Ce site est l'organe officiel de publication des oeuvres idéologiques et pratiques du Comité Central du Parti du Travail de Corée et de ses Dirigeants par le Comité Suisse-Corée, Rodong Sinmun et l'ambassade de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée

2024-07-29 KOREA BULLETIN - 2024-24


 2024-07-23 KOREA BULLETIN - 2024-23

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No 24/24 July 29, 2024

1. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Flood-hit Areas in Sinuiju
City and Uiju County of North Phyongan Province
2. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Fatherland Liberation War
Martyrs Cemetery
3. Tradition of Victory in Great Years Will Be Everlasting Meeting with
Victorious Wartime Generation Takes Place to Mark 71st Anniversary of
Victory in Fatherland Liberation War
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Attends Meeting
4. V-Day Marked in DPRK
5. Senior State Officials Visit Families of War Veterans
6. Ceremony of DPRK-Russia Children's Friendship Camping Held

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Flood-hit Areas in Sinuiju City

and Uiju County of North Phyongan Province

Pyongyang, July 29 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of
Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, visited the
flood-hit areas in Sinuiju City and Uiju County of North Phyongan Province on July 28.
Accompanying him were Jo Yong Won and Pak Thae Song, secretaries of the Central
Committee of the WPK.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was greeted on the spot by Pak Jong Chon, vice-
chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK and secretary of the WPK Central

Committee, and the minister of National Defence and other commanding officers of the Korean
People's Army.


He guided the work for the rescue and evacuation of inhabitants from the area hit by intensive
heavy rain and the disaster-predicted area.
On July 27, a record downpour hit the northern border of the DPRK and the areas of the
Chinese side and the water level of the Amnok River exceeded far the danger line. This created a
grave crisis in which more than 5 000 inhabitants were isolated in the zone vulnerable to flooding
in several islet areas of Sinuiju City and Uiju County of North Phyongan Province.
Immediately after the crisis occurred, leading officials of the Party, government and military
were dispatched to the spot according to the assignment directly given by Kim Jong Un.
Helicopters of the Air Force the KPA and various kinds of lifeboats of the Navy and the maritime
guard formation of the Border Guards were promptly committed to the operation for rescuing the
After arriving at a flying base, where the rescue operation is under way, by driving the
flooding rough road, Kim Jong Un learned from commanding officers about the inhabitants in the
zone vulnerable to flooding and the situation of the rescue operation.
He personally guided the operation, keeping his eyes on the whole course of ten-odd
helicopters rescuing inhabitants in the unfavorable weather conditions and emergency situation
while making more than 20 rounds of consecutive shuttle flights.
The rescued people saw him waiting for them at the violent rainy airport so unexpectedly and
broke into cheers, shedding tears of boundless gratitude and emotion.
Kim Jong Un instructed the regional Party organizations and power organs to offer a
compulsory aid to the rescued inhabitants by enlisting all possibilities so that they could not feel
the slight inconvenience.
Having a talk with commanding officers and pilots of the flying unit, he heard the situation in
the afflicted areas and repeatedly stressed the need to rescue everyone. He also saw to it that
reconnaissance flights were reorganized several times even in the areas where the rescue was
He encouraged the pilots who successfully rescued more than 4, 200 inhabitants and shook
their hands one by one. He said with pleasure that the helicopters' rescue of such many people
from the flooded areas in a little over half a day is an unbelievable miracle and a model of air
rescue operation and that it is the pride of our Party and state to have such people's air force and it
is his honor to have assumed the supreme commandership of such army.
He highly appreciated the amazing feats performed in the rescue operation, saying that the
characteristics of the people's air force faithful to its inherent mission were clearly demonstrated
once again and that all the people across the country would be grateful to the devotion made by
the air force and its spirit of unconditionally and devotedly serving the people.


In particular, the commander of the helicopter flight regiment fulfilled a difficult task for
rescue flight in the van and perfectly acquired the capability and qualities of a commanding officer,
he said, adding he was very glad to find out another excellent commanding officer, to be followed
by the entire army, under the combat environment. And he gave a great encouragement to the
commander, warmly patting him on the back.
He set forth the tasks and ways for concentrating all efforts on the recovery and relief work to
minimize the losses caused by disaster, eradicate the aftermath as soon as possible and take timely
measures for preventing recurrence in the future.
Saying that the flood damage in Sinuiju City and Uiju County is very serious, he stressed that
leading officials and forces at all levels in the capital city and regions should be mobilized
ideologically and promptly in the recovery campaign while giving top priority to the protection of
people's lives and property.
He said that a primary attention should be paid to the preventive treatment and the provision
of living conditions for the flood victims to quickly stabilize them and, in this regard, the Party
and power organs in the relevant regions should provide relief goods including food, medicines
and daily necessities to the maximum and console them and that state support measures should be
taken simultaneously.
He gave an instruction on convening an emergency meeting, saying that rapid steps should be
taken to prevent further disasters as downpour is still expected in this region and full preparations
should be made in advance to ensure the simultaneous start of permanent recovery from flood
damage immediately after its danger has disappeared.
Some areas along the shore of the River Amnok in North Phyongan, Jagang and Ryanggang

