history of great change for accomplishing the people's every ideal and desire in an all-round way.
Present at the ground-breaking ceremony were Comrade Jo Yong Won, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau and secretary for Organizational Affairs of the Party Central Committee,
Comrade Ri Il Hwan, Comrade Kim Jae Ryong and Comrade Jon Hyon Chol, secretaries of the Party Central Committee,
Comrade Ri Hi Yong, first vice department director of the Party Central Committee,
Comrade Ri Kyong Chol, chief secretary of the South Phyongan Provincial Committee of the Party,
members of the non-permanent central committee for promoting "Regional Development 20×10 Policy", officials of ministries and national institutions, and officials and working people of South Phyongan Province and Songchon County.
Attending it were also Comrade Kang Sun Nam, Comrade Jong Kyong Thaek and other commanding officers of the Ministry of National Defence, commanders of the large combined units of the Korean People's Army and soldiers involved in the construction.
The national anthem of the DPRK was solemnly played.
Comrade Kim Jong Un made a speech titled "On the Occasion of the First Ground Breaking for the Implementation of the Regional Development 20×10 Policy" at the ground-breaking ceremony for regional-industry factories in Songchon County
Dear people in Songchon County!
How do you do?
Today a historic ground-breaking ceremony with the greatest desire and ambition of our Party to implement the "Regional Development 20×10 Policy" is being held here in Songchon County, a typical intermediate, mountainous area in our country.
This signals the start of the great struggle for our Party’s ten-year goal for bringing about comprehensive regional rejuvenation.
At this moment when we are making a vigorous step forward towards a grand transformation, a revolution in the regional industry, I picture in my mind’s eye the future of regions that would be transformed year after year.
As I do so, I feel the dignity and pride in the forthcoming struggle redoubled, and I am greatly moved by the thought that the people in all cities and counties in provinces, numbering more than ten million, will be provided with substantial benefits in their living.
On the other hand, to be frank, I feel remorseful for the fact that we are starting this revolution only now.
But, though this is a gathering held on an empty place with only an artist’s impression unfolded, it will proclaim the beginning of an important revolutionary undertaking aimed at promoting the well-being of the regional people, and this amply proves the historic weight of the undertaking.
Commanders and soldiers of the 124th regiments under the services and corps at all levels of our army, who will play a vanguard role in implementing the "Regional Development 20×10 Policy"!
Members of the non-permanent central promotion committee, officials of ministries, national agencies and other relevant units who are charged with the responsibility for leading and promoting transformation of regions!
All officials and working people from Songchon and other counties in South Phyongan Province who have come here with absolute support to and trust in our Party’s new policy!
On behalf of the Party Central Committee and the government of the Republic, I extend hearty militant greetings to you.
It is indeed a revolution of great significance to build wonderful regional-industry factories with modern equipment and production lines in all cities and counties of the country in the coming ten years.
It was thought to be an inevitable and natural reality for too long that regions lag behind the capital city, but our Party, which regards it as a principle in its activities to pay constant and equal attention to the living
of all the people throughout the country and actively solve the problems arising in their living, set removing the centuries-old concept as a historic task it should bravely shoulder however challenging it is.
Proceeding from this, the Eighth Central Committee of the Party set strengthening cities and counties and improving the rural living environment as an important line for the development of the state, and tried to find a way of opening a new era of comprehensive development, in which the capital city and regions would develop together.
And recently, it put forward the "Regional Development 20×10 Policy" that focuses on the comprehensive modernization of regional-industry factories which must be conducted without fail even by directing unprecedented efforts, and today the first ground breaking ceremony for achieving a brilliant result of the policy has convened.
Comrade Kim Jong Un emphasized the urgent national priority of providing a completely new and advanced foundation for the local economy on a nationwide scale.
This includes lifting the basic material and cultural standards of the local people, who constitute the absolute majority of the population of the Republic.
He emphasized that whether born in the capital, rural areas, urban centers, or mountain villages, everyone in this land must enjoy a rich and civilized life under the socialist policies of the same nation.
He highlighted this as the core of the new regional development policy, ensuring that it becomes a reality.
The new policy for the development of local industries reflects the urgent demands and interests of all the people, and its implementation strategies are clearly outlined.
This has brought joy and a warm welcome from everyone, especially the local population, who accept it as their own and are optimistic that it will come to fruition.
Comrade Kim Jong Un, particularly since the beginning of the year 2024, has provided a comprehensive overview of the historical challenge of executing the local development policy,
and faced many challenges, undertaken sincere research, and engaged in repeated and careful discussions regarding the implementation of this significant task.
Comrade Kim Jong Un not only ensured that the state guarantees all the funds, efforts, and materials necessary for the construction of local industrial factories in cities and counties but also appropriately addressed various issues, including transportation.
In addition to this, he stated that during the process of reevaluation based on the experiences and current realities in Kimwha County, new issues have been identified, and preventive measures for potential problems have been proposed.
Just yesterday, I went over and ratified a general report on the list of regional-industry factories to be built in 20 cities and counties this year as well as on their scales, sites and production lines.
Comrade Kim Jong Un said all the necessary funds for constructing dozens of local industrial factories in 20 cities and counties within this year are budgeted and that all preparations are in perfect order.
Not only the People's Army officers and soldiers and construction officials present at this event but also all officials, Party members, and workers nationwide are standing up with one sentiment, one will.
To carry out the local industrial revolution, the central and local governments, provinces, cities and counties will join forces, and builders and scientific and technological experts will actively participate.
Confident that they will achieve the same successful results as they have done in various other places, he continued as follows:
The fact that the people's army, which is the greatest defender, creator and implementer of our socialist country, has taken on this difficult and honorable revolutionary task is another important factor in ensuring its victory.