provinces, including the city of Sinuiju and Uiju County, should be declared as areas of special-
level disaster emergency and the Cabinet, commissions, ministries, national agencies, security and

armed forces organs and all other institutions at all levels should turn out in a damage prevention
and recovery campaign with all their forces and equipment so as to quickly remove damage and
restore the order of production and life to a normal level, he said, adding that important measures
will be taken to this end.
Noting that it is the most important and responsible task to take a prior measure for preventing
any accident in advance rather than hastening follow-ups after its occurrence, he stressed the need
for all regions and relevant sectors to get the maximum alertness, so as to cope with the rainy
season constantly bringing danger of flood damage, and pay the most primary attention to such
work for preventing the recurrence of flood damage as finding out and removing risk factors in
advance, evacuating the inhabitants in a predictable and timely way and establishing a scientific
flooding forecast and orderly information and control system.


It is important to take thorough recovery measures, but he cannot but mention again a serious
lesson taught by the present grave situation, he said, severely criticizing officials of relevant state
organs and local areas for their negligence of duty that caused a disastrous situation because of the
failure to take a flood prevention measure.
Noting he has already stressed more than once that proper response measures should be taken
to prevent damage by downpour, flooding and typhoon, he said: I've already given a repeated
warning to the irresponsibility of officials over such serious practices. And the state repeatedly
gave a precaution before the rainy season and the National Emergency Response Committee was
called on July 22, a few days ago. But alertness has not yet given to the work for preventing
natural disaster. Indolence and expediency of officials at major jobs have reached a very serious
Officials would come to realize the seriousness of any case and try to prevent it whenever it
happened, but natural disaster has not yet been prevented, he said, adding it is due to the fact that
they, seized with defeatism at combat with nature, do not confidently turn out in the disaster
prevention work, only expecting chance from the sky. Consequently, the National Emergency
Response Committee was called on a regular basis and the emergency response committees were
organized and operated in the capital city and provinces, but they remain only in form, failing to
play a practical function and role, he pointed out.
Saying that as was revealed this time, disaster prevention institutions were helpless with no
perfect essential rescue means to be used in case of disaster and so, the army was compelled to
involve in the rescue operation, he seriously pointed out that what should not be overlooked any
longer is just the irresponsible and non-militant attitude of the public security organ responsible
for thoroughly ensuring the life and security of the people.
The county emergency disaster response commanding group and the Ministry of Public
Security caused a temporary confusion in the rescue operation due to the failure in properly
grasping even the population in the areas vulnerable to disaster and the number of the inhabitants
rescued by the KPA was much larger than the number they had notified, he noted, saying this
clearly showed what a serious stage their irresponsibility reached in direct proportion to the
miraculous successes made by the KPA in rescuing the lives of more than 5 000 people.
He said that it is a quite dishonest attitude to leave the lives and property of the precious
people and the wealth of the country to the mercy of nature, as seen through the current flood
damage in some parts of the country. And he stressed that it is quite possible to prevent any
accident, if the disaster prevention is seriously accepted as a matter of attitude and viewpoint on
service toward the state and people and an important political and ideological matter, not merely a
campaign against nature, and measures are taken with high alertness and foreseeing even the worst


He stated that, through this opportunity, cautions is given to all Party and power organs across
the country to prevent all sorts of damage by the disastrous abnormal weather.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Fatherland Liberation War

Martyrs Cemetery

Pyongyang, July 27 (KCNA) -- Boundless respects of all the people of the DPRK greeting the
great V-Day are extended to the Fatherland Liberation War Martyrs Cemetery at the foot of Mt
Sokpak where the dignified flags of our powerful state and the Workers’ Party of Korea embrace
the heroic war martyrs in their immortal images.
Solemnly recalling the revolutionary spirit of the defenders of the country in the 1950s, who
provided the immortal glory and honour of heroic Korea and its heroic people, senior state
officials, commanding officers of the People’s Army, working people and new generations
including students of revolutionary schools and youth and students, together with war veterans,
visit the cemetery with beautiful flowers in their hands.
Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State
Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, visited the Fatherland Liberation War
Martyrs Cemetery on the morning of July 26 on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of victory in
the Fatherland Liberation War.
The guard of honour of the Korean People’s Army lined up at the cemetery.
Recollecting with deep emotion the immortal heroic spirit and noble self-sacrifice of the
victorious wartime generation, who devoted their youth and lives for their greatest and sacred
motherland, he laid a flower before the cemetery and paid a high tribute to the martyrs.
A gun salute was fired in memory of the Fatherland Liberation War martyrs.
The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un went round the cemetery, together with war veterans.
He said that all the first defenders of the DPRK who brought about the miracle of July 27
were ardent revolutionaries with noble ideals, beautiful hopes and ambitions and genuine heroes
and true patriots as they wrote a legendary chapter of history of resistance, admired by the whole
world, with their warm blood and opened up a bright future of the Korean revolution.
Saying that the credit for today’s socialist Korea demonstrating its glory as the most dignified
and independent, invincible power goes to the immortal victory of July 27 the great wartime
generation won for the times and history by devoting all their precious things, he stressed that
Korean-style socialism will always win victory when the victorious wartime generation’s steadfast
spirit of defending the country and the revolution is invariably carried forward by dint of the
invincible might peculiar to our state and people.


It is the sacred mission and duty of our generation to firmly safeguard our ideology and social
system, defended by the victorious wartime generation at the cost of blood, and build a people’s
paradise, where the happiness of posterity is guaranteed, on this land associated with the noble
soul of the forerunners, he said, expressing his full determination to continue to write the history
of the powerful country, which will shine as a great journey for succession and prosperity.
Looking round the cemetery with humble reverence, the participants laid flowers at the
martyrs’ graves with their pledge to creditably inherit the noble soul and spirit of the heroes, who
advanced for victory shouting hurrah for the leader and the country at every battlefield of the
fierce Fatherland Liberation War decisive of the destiny of the country, and provided a solid
foundation of our Republic even in the upheavals of history.
Fireworks were set off on the meaningful July day as a reflection of the noble respect to the
victors in the great years and the indomitable fighting will of the successors to carry forward the
history of war victory of Juche Korea for ever.
The heroic spirit of the victorious wartime generation will be steadily carried forward for all
ages and the victory will shine for ever in history as the eternal symbol of Korea under the
leadership of the great Comrade Kim Jong Un, the very incarnation of the absolute strength and
the ever-victorious banner of our powerful state.

Tradition of Victory in Great Years Will Be Everlasting
Meeting with Victorious Wartime Generation Takes Place to Mark 71st
Anniversary of Victory in Fatherland Liberation War
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Attends Meeting

Pyongyang, July 28 (KCNA) -- All the people and service personnel of the DPRK are grandly
celebrating July 27, the day of great war victory recorded in the history of the country with
immortal gold letters. They are extending sincere respect and warm congratulations to the
defenders of the country in the 1950s, the most heroic generation and indomitable models that
brought about the eternal glory of a powerful Korea.
The legendary feats the victorious wartime generation performed in saving the state and
nation and their future, honourably defending peace and security of mankind and laying a solid
foundation for building a rich country with a strong army, true to the ideology and guidance of the
leader, are shining forever along with their noble name, and the matchless ideological and spiritual
strength the brave warriors displayed in the war serves as an invincible might guaranteeing the
steady and victorious advance of the cause of Juche.
A meeting with the victorious wartime generation took place in Pyongyang, the capital city of
the DPRK, on July 27, the 71st anniversary of victory in the Fatherland Liberation War with the