At this time, too, our Party has put our army at the forefront of the ten-year revolution for shoring up the regional economy.
I feel grateful and reassured to see the militant appearance and soaring spirit of the officers and men of the 124th regiments who went immediately to the areas assigned to them in hearty response to the appeal
of the Party Central Committee and have launched into the revolutionary work which would accelerate the new transformation of regions and comprehensive rejuvenation of our state.
Comrade Kim Jong Un said that every time a serious and urgent task arises before the revolution, the Party and the people have great faith in the armed forces.
He said that it is a glorious tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation that the people's army will always faithfully respond to the trust and expectations of the people.
He addressed in detail the fundamental issues that must be strictly adhered to by the soldiers of the People's Army who have moved into local industrial factory construction sites across the country.
Comrade Kim Jong Un said that all army officers and soldiers should be aware that they are the creators of change in a new era, and should build local industrial factories to the highest quality standards.
May this place, starting with Songchon County, become a lasting symbol of our era, succeeding through generations to receive admiration from posterity, not only in this county but also in cities and counties nationwide, he said.
He said that he believes that the 20 flags that will be awarded today to the commanders of the 124th Regiment will shine with patriotic achievements that cannot be compared to the most revolutionary, popular and glorious achievements of our armed forces, and passionately inspired and encouraged them.
Comrade Kim Jong Un said that those directly responsible for the revolutionary project for realizing the "Regional Development 20x10 Policy" are none other than the Party and administrative economic officials of cities and counties.
In the process of implementing the new local development policy, efforts will be made to strengthen the functions and roles of the local Party and government institutions, ensuring that it becomes a process of achieving the Three Revolutions – ideological, technological, and cultural, he said.
He stressed the importance of paying special attention and taking thorough measures to ensure that projects that improve the lives of the people in the region do not have negative consequences that impose burden on them.
At the end of this year, we will witness a new transformation in the 20 cities and counties across the country, including here in Songchon County, where modern regional-industry factories, the first fruits of the Regional Development 20×10 Policy, will have been built.
And ten years later solid foundations for regional rejuvenation, a long-cherished desire, will have been laid so that we can feel worthwhile to see the production bases running at full throttle and hear the people’s happy laughter resounding across the country.
Herein lies the boundless reward and honour of our revolutionary work and struggle.
The sacred and great undertaking, which we conducted merely with words for decades and which we did not dare to go at, has really begun now.
For an era of great transformation, in which we will develop the regional economy rapidly in our own way while renovating rural communities!
Towards an era, in which we build the most wonderful factories for the people on our own land by our own hands and in which we create the people’s happiness to the full with our own resources and technology, confidence and vigour!
Today commanding officers of the large combined units at all levels, under which 124th regiments have been organized, and commanders of all these regiments are present here.
I appeal to our army through you, comrades.
People’s Army soldiers!
Always fight bravely in the vanguard of the struggle to create and defend the people’s happiness and to realize our Party’s long-cherished desire!
The Party, the country and the people believe in you, our army!
The officers and soldiers who have turned out in this gigantic struggle today, will be remembered for ever as the most steel-strong fighters representing a great era.
Let us make selfless and devoted efforts for the good of our great people!
Forward for our sacred struggle!
The sublime dedication to the people's well-being, aiming to provide the highest civilization and the most blissful life to the beloved people, and the great expectations for the military personnel who have taken the lead in the monumental local industrial revolution, exude warmth and fervor with every phrase.
All participants who listened to the speech of our beloved Comrade Secretary were deeply moved, immersed in boundless excitement, and raised enthusiastic cheers.
Comrade Kim Jong Un personally handed over the regimental colors to the 124th regiments of the KPA, which were newly formed to implement the "Regional Development 20×10 Policy".
Comrade Kim Jong Un expressed great expectations and confidence that our reliable soldiers, as they have always been, will faithfully carry out the sacred mission bestowed by the Party and the revolution.
Through the display of unique courage and dedication, they will engrave immortal miracles in the history of our homeland under the sacred red flag raised by the Party Central Committee.
All the soldier-builders, who received the banner of advance associated with the deepest trust of the Party Central Committee which entrusted the grand construction project to the People's Army,
made a firm pledge to fully display the brave mettle of the Korean People's Army in the sacred struggle for glorifying the great era of Kim Jong Un for changes and thus preserve its noble name as creator and defender of the people's happiness.
Comrade Kim Jong Un took the first shovel for construction in commemoration of the ground-breaking.
Amid the boundless reverence and excitement of all the participants, Comrade Kim Jong Un pressed the detonator, and the explosive sound resounded to herald the start of the historic regional-industry revolution.
Comrade Kim Jong Un had a significant photo session with the military and political commanding officers of the construction regiments who are filled with the firm determination to vigorously lead the responsible and honorable grand construction struggle for carrying into practice the Party's crucial decision, regarding it as the supreme order and absolute truth.
With great excitement, all participants embraced the happiness-filled tomorrow brought about by the realization of the "Regional Development 20x10 Policy" announced by the Party Central Committee.
All participants expressed infinite gratitude and utmost respect, looking up to the great leader and compassionate father who will powerfully guide our beloved country to the summit of a civilized and prosperous socialist nation with awe-inspiring miracles and great leaps, shortening the timeline.
The ground-breaking for the construction of regional-industry factories in Songchon County, which declared before the whole world the start of the grand ten-year revolution for realizing the centuries-old desire of regional people as soon as possible by accelerating the simultaneous and balanced development of the regional economy,
will be brilliantly recorded in the history of the country as a significant occasion that gave the firm confidence in the rosy future to the ranks of general march vigorously opening up a new phase of national rejuvenation in unity based on patriotism.