sense of mission of the successors developing to firmly carry forward the great spirit of defending
the country and the tradition of victory.
The Pyongyang Indoor Stadium, venue of the meeting, was filled with the pride of the
victorious wartime generation that provided a precious asset to be handed down to posterity with
ardent patriotism, loyalty and devotion and the ideological and spiritual heritage of the country
and its people, and the warm respect of the younger generation for the revolutionary elders and the
great pride of all the participants in being citizens of the victor nation.
The participants greeted with enthusiastic applause the war veterans and persons of wartime
merits who were entering the venue of the meeting, wearing orders and medals shining with the
proud feats of defeating the U.S. imperialists amid the playing of the light melody of the song
"July 27, Our Victory Day."
Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State
Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, was present at the meeting.
The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un arrived at the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium and met war
veterans who had worked for a long time at important posts of the Party, government and military,
and exchanged warm greetings with them.
When Kim Jong Un appeared on the platform together with war veterans amid the playing of
welcome music, all the participants broke into enthusiastic cheers of "Hurrah!" looking up to Kim
Jong Un, incarnation of the great dignity and strength of our invincible Party and powerful state
and the banner of all victories and glory.
Children presented bouquets to Kim Jong Un and war veterans.
Waving back to the enthusiastic cheering crowds, Kim Jong Un extended warm
congratulations to war veterans and all the civilians and service personnel across the country on
the anniversary of victory.
Members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea and other senior officials of the Party, government and military were present there
together with the participants in the celebrations of the 71st anniversary of victory in the
Fatherland Liberation War, officials of the Party Central Committee, service personnel, officials
and persons of merits of ministries, national agencies and Pyongyang Municipality, students of
revolutionary schools, university students and schoolchildren.
Present there at invitation were diplomatic envoys and members of missions of foreign
countries in Pyongyang.
The national anthem of the DPRK was played.
Ri Il Hwan, member of the Political Bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the
WPK, made a speech.


On the authorization of Kim Jong Un and the Party and the government, he warmly
congratulated the war veterans, all the civilians and service personnel who greeted the V-Day with
precious memories and great pride, and paid high tribute to the heroic soldiers and patriots who
fell in the sacred war for defending the country.
It is the pride of our state and people and fortune of the younger generation that we have a
significant meeting with creators and personifiers of the great history on the most precious holiday
of the country, he said, adding that it is the honour of our generation to remember not only with
pain but also with honour the dramatic era that turned the years of the most disastrous war into
those of greatest victory.
Thanks to the honour of war victory, our state could have a remarkable strength that can be
gained only by a victor nation and the Korean people could have acquired a valuable spiritual
wealth which could not be obtained in ordinary days and which could not be learned by reading
thousands of books, he said.
It is the proud tradition and characteristics of the Korean revolution to have created and
defended the more than 70 years with the wartime spirit, he said, stressing that the defenders of the
country in the 1950s who honourably safeguarded the glorious DPRK and provided the immortal
heroic spirit are genuine patriots and models of ardent revolutionaries who would be praised and
learned from for ever.
He said that today's grand festival is the peak of honour provided together by the generation
who won victory in the war and the successors' generations who have bravely carried out the
mission of defenders while turning the decades, which were no less arduous than the war, into the
ones of legendary miracles and leaps forward in defence of the victory.
The spirit of the victorious wartime generation is the immortal soul that makes us demonstrate
our dignity as an eternally powerful and great people, and we will win greater and more valuable
victories by dynamically carrying it forward, he said, extending once again heartfelt thanks and
best wishes to the war veterans who devoted their great soul to the ever-lasting history of victory
and to the ever-victorious country.
The participants watched a video showing the feats and fighting spirit of the victorious
wartime generation.
The war on the newly-built DPRK, a genuine people's country in the eastern part of the earth,
was the enforcement of the U.S. imperialists' strategy for world domination aimed at enslaving our
country, Asia and, furthermore, the whole of mankind. The confrontation with the arrogant
imperialist ringleader with more than 100 years of history of aggressive war was an enormous
challenge to our country with a history of less than two years after its founding.
The scenes showed that the Korean war forced by the U.S. imperialists was a war of
unprecedented massacre, during which innocent people, nearly one-sixth of the total population of


the DPRK at the time, were killed, outnumbering the fallen soldiers, and a great turmoil beyond
human imagination in its brutality, atrocity and cruelty.
The war veterans and persons of wartime merits recalled the shock of 70-odd years ago, when
all the people turned out in the do-or-die resistance for the future of a powerful country to change
the course of history and define the direction of the course only with victories cherishing the
solemn mission to prove that the DPRK was no longer a weak country and its people were never a
weak people and the unbreakable self-respect.
Other scenes showed that the rifles, which were used to kill more enemies with bayonets than
bullets in battles where the difference in forces between the enemy and the DPRK could not be
compared, were loaded with all the strength of miracles and indomitable spirit that brought about
the great war victory.
The participants keenly realized the soul and spirit the victorious wartime generation had
cherished, seeing the soldiers who carved on the rock a pledge of loyalty to the leader before
death-defying, hand-to-hand fight, the soldiers who pressed the trigger of heavy machine-gun with
the jaw after being wounded in the arms and legs and who blocked the enemy’s pillboxes with
their chests when hand grenades ran out, and the flags of the DPRK that were hoisted on the hills
at the cost of blood and lives of the soldiers.
The historic scenes proved that the rear was also the front for the people who fought for
victory in the war, with ardent love and bitter hatred, the day of victory was brought earlier and
the precious tradition to be preserved and glorified forever was prepared thanks to the all-people
movements including the movement of volunteering for military service on the front, emulation
drive for increased production, drive for extra-haulage, women’s movement to plough the fields,
high-yield movement and the campaign for donating grains for the front.
All the participants realized once again that the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung,
who led the war with his outstanding military strategic ideas and tactics and brought up ordinary
people into the masters of the heroic era with his warm love and trust unprecedented in history,
and the unshakable faith of all the people and service personnel that they were sure to win as they
were led by him were the key to winning victory in the war.
The scenes showing the might of the DPRK which defends its sovereignty, national interests
and genuine peace with matchless self-defensive capability that can defeat any formidable enemy
impressively taught all those who grew up in this powerful country free from the worries of the
outbreak of war the truth that the history of winning the victory is great, but the history of
succession which has defended and steadily carried it forward is still more ennobling.
The bouquets presented by the younger generation to the war veterans, who devoted

themselves to the victory only and to the great power associated with the desire of their comrades-
in-arms, were an expression of boundless reverence and ardent respect for them.


All the participants renewed their firm will to carry forward the glorious tradition of victory
for ever by remaining loyal to the ideas and leadership of the great Party Central Committee which
is cementing the military powerful strength for the future of the revolution and the nation.
Army Colonel Ri Un Ryong and Navy Lieutenant Commander Yu Kyong Song, officers of
the Korean People's Army, made oath-taking speeches.
Expressing their impression of seeing the fateful moments on the screen that the victorious
wartime generation faced and the days of the fierce war, the speakers said that the matchless
bravery and feats of many heroic soldiers who won the great victory, made them more keenly
aware of the important mission of the defenders standing on the defence line of the country.
They said that our revolutionary armed forces have grown to be a personifier of extraordinary
courage, strength and dignity, confident of victory, looking down at any formidable enemy, thanks
to the revolutionary spirit and immortal feats of the victorious wartime generation, who turned the
fateful years which could have ended in tragedy into the most proud ones.
Out of surging hatred against the U.S. imperialists and the puppet ROK military gangsters
hell-bent on provoking a nuclear war beyond the southern border of the DPRK even at this
moment, they expressed their will to glorify with greater miracles and victories the feats of the
guards units which struck the enemy with fear of ruin and brought about brilliant results in the
battles and the legendary tale in the world history of naval battle, in which four torpedo boats sank
a heavy cruiser of the U.S. Navy.
The speakers solemnly pledged before Kim Jong Un and the Party and the state to become
brave fighters in defending the sovereignty, territorial integrity and the territorial waters of the
country, bearing in mind the lifetime intentions and requests of the war veterans, and to bolster up
the thoroughgoing capability to cope with war and fighting efficiency in every way so as to make
an overwhelming attack on the enemy anytime and without delay and annihilate them once
Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un gives an order.
When the meeting was over, enthusiastic cheers resounded in the venue again.
Kim Jong Un wished for long life in good health of all the war veterans, who have lived with
struggle and devotion for the prosperity of their beloved country and happiness of their
descendants and left beautiful traces in their life, and extended warm greetings to all the
participants for a long time, hoping that they will all cherish the sacred dignity and honour of
being citizens of the victor nation and firmly carry forward the soul of the victorious wartime
All the participants were deeply moved by his world of noble revolutionary obligation and
comradely love for the war veterans.
The meeting with the victorious wartime generation held on the occasion of the 71st
anniversary of victory in the Fatherland Liberation War marked a significant occasion for


redoubling the unshakable faith, courage, enthusiasm and fighting will of all the people and
service personnel of the country to firmly carry forward the history and tradition of the sacred
victory, glorify them for all ages and achieve without fail the great cause of building a rich country
with a strong army as desired by the victorious wartime generation under the leadership of the
great Party Central Committee.

V-Day Marked in DPRK

Pyongyang, July 28 (KCNA) -- The 71st anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland
Liberation War was significantly celebrated in the DPRK as a day of all-people auspicious event.
The Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, the sacred temple of Juche where President Kim Il Sung
and Chairman Kim Jong Il lie in state, was crowed with visitors carrying their boundless loyalty
and reverence.
At the plaza of the palace, the visitors made deep bows to the venerable images of the
President and the Chairman who defended and glorified the sovereignty and dignity of the country
with their distinguished military ideas and theory, superb strategy and tactics and bold courage in
the van of the anti-U.S. struggle.
Service personnel and working people visited the revolutionary sites associated with the
President's immortal history of leadership for war victory, recalling his personality as the
peerlessly great man who performed a military miracle unprecedented in the world and gave birth
to heroic Korea.
Officials, working people, service personnel, and youth and students visited the Revolutionary
Martyrs Cemetery on Mt Taesong, the Patriotic Martyrs Cemetery in Sinmi-ri and the Fatherland
Liberation War Martyrs Cemetery to lay bouquets and flowers.
Meetings with war veterans and heroes of the Republic were held in different parts of the
Many working people and youth and students called at the war veterans' homes to share
feelings of kinship with them.
Celebration performances were given at theatres in the capital city of Pyongyang and local
areas to rev up the festive mood.
Art performances were given in South Phyongan, Jagang and South Hamgyong provinces,
Nampho and Kaesong municipalities and other regions.
A women's handball game took place at the Handball Gymnasium in Chongchun Street to
celebrate the V-Day.
Public amenities across the country were crowded with visitors.


Dancing parties of youth and students and women's union members and sports and
amusement games of working people took place in Pyongyang and all provincial seats, cities and
counties to stir up the festive atmosphere.

Senior State Officials Visit Families of War Veterans

Pyongyang, July 25 (KCNA) -- Senior Party and government officials, including Kim Tok
Hun and Choe Ryong Hae, members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central
Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and leading officials of armed forces organs in the
DPRK visited families of war veterans on Wednesday on the occasion of the great V-Day which
gave immortal glory and prestige to the country.
Those officials called at war veterans in Pyongyang to warmly congratulate them significantly
greeting the V-Day with pride and honor of being victors.
They told about the great love and revolutionary obligation of the respected Comrade Kim
Jong Un who has repeatedly shown all sorts of benevolence, saying that the war veterans left an
indelible trace in laying a solid foundation for the existence and development of the state and have
still served as a spiritual pillar for our Party and people no one can substitute.
They, together with war veterans, spent a good time in the homelike atmosphere, expressing
thanks to the family members devoting themselves to the health of the war veterans, not only the
masters of families but also the benefactors who defended the country with blood, and true
teachers who taught an example of patriotic life to their descendants.
The war veterans earnestly asked the officials to hold the great Comrade Kim Jong Un
representing the destiny of the country and people and their future in higher esteem and remain
intensely loyal to his idea and leadership for the eternal victory of socialist Korea and the
prosperity of posterity.
The officials hardened their will to devote themselves to the sacred cause of building a
powerful country, more keenly aware of their noble mission in steadfastly carrying forward the
loyalty and patriotic spirit of the victorious wartime generation as the bloodline of the Korean

Ceremony of DPRK-Russia Children's Friendship Camping Held
Pyongyang, July 25 (KCNA) -- The DPRK-Russia children's friendship camping began at the
time when the traditional good-neighborly relations between the two countries are growing
stronger in various fields on a new level.
A ceremony of starting the DPRK-Russia children's friendship camping took place at the
Songdowon International Children's Camp on Wednesday.


Present there were Kim Song Il, vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Socialist
Patriotic Youth League, officials concerned, schoolchildren’s camping groups of two countries
and a visiting group.
The camping flag was hoisted amid the playing of the "Song of International Friendship
The vice-chairman of the C.C., the youth league and the director of the Songdowon
International Children's Camp made congratulatory addresses at the ceremony.
The speakers congratulated the members of the Russian schoolchildren's camping group and
the visiting group on participating in the friendship camping of children of the two countries to be
held for the first time at the children's camp.
They stressed that it is very significant that schoolchildren of the two countries would get
together to enjoy friendship camping in more than 30 days after the historic DPRK-Russia
Pyongyang summit took place.
They expressed belief that the camping would be a good occasion for giving an unforgettable
remembrance to the schoolchildren of the two countries and deepening friendship, saying that the
campers would spend enjoyable days at the Songdowon International Children's Camp, a happy
palace of the schoolchildren, while firmly training their bodies and minds.
Then followed a ceremony of a schoolchildren's brass band and small drum group and the
march-past of campers.
During the camping, diverse activities including "Day of the DPRK", "Day of Russia", stage
of child talents, quiz, national dish contest and children's friendship athletic meeting will be
conducted and Taekwon-Do group and extracurricular group will be run